Modern Coach Factory invites tenders for supply of GPS Based Passenger Information System for LHB Coaches

Modern Coach Factory, Rae Bareli has invited tenders for supply of GPS Based Passenger Information System for LHB AC EOG AC 3-TIER Coaches (ACCNE COACHES) for Humsafar Rake, Installation & Commissioning is Required & Shall be done by firm at MCF & LCD Panel will be mounted above both doors in Corridor area in Coach.

  • Document Download Start Date: 13-04-2021
  • Document Download End Date: 17-05-2021
  • Tender Submission Start Date: 13-04-2021         
  • Tender Submission End Date: 17-05-2021 
  • Tender Bid Open Date: 17-05-2021

Benefits to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs):

  • As per the extant Public Procurement Policy of the Government of India, Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) having current and valid registration for the tendered item with any of the below specified agencies are entitled for benefits and preferential treatments specified in Clause 13.4 below. MSEs who are interested in availing themselves of these benefits must upload with their offer, the proof of their being  MSE registered with any of the agencies mentioned in the notification of the Ministry of MSME and indicated below:
    • District IndustriesCenters.
    • Khadi and Village IndustriesCommission.
    • Khadi and Village Industries Board.
    • CoirBoard.
    • National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC).
    • Directorate of Handicraft andHandloomvii)Those having Udyog Aadhar Memorandum.
    • Any other body specified by the Ministry of MSME.

Preference to Domestically Manufactured Electronic Products:

  • The Purchaser  reserve  the right for providing preference  to Domestically Manufactured Electronic Products (DMEP) in terms of the extant policy of the Government which can be downloaded from Deity website, i.e., URL Purchase preference for domestic manufacturer, methodology of its implementation, value addition to be achieved by domestic manufacturers, self certification,and compliance and monitoring shall be as per the aforesaid guidelines/notifications. The guidelines/notifications  on the subject will be treated as an integral part of the tender documents.
  • Procedure for award of contracts involving procurement of specified electronic products from domestic manufacturers shall be asunder: “For each electronic product proposed to be procured, among all technically qualified offers, the lowest quoted price will be termed as L1 and rest of the offers shall be ranked in ascending order of price quoted as L2, L3, L4 and so on. If an L1 offer is of a domestic manufacturer, the said tenderer will be awarded full value of the order. 
  • If an L1 offer is not from a domestic manufacturer, the value of the order awarded to L1 tenderer will be the balance of procurement value after reserving a specified percentage of the total value of the order for the eligible domestic manufacturer. Therefore, the lowest  tenderer among the domestic manufacturers, whether L2, L3, L4 or higher, will be invited to match the L1 offer in order to secure the procurement value of the order  earmarked for the domestic manufacturer. In case the first eligible tenderer (i.e.domestic manufacturer) fails to match the L1 offer, the tenderer (i.e. domestic manufacturer) with the next higher offer will be invited to match the L1 offer and soon. 
  • However, Railway may choose to divide the order among more than one successful tenderer as long as all such tenderers match L1 and the criteria for allocating the tender quantity amongst a number of successful tenderers is clearly articulated in the tender document itself. 
  • In case, all eligible domestic manufacturers fail to match the 1 offer, the  actual tenderer holding L1 offer will secure the order for full procurement value. Only those domestic manufacturers whose offers are within 20% of the L1 offer would be allowed an opportunity to match the L1 offer”. 
  • In case of turnkey/system integration projects, eligibility of a tenderer as a domestic manufacturer would be determined on the domestic value addition calculated only for  the  value of notified DMEPs forming part of  the turnkey/system integration projects and not on the value of the whole project.

Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India):

The Government of India has issued Public Procurement (Preference Make in India), Order-2017-Revision Dated: 04.06.2020 to encourage ‘Make in India’ and promote manufacturing and production of goods and services inIndia.

  • Eligibility of ‘Class-I local supplier’/ ‘Class-II local supplier’/Non-local suppliers’ for different types of procurement
    • In  procurement of all goods, services or works in respect of which the Nodal ministry/Department has communicated that there is sufficient local capacity and local competition, only ‘Class-I local supplier’, as defined under the Order, shall be eligible to bid irrespective of purchase value.
    • In procurement of all goods, services or works, not covered by sub-para 3(a) above, and with estimated value of purchases less than Rs. 200 Crore, in accordance with Rule 161 (iv) of GFR, 2017, Global tender enquiry shall not  be  issued  except  with  the approval of competent authority as designated by Department of Expenditure. 
    • Only ‘Class-I local supplier’ and’ Class-Il local supplier’, as defined under the Order, shall be eligible to bid in procurements undertaken by procuring entities, except when Global tender enquiry has been issued. In global tender enquiries. ‘Non-local suppliers’ shall also be eligible to bid along with ‘Class-I local suppliers’ and’ Class-II local suppliers’.
    • For the purpose of this Order, works includes Engineering, Procurement  and Construction (EPC) contracts and services include System Integrator (SI) contracts.16.1.3
  • The  ‘Class-I  local  supplier’/  ‘Class-II local supplier’ at the time of tender, bidding  or solicitation shall be required to indicate percentage of local content and provide  self-certification that the item offered meets the local content requirement for ‘Class-I  local supplier’/ ‘Class-II local supplier’, as the case may be. They shall also give details of the location(s) at which the local value addition ismade.16.1.4
  • In cases of procurement for a value in excess of Rs.10 crores, the ‘Class-I local supplier’/ ‘Class-II local supplier’ shall be required to provide a certificate from the statutory auditor of cost auditor of the company (in case of companies) or from a practicing cost accountant or practicing chartered accountant (in respect of suppliers other than companies) giving the percentage of localcontent.16.1.5
  • False declarations will be in breach of the Code of Integrity under Rule 175(1) (i)(h) of the General Financial Rules for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred for up to two years as per Rule 151 (iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such other actions as may be permissible under law.16.1.6
  • A supplier who has been debarred by any procuring entity for violation of this Order shall not be eligible for preference under this Order for procurement by any other procuring entity for the duration of the debarment. The debarment for such other procuring entities shall take effect prospectively from the date on which it comes to the notice of other procurement entities.

What is Passenger Information System?

A passenger information system or Passenger Information Display System is an automated system for providing users of public transport with information about the nature and state of a public transport service, through visual, voice or other media.

Source: MCF, Rae Bareli – Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR

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