Metro is proving to be a true Humsafar for Lucknow commuters who are reeling under scorching heat. With providing comfortable ride, Lucknow Metro is also conscious of its responsibilities towards its passengers. In the wake of heat waves and rising temperatures, passengers sometimes have to face health issues such as dehydration and dizziness. On Wednesday, 22nd May, 65-year-old Ms. Gyanwati of Sarojini Nagar fell unconscious while climbing from an escalator in Amausi Metro station at noon. Lady Guard Sangeeta Devi, who was stationed there, gave her first aid and she soon was able to again travel in Metro towards her destination.
Ms. Shalini Srivastava, a 40-year-old Kailash Vihar resident, suffered dizziness while climbing from the escalator at the same Metro station on May 20, but the readiness of security personnel Surjit Pratap Singh, at the scene, saved her from any serious injuries. The security personnel quickly shut down the escalators and helped the passenger. She was sent to her destination station after necessary treatment.
In the month of May, when the sun is constantly spewing fire, passengers of Lucknow Metro are able to sit comfortably in air condition and complete their journey in short time. This is also the best choice for travelling in city with family during summer vacations. The Metro train and its premises feature world class facilities for passengers, and it also protects against the hassles of traffic jams in the severe heat. The security personnel and staff posted in the Metro also give priority to the problem of passengers and resolve it immediately.
In addition, Metro plays an important role in the fight against global warming. According to a study, the role of transportation in releasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere is 13 percent, with the largest share being that of private vehicles. By using the Metro, we can help our city in its drive to overcome rising temperatures.
Source : LMRC
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