MPMRCL invites tender for design and construction of twin tunnel and 2 underground stations for Bhopal Metro Rail Project

Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MPMRCL) has invited e-tenders for Design & construction of twin tunnel (Up & Down by Shield TBM), cut & cover, cross-passages with/without sump, ramps, two (02) underground stations (Nadra Bus Stand and Bhopal Railway Station) including architectural finishing, water supply, sanitary installation and drainage works in entire underground section from chainage 28+375 to 31+765 for Bhopal Metro Rail Project.

  • Tender Reference Number: 1065/MPMRCL/2023/Package BH-04
  • Name of Work: Design & construction of twin tunnel (Up & Down by Shield TBM), cut & cover, cross-passages with/without sump, ramps, two (02) underground stations (Nadra Bus Stand and Bhopal Railway Station) including architectural finishing, water supply, sanitary installation and drainage works in entire underground section from chainage 28+375 to 31+765 for Bhopal Metro Rail Project.
  • Completion Period: 1274 Days
  • Estimated Cost: INR 892 Crores
  • EMD: INR 8.92 Crore
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 22nd May, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 10th July, 2023
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 12th June, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 03rd July, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 10th July, 2023
  • Bid Opening Date: 11th July, 2023

Scope of Works:

  • This scope of work is to be read in conjunction with the Employer’s Requirements set out in all the Tender Volumes.
  • The design and construction of the Works shall be developed in accordance with the Employer’s Requirements and the Contractor’s Technical Proposals.
  • All the works in this Contract are covered under Schedules mentioned in Pricing Document Volume-VII.
  • Works shall be designed for minimal maintenance through 100-year operational life.
  • This contract is consisting the design, construction, completion, testing and commissioning of the permanent works by the Contractor (including without limitation, the design, construction and removal of the Temporary Works) and the rectification of defects appearing in Permanent Works in the manner and to the standards and within the time stipulated by the Contract, between chainage 28+375 and 31+765.
  • In full recognition of this scope, and with full acceptance of the obligations, liabilities and risks which may be involved, Contractor shall undertake the execution of the Works.
  • Station names are tentative and are likely to undergo change as per the approval of GoMP/ IR.
  • For the purpose of simplification in this tender, the names of metro stations ‘Bhopal railway station’ is also referred to as ‘Bhopal railway metro station’ and ‘Nadra bus stand’ is also referred to as ‘Nadra metro station’.
  • Contractor shall provide all the software confirmed in the Employer’s requirements in a timely manner to permit the Engineer to review the Contractor’s submissions.
  • The design and performance of the Permanent Works shall comply with the specific core requirements contained in these Employer’s Requirements.
  • The design of the Permanent Works shall be developed in accordance with these Employer’s Requirements, the Contractor’s Technical Proposals and the other requirements of the Contract.
  • The Permanent Works shall be designed and constructed to the highest/latest codes and standards available using proven up-to-date good Engineering practices. The Specification shall in any case not specify standards which, in the Engineer’s opinion, are less than or inferior to those described in Volume-IV Technical Specifications and Volume-V Material and workmanship specification contained in the Tender Documents.
  • Construction shall be carried out employing the procedures established by the Contractor in his Quality, Safety Health and Environmental management plans.
  • The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals from the relevant Public/Government/Local/Statutory or any agencies in the design and construction of the works.
  • Stations, ramps and tunnels to the limits shown in the Tender Reference Drawings.
  • The Contractor shall design & construct tunnel by shield TBM, cut and cover, UG ramp and earthen ramp and two stations, including but not limited to diaphragm walls/secant piles, plunge columns, base slab, concourse, platform, technical rooms, paid and unpaid areas, station entrances, lift & escalators shafts and the rail track guideway (Tunnel & cross passages with or without sump) including the station finishing of all public and non-public areas, system rooms, internal & external finishes, roads, footpath, plazas, ancillary structures, entry/exit structures and subways.
  • The Contractor shall carry out subsurface trial trenches to locate uncharted utilities at station locations, ramp, ventilation shaft and cross passages.
  • The Contractor shall carry out geotechnical borehole soil investigation to verify the station and tunnel lining design.
  • The Contractor shall carry out a Rail-Structure Interaction (RSI) study.
  • The Contractor shall fully coordinate and interface their design and construction work with those prepared by Project Partner Contractors.
  • The Contractor shall carry out detailed designs either in-house or shall engage a competent Detailed Design Consultancy firm (DDC) for this project in accordance with Sub-clause 1.4 above.
  • The Employer will engage an independent Design Verification Engineer (DVE). The Contractor shall coordinate with DVE and obtain approval for all design and engineering outputs produced either by DDC or sub-contractor or the Contractor. The approval of the design shall be obtained from the Engineer.
  • All Design and Engineering outputs produced by the Contractor / their DDC/s shall be verified/checked at each stage independently by Design Verification Engineer.
  • Design and engineering outputs produced by the Contractor / their DDC/s shall be checked, evaluated, and validated by DVE before submission to the Engineer to obtain their approval for construction/production.
  • These checks, evaluations and approvals must be documented and reported (communicated) to the Engineer as directed. The quality of the design work must be validated by the DVE at each stage of design submission.
  • Design and engineering changes must be reviewed, verified, and validated as appropriate, and approved by DVE before submission to the Engineer.
  • The Design of all temporary works / structures shall be done by the Contractor. This shall be proof checked by a third party, to be engaged by the contractor before submission to the engineer for record.
  • The Contractor shall ensure that on or before the seventh day of each month to issue a written report to the Engineer, covering the status of all designs checked during the preceding month. The format of monthly reports shall be approved by the Engineer.

