MRIDC invites bids for construction of Road Under Bridges (RUBs) at Amla-Nagpur Section

Maharashtra Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (MRIDC) has invited e-bids in two packet system from eligible tenderers for “Construction of Road Under Bridges (RUBs) at 8 locations i.e. LC No. 52 -km 141/7-8 at Pen-Roha Section on Mumbai Division, LC No. 90-km 188/25-27 at Igatpuri-Bhusawal Section & LC No. S3-km 668/8-9 at Bhusawal-Amravati Section on Bhusawal Division, LC No. 96 -km 196/4-5 at Pune-Miraj Section on Pune Division and LC No. 42-km 877/20-22 at Warora-Ballarshah Section, LC No. 74-km 707/18-20 at Wardha-Badnera Section, LC No. 282-km 978/11-13 at Amla-Nagpur Section on & LC No. 282A-km 980/5-7 at Amla-Nagpur Section on Nagpur Division of Central Railway in lieu of Level crossing in Maharashtra area.” 

  • Tender No.: MRIDC/PROJ/e-TENDER/RUB/2021/144
  • Name of Work: Construction of Road Under Bridges RUBs at 8 locations i.e. LC No. 52-km 141/7-8 at Pen-Roha Section on Mumbai Division, LC No. 90-km 188/25-27 at Igatpuri-Bhusawal Section and LC No. S3-km 668/8-9 at Bhusawal-Amravati Section on Bhusawal Division, LC No. 96-km 196/4-5 at Pune-Miraj Section on Pune Division and LC No. 42-km 877/20-22 at Warora-Ballarshah Section, LC No. 74-km 707/18-20 at Wardha-Badnera Section, LC No.282-km 978/11-13 at Amla-Nagpur Section on and LC No. 282A-km 980/5-7 at Amla-Nagpur Section on Nagpur Division of Central Railway in lieu of Level crossing in Maharashtra area.
  • Estimated cost of the work: INR. 94,13,30,581/-
  • Completion Period: 400 days. 
  • Start Date: 07.12.2021
  • End Date: 28.12.2021

Technical Eligibility Criteria:

The Bidder must have successfully completed / physically completed  / substantially completed any of the following during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month, previous to the month in which tender is scheduled to be opened: 

  • Three similar works costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of the tender.


  • Two similar works costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of the tender.


  • One similar work costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of advertised value of the tender. 
  • In case of JV, either the JV firm or lead member of the JV firm must satisfy the Technical Eligibility Criteria defined above and each other partner of JV (excluding lead partner) shall have 5 years of experience in Construction work like Road over bridges (ROB), Railway or Roadway Bridges, Road / Railway Viaducts, Road  under Bridge (RUB), Limited height Subways (LHS), Roads, Flyover, Residential & Commercial Building, Airport, dam, Irrigation project from the last day of month, previous to the month in which tender is invited.



  • Similar Work: Construction of Road Under Bridge using Box pushing technic (RUB) / Limited Height Subway (LHS) / Road Over Bridge (ROB) / Rail Viaduct / Road Viaduct / Rail or Road Bridges / Flyover with any Government, Semi Government or Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) organisation shall be treated as similar work.
  • Successfully completed: It shall mean, that the work must be satisfactorily completed in all respects. 
  • Physically completed: It shall mean, that the work should be physically completed in all respect, but the final bill may be under process. 
  • Substantially completed: Value of work completed should be 90% or more of the latest contract value. 
  • The Contractor has to submit a certificate duly verified by Client whether the work is successfully completed or physically completed or substantially completed and in case of substantially completed work, the issued certificate from client should  clearly indicate the percentage completion of work with respect to the latest contract value.  
  • For successfully completed or physically completed works, value of work done shall be updated up to the end of previous month in which tender is opened from the month in which the work has been completed, in case of successfully completed work or from the month in which the work has been physically completed, in case of physically completed work, assuming 5% inflation for Indian Rupees every year.
  • In case of substantially completed work, no updating of the value of work completed, as given in the clause above, shall be applicable.
  • The successfully completed / physically completed / substantially completed work experience certificate issued from Govt. / Semi Govt. / PSU only will be considered for evaluation.

About MRIDC:

  • Maharashtra Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (MRIDC), is a joint venture company of Govt. of Maharashtra and the Ministry of Railways for  implementation of various Railway Projects in the territory of Maharashtra.
  • The aim of the company is to provide a boost to the Rail Infrastructure projects in and around Maharashtra State.  
  • There are several projects of new Railway Lines, Gauge conversion, doubling, Road Over Bridges, Road Under Bridges & Limited Height Subwayswaiting for implementation.
  • The aim of the company is to take a leap forward in implementing railway related infra projects.

Notice inviting tender (NIT) and Eligibility and Qualification Criteria (EQC) can be downloaded from MRIDC’S official website  and e-bidding portal  

Source: MRIDC-Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR

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