MMRC to appoint Consultant for Bid Process Management of Non Fare Box Revenue Streams for Mumbai Metro Line-3

The Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (MMRCL) has invited Request for Proposal (RFP) from interested entities for Selection of Consultant for Bid Process Management of Non Fare Box Revenue Streams for Mumbai Metro Line-3.

  • Tender No.: MMRCL/Planning/PLN49/NFBR/RFP/01/2021
  • Name of Work: Consultancy Services for “Bid Process Management of Non Fare Box Revenue Streams for Mumbai Metro Line-3”.
  • EMD: INR 1,00,000/
  • Completion period of Work: 18 Months
  • Pre-bid Meeting: 27.01.2021 
  • Opening of Technical Bid: 23.02.2021


Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (MMRCL), a JV-SPV (50:50) of Government of India (GoI) and Government of Maharashtra (GoM) is implementing Mumbai Metro Line-3 which is a 33.5 km fully underground metro corridor with 27 stations. 

  • As per the Union Cabinet approval granted for this project, INR 1,000 Cr. is to be mobilised from Non-Fare Box Revenue means. 
  • MMRCL has carried out a Feasibility Study for Non-Fare Box Revenue (NFBR) generation which has identified all the NFBR heads and prepared draft RFPs for the appointment of agencies.
  • Work on the construction of Mumbai Metro Line-3 is in full swing; over 87% of the metro tunnelling works have been completed till October 2020 and station works are on-going. 
  • The station interior designs are under preparation and are expected to be finalised shortly. 
  • The metro is scheduled to become operational in two phases:
    • Phase 1: Aarey to BKC – September 2022.
    • Phase 2: BKC to Cuffe Parade – March 2023.
  • Considering the current status of project implementation, MMRCL has decided to go ahead with the appointment of Consultant for various Non-Fare Box Revenue streams including leasing of In-Station Commercial Spaces and Advertisement Rights. 

Objective of the Consultancy Assignment:

  • The Consultant shall review the NFBR feasibility report, evaluation of EOI for In-Station Commercial Space Leasing and the draft RFPs and finalise the tender documents and assist MMRCL in the bidding process to select suitable agencies for the identified NFBR heads. 
  • Following award of contracts, the Consultant shall assist with preparing concession agreements and signing of the agreement with the winning Consultant. The scope of work is summarised in the table below and further detailed in Section 8 of the RFP document. 

Scope of work:

SN Name of Work Description 
1 Transaction Advisory for:  General: Specific:
i. In-Station Commercial Development
  • Continuous liasioning with prospective bidders to convince them to take favourable business decision through cost benefit analysis.
  • Recommend updates to RFP in line with the best practices followed by metros across India & globally. 
  • Assist in pre-bid meeting & publishing ‘Response to Queries’ & addenda.
  • Support MMRC in publishing articles to promote attractiveness of the opportunity.
  • Evaluation of bids received & assistance upto award of tender.
Finalise strategy for publishing RFPs – Master Concessionaire or individual tenders – for different types of commercial spaces 
ii. Advertisement Tender Process Advertisement inventory for all stations:

  • Present business case to prospective bidders in terms of ridership estimates, no. of potential impressions & costing, ensuring no conflict of branding rights, etc.
  • Finalise tender structure – advertisement inventory to be packaged into single or multiple tenders.

Advertisement rights inside Direct Access Subways: 

  • Bundling/unbundling of the advertisement rights inside Direct Access Subways with the larger Advertisement package to be evaluated & accordingly RFPs to be finalized.

Liasioning & finalizing In-Tunnel Advertising Operators: 

  • Assess commercial viability of in tunnel advertising.
  • Liaise with prospective national/international firms in the field of in-tunnel advertisement 
  • Assist in creating documents for engaging with firms involved in such unique technology. 
Metro Station Direct Access 
  • Ensuring prospective bidders’ financial commitment for undertaking Technical study through identified Consultants.
  • Continuous liasioning with prospective developers to convince them to take favourable business decision by cost benefit analysis.
  • Preparation of draft JDA & assist upto final signing with developers.
3 Onboarding Support for allcontracts 
  • Finalisation of concession agreements and execution assistance including securing bank guarantees and other formalities.
  • Coordinating utilities and space requirements between the Concessionaire & MMRCL Planning, Project and Systems teams for each station; and assist in drafting related correspondence/reports/Minutes of Meeting, etc.
  • Review media/retail/systems layout plans submitted by the Concessionaire for approval by all MMRCL departments.
  • Raising of first advance invoice by MMRCL against license fee before commissioning & supporting activities leading up to commissioning of line. 

The RFP document is available to download on the following website:

Source: MMRC-Press Release | Image Credit (representational): MMRC

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