PD at Nadra Bus Stand Station:

  • Nadra station is an ‘Off-road’ station and MPMRCL intends to build ‘Top of Box’ PD/ Property Development building in future as per the sketch enclosed.
  • D&B contractor shall design and construct Nadra underground station structure box in such a way that it is capable of taking the loads of Property Development building, planned to be constructed on the top of the box but above Ground Level and above Earth cover of the station.
  • D&B contractors shall extend station structural elements like columns, external walls etc. up to Ground Level to enable and facilitate easy connection to RCC columns or structural elements of future PD building.
  • PD building shall be RCC framed superstructure having maximum height of 30m above Ground Level (Ground + 5 floors). The use of PD building shall be for commercial purpose.


  • The scope shall include all permanent and temporary works comprising design and construction of all works and services necessary to complete Twin bored Tunnels of minimum dimensions as stipulated in the contract by shield TBM, Cross passage with sump, TBM shafts in Soil/Rock strata etc.
  • The Contractor shall Plan & Workout the feasible locations of TBM Shafts subsequently shall be submitted the Design & Construction Methodology for the Engineer ‘s approval.

The works include the design and construction of all tunnel works including, but not limited to;

  • The tunnel construction methodology and tunnelling equipment shall be designed to limit impact on adjacent overhead structures;
  • Geotechnical borehole soil investigation to verify the design;
  • Tunnel Lining;
  • Cut & Cover
  • Tunnel Drainage;
  • Cross Passages with/ without sumps;
  • Escape Shafts;
  • Ventilation Shafts;
  • Trackway Exhaust Fans & accessories.
  • Over track extraction ducts (OTE)
  • Under platform exhaust ducts (UPE)
  • Tunnel emergency walk/maintenance ways
  • Tunnel Fire detection and suppression works
  • Cross-passage ventilation
  • First stage Track Bed mass concrete.

Ramps and Cut & Cover sections:

  • Design and Construction of earthen ramps, open cut sections, cut & cover sections and cross passages with and without sump in Soil/Rock strata as shown in the tender drawings including design and construction of temporary support system.
  • The Stations shall be designed for multimodal integration including linkage to stakeholder properties and facilities as shown. The stations shall be designed for ease of passenger flow.
  • The station’s design shall ensure the essential satisfactory quality of the Station layout by providing adequate space for the systematic and organised movement of passengers from the ground level entrances through the concourse area and down to the platforms and onto the train coaches.
  • The stations shall be designed to ensure the security of the passengers and the facilities at all times.
  • The design and construction of all the station structures including track supporting structure, columns, beams, slabs, staircases, RCC Water Tank, Entry-Exit Structures and other ancillary structures such as DG Room, Pump room, Chiller plant room etc.
  • The Contractor shall carry out geotechnical borehole soil investigation to verify the design.
  • Survey and investigation including soil/ground investigation, topographical survey, Existing Building (EBS), Utilities investigation, Existing water wells /bore well investigation as necessary.
  • Site clearance, including tree felling, tree transplanting, and the fencing, barricading and securing of the site areas and works areas.
  • Pre-condition surveys and reports and instrumentation & monitoring and protection of existing building structures (EBS), including rebuilding, strengthening /repairing or restoration of any adjacent structures.
  • All diversion/strengthening/protection works of the utilities / drain / nallah passing across and along the alignment within the work areas.
  • All works have to be done under the existing road and under the busy and congested traffic condition. The work has to be carried out without significantly affecting the traffic. Contractor shall develop appropriate construction methodology and sequence so that at any stage of construction at least two lanes of carriageway including footpath remain open to traffic at all times.
  • For compliance of above, the scope of work shall include all related/associated temporary works including provision of temporary steel decking over cut and cover structures under roadways to allow uninterrupted flow of traffic and construction and maintenance of temporary diversion roads and services for traffic diversion as required.
  • The construction and performance of all Temporary Works design for deep excavation support, including dewatering, shall be designed to limit any ground movements in and around the site and will not result in settlement and/or subsidence of the ground that will cause damage to any buildings, structures, rail, roads, footpaths, slopes or utilities.
  • The method of installation of any part of the permanent works (prior to dewatering and excavation) minimises settlement in the adjacent ground or buildings. Dewatering of an excavation will not be permitted unless a closed perimeter of impermeable wall is complete.
  • All underground structures shall be fully waterproofed.
  • Design & Construction of Lift shafts and escalator pits and other fixtures in stations in coordination with respective system contractors including water proofing of lift pits and escalator pits as per specifications and as per tender drawing.
  • The design and construction of the expansion joints including track bed and at all floor levels or wherever required.
  • Water supply connections from Municipal Authority installations at all stations.
  • Provision of drinking water facility with proper drainage shall be provided in the station.
  • Clean and dirty water drainage connections to Municipality installations.
  • Public toilets shall be provided at each Station as shown in drawings. The discharge shall be connected to the municipal sewage system, and be in full compliance with the Authorities requirements. The Contractor shall fully coordinate and interface their drainage design and construction work with Project Partner Contractors.


