MPMRCL invites tenders for Consultancy Services and Social Monitoring for Bhopal Metro Rail Project

The Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MPMRCL) has invited e-tenders from reputed and experienced contractors for following Works. The details of Works are as under:

  • Tender Reference Number: 0004_MPMRCL_2022_Package_BH_09
  • Name of Work: Consultancy    Services for Environmental and Social Monitoring for Bhopal Metro Rail Project.
  • Approx. cost of Work: INR 1.46 Crore
  • Completion Period: 1440 Days
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 06-Jan-2022
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 24-Feb-2022 
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 28-Jan-2022
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 17-Feb-2022 
  • Bid Submission End Date: 24-Feb-2022 
  • Bid Opening Date: 25-Feb-2022

Scope of Work:

Detailed description of the assignment

  • The assignment shall be delivered in relation to metro construction activities within the city of Bhopal in Central India.
  • The Consultant shall perform the six tasks detailed below. Task 1 shall be taken up first, then the other tasks concurrently or as otherwise agreed with the EIB. The Consultant shall owe a duty of care to the EIB.

Task 1- Prepare detailed Method Statement:

  • The Consultant shall prepare a detailed method statement having performed the following activities:
    • Undertaken an initial site visit to the Project and other ongoing works forming part of the Project.
    • Compiled and assessed all documentation relevant to the Safeguard Provisions.
    • Compiled baseline data from available secondary sources.
    • Consulted with all relevant stakeholders including the Promoter, EIB, Project contractors and suppliers, other local authorities.
    • Drafted necessary standard forms and templates for the performance of this assignment.
    • Duly (re)considered the necessary staff inputs, both quantum and timing, to fulfil this assignment.
    • Duly (re)considered the management of risks to fulfil this assignment.
  • The detailed method Statement shall be agreed by the EIB in due consultation with the Promoter.

Task 2 – Monitor and report on compliance of the project to the Safeguard Provisions:

  • The Consultant shall periodically prepare reports assessing compliance to the Safeguard Provisions through performing, inter alia, the following activities:
    • Visits to work sites, land/structures to be acquired, manufacturing plants, resettlement colonies, landfill sites and other sites necessary for the completion of the Project, such visits always after due consultation with the Promoter.
    • Review of relevant documentation, reports and surveys prepared by the Promoter and its contractors and suppliers.
    • Discussion with relevant stakeholders.
    • Where possible, participation as observer in relevant review meetings, both within the Promoter and between the Promoter and other relevant bodies, in particular district administration.
    • Verification, on a random sample basis, of the process followed in consent award procedure, including attendance as observer to a sample of the consent award discussions.
  • The timing and format of the periodic compliance reports, including an end of project report, shall be documented in the detailed method statement.

Task 3- Recommend corrective measures for implementation by the Promoter:

  • Where non-compliance in the Safeguard Provisions is discovered, in relation to each non-compliance identified, the Consultant shall prepare a corrective statement covering the following:
    • Nature, timing, severity and impact of the non-compliance (potential or realised).
    • Whether it is part of a systematic failure or unique.
    • Whether it relates to domestic law and/or one or more of the EIB’s requirements.
    • Identification of the responsible party and, where applicable, relevant contractual. clause.
    • Proposed corrective measure including timing, responsibility and means of verification.
  • The format of the corrective statement(s) shall be documented in the detailed method statement. The corrective statement shall be prepared by the Consultant after due consultation with the relevant parties. The Promoter shall subsequently implement the measures or make its best efforts to ensure others under its control implement the measures.

Task 4- Provide ad hoc advice to the Promoter:

  • As may reasonably be requested from time to time by the Promoter, the Consultant may provide ad hoc advice to the Promoter on measures to enhance the effectiveness or efficiency of the implementation of the Safeguard Provisions. Such advice may concern the following topics in relation to the Safeguard Provisions:
    • Content of Project documents and correspondence.
    • Implementation arrangements.
    • Stakeholder engagement and third party interests.
    • Monitoring, reporting and evaluation measures.
    • Complaints and disputes.
    • Remedies.
    • Dissemination of best practices
  • Where a Promoter’s request for advice is deemed by the Consultant to require a material change to the inputs of the assignment, the Consultant shall seek the approval of the EIB prior to commencing work.

Task 5- Provide ad hoc advice to the lending Banks:

  • As may be requested from time to time by the EIB, the Consultant may provide ad hoc advice to the EIB on all matters relating to implementation of the Safeguard Provisions.
  • Such advice may concern the following topics:
    • Content of Project documents and correspondence.
    • Implementation arrangements.
    • Stakeholder engagement and third party interests.
    • Monitoring, reporting and evaluation measures
    • Remedies.
    • Complaints and disputes.

Task 6- Evaluate whether the social development objectives of the RAPs are achieved:

  • The Consultant will carry out two impact assessments on the functioning of the resettlement operation at all levels to assess its effectiveness and compliance with the RAP. The impact assessment shall be prepared on the basis of internal verification of reports, field checks and a random sample of affected households. The impact assessment shall document, inter alia:
    • PAPs knowledge and concerns regarding the resettlement process, their entitlements and rehabilitation measures.
    • Type of grievance issues and the functioning of grievance redress mechanisms.
    • Whether the standards of living of the PAPs have improved or been maintained.
    • Provision and adequacy of income restoration measures.
    • Lessons learned, good practices in implementation.
    • Remedial measures as necessary.
  • The timing, sample size (which shall be at least 10% of affected households) and report format for the impact evaluations shall be documented in the detailed method statement. It is expected that the first evaluation will be about half way through implementation of the RAP(s) and second towards the conclusion of the RAP.

Tenderers may download the tender documents from the official e-portal

Source: MPMRCL-Tender

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