  • The tenderers (any member in case of JV/Consortium) will be qualified only if they satisfy the following conditions:
  • Maximum liquidated damages of 10% of the contract value in a contract or penalty of 10% (or more) of the contract value for the works awarded during last ten years ending on the Credential Cut-Off Date (as confirmed in EQC para 8.1.6 above), must not have been imposed on the Tenderer (any member in case of JV/Consortium). The tenderer should submit an undertaking to this effect in Appendix – 20 of LOT.
  • The Tenderer (any member in case of JV/ Consortium) must not have suffered bankruptcy or insolvency and corporate debt restructuring during the previous 36 months from the last date of online tender submission. The Tenderer should submit an undertaking to this effect in Appendix – 21 of LOT.
  • Similar Work for this contract shall mean the work pertaining to Tunnel construction by TBM of at least Two (2.00) Km or more length (in case of twin tunnel each tunnel shall be counted as a separate Tunnel for calculation of length of tunnel) with finished internal diameter of at least 5.0 metre which may include construction of Underground Stations using cut & cover method also within the same contract in Urban environment for Metro/Railways/High Speed Rail/Commuter Trains/Regional Rail systems.


  • In case of JV/ Consortium, the other partner(s) (other than Lead Partner) must have executed a “Civil Construction Work” contract of value of minimum INR 232 Crore (excluding GST).
  • If any of “Similar Work” under criteria (a) or (b) or (c) above have been done by foreign partner/entity in its home country then in addition to this(these) work(s), the foreign partner/entity must have done at least one “Similar Work” equal to or more than INR 357 Crore outside the country of the foreign partner/entity also.
  • The Tenderer shall submit details of Work Experience previously executed by them as a prime contractor/member of JV/Consortium to be considered qualified in the proforma of Appendix – 15 of LOT for above criteria (a) or (b) or (c) and (d). Prime contractor shall mean a tenderer who has executed the works in the capacity of contractor.
  • For work experience documentary proof client completion certificates shall be submitted clearly indicating the nature and scope of work, actual contractual completion dates. Tenders submitted without this documentary proof shall not be evaluated.
  • The value of successfully executed sections of any ongoing work up to the Credential Cut-Off Date (as confirmed in EQC para 8.6 above) will also be considered for qualification of work experience criteria.
  • The successfully executed sections for “Similar Works”, however, must include substantial elements; i.e., tunnelling by TBM (at least 2 km) and cross passages. In the case of ongoing works, the tenderer shall submit a client certificate with the value of the “successfully executed” works.
  • In case the work is executed for a private client the following shall be submitted: copy of the work order(s), bill of quantities, details of payments received, T.D.S. certificates for all payments received (to be certified by Statutory Auditor/ Chartered Accountant) and copy of the final/last bill paid.
  • If the above “Similar Work” comprises other works also, then client’s certificate clearly indicating the amount of work done in respect of the “Similar Work” shall be submitted by the tenderer in support of work experience along-with their tender submissions.
  • In case of JV/ Consortium, full value of the work(s), if done by the same JV/ Consortium shall be considered. However, if the qualifying work(s) were done by them in a JV/ Consortium having different constituents, then the value of work(s) as per their percentage participation in such JV/ Consortium shall be considered. This is to be substantiated with documentary evidence.
  • For executed works, the value of work done shall be updated to the Credential Cut-Off Date (as confirmed in EQC para 8.6 above) price level assuming 5% inflation for Indian Rupees per year (or part thereof) and 2% for foreign currency portions per year (or part thereof). The exchange rate of foreign currency shall be applicable 28 days before the last date of online Tender submission.
  • MPMRCL reserves the right to get verified experience credentials (work experience certificate along with other documents if any) of L-1 Tenderer from the concerned clients. In case of any concealment or misrepresentation of facts, appropriate action(s) in accordance with of ITT shall be taken.

Tenderers may download the tender documents from the official e-portal

Source: MPMRCL- Tender

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