Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd. (MRVC), under Ministry of Railways (MOR), invites E- bids for Construction of Bridge No. 106 and 114 A in the existing operational lines in the section between the stations Saphale and Kelve Road on Mumbai suburban section of Western Railway by box pushing technique with relieving girders.
- Tender Reference Number: MRVC/W-II/106-114A/2023/1
- Name of Work: Construction of Bridge No. 106 and 114 A in the existing operational lines in the section between the stations Saphale and Kelve Road on Mumbai suburban section of Western Railway by box pushing technique with relieving girders.
- Estimated Cost: INR 11,19,45,500 Crore
- Completion Period: 06 Months
- EMD: INR 7,09,600 Lakh
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 10th February, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 09th March, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 04th March, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 09th March, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 09th March, 2023
Scope of Works:
- Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd. is constructing 3rd & 4th line between VirarDahanu Road parallel to and on the westside of existing corridor on Mumbai suburban section of Western Railway.
- All bridges in this section are being extended for 3rd & 4th line work. DFCCIL is constructing Dedicated Freight Corridor on the east side of existing tracks.
Bridge No. 106:
- Bridge No.106 on the existing corridor has 6 RCC pipes of 0.90 m diameter. The extension proposed for the 3rd & 4th line for this bridge is a twin RCC box of size 2 x 4.00 x 2.00 m.
- Similarly, DFCCIL has also provided an RCC box for the bridge for their corridor. The waterway of the existing RCC Hume pipe bridge is inadequate and there is flooding on the east side of the bridge in the monsoon season.
- Therefore, Western Railway has decided to rebuild Bridge No. 106 with 2 x 4.00 x 2.00 m RCC twin box by box pushing technique. It will be prefered to cast the entire length of the box in a single segment, if feasible at site.
Bridge No. 114A:
- There is Bridge No. 115 at the south end of Kelve Road station with span configuration of 3 x 6.00 m PSC slabs.
- On the upstream side, there is a dam and in heaving monsoon after filling of dam, there is flooding & existing opening of the bridge is inadequate.
- Therefore, Western Railway has decided to provide an additional opening by 2 x 6.00 x 3.12 m twin RCC box to be constructed by box pushing technique on the south end of Bridge No. 115.
- Construction of a new bridge to provide an additional opening on the DFCCIL corridor is in progress by DFCCIL.
- The scope of this tender is construction of above bridges in the existing corridor by air box pushing technique using Relieving girders.
- The work of bridges for 3rd & 4th line work can be taken up only after completion of these bridges. Therefore, time is essential for this work.
Salient features of Bridge No. 106 and 114 A:
- Bridge No. 106 (General Arrangement Drawing No. DRM(B) 27232/13-F) Rebuilding of old existing RCC pipe Br. (6×0.9m-ø) by proposed twin RCC box (size: 4.00 x 2.00 m) at Rly km 77/24-26 by air box pushing.
- Bridge No. 114A (General Arrangement Drawing No. PCE No. e-30168-DRM/1-D) Proposed Bridge No. 114A twin RCC box (size: 2 x 6.00 x 3.12 m) at km 82/6-8 for additional waterway opening to the existing Bridge No. 115.
The scope of work shall include but not limited to:
- Construction of thrust bed as per contractor’s own design & approved by MRVC on the approach for pushing of precast RCC Box into embankment.
- Construction of precast RCC Box over thrust bed as per approved design and drawings.
- All activities relating to insertion of Relieving girders on existing formation for enabling Box pushing (insertion of C/C crib or wooden crib at both ends as per RDSO design and materials in separate traffic blocks).
- This includes dismantling of track (if required), removal of ballast, excavation, installation of crib and filling of earth filled in bags, as required;
- Excavation for insertion of girder, if required, filling back by bags full of earth under traffic block (if required);
- Placement of girder by contractor’s cranes, tools & plants & labour etc. complete and linking of track with the approaches including dumping ballast, boxing and packing approach sleepers, ensuring gauge & cross level to make track fit for 30 kmph, as directed by engineer in-charge.
- The work to be carried out in traffic & power block only. Traffic & power blocks will be available at any time during day & night hours. Contractor has to work as and when blocks are available. Contractor shall make adequate lighting arrangements for night working at their own cost.
- Removal of formation earth below the portion of Relieving girders using mechanical and manual means to enable pushing of boxes with all safety precautions for ensuring safety of running trains.
- Pushing/sliding/rolling etc. of boxes into railway embankment under running traffic condition under Relieving Girder with suitable speed restriction & track protection.
- Excavation and taking out earth from inside the box to facilitate box pushing. (Use of mechanical equipment shall be preferred for this purpose.)
- Maintenance, protection and rectification of track during RCC box pushing operations to ensure safe & smooth passage of railway traffic.
- This will be required right from imposition of SR for insertion of RH girders prior to taking up Box pushing till relaxation of SR after removal of RH girders on completion of work of Box pushing.
- Finishing work e.g. painting, bridge tablets, parapet wall, bank protection, etc. Removal of Reliving Girders after completion of box pushing (including crib on both ends) and placing it on crib / cess away from Railway track.
- MRVC will arrange relieving girders from Western Railway, if available with them. Contractor has to arrange the transportation of relieving girders with their vehicle, loading, unloading, labour etc. Payment for the same will be made under relevant items.
- After completion of work, these girders are to be handed over to Western Railway at their depot by the contractor. Payment for transportation, loading, unloading of relieving girders will be made under relevant items.
- In case, Western Railway is not in position to spare relieving girders with them for the subject work, then provision is made in the Schedule of Quantities and Rate for fabrication of relieving girders in the RDSO approved vendor for “Steel Bridge Girder”.
- Inspecting authority for fabrication of Girder will be RDSO B&S directorate. Contractor has to fabricate relieving girders in any suitable RDSO approved workshop for “Steel Bridge Girder”. List of the approved vendors under category “Steel Bridge Girder” is available on RDSO website.
- Cost of fabrication of girder is inclusive of transportation and assembly of girder at work site from the workshop. No separate payment for transportation of Girders from workshop to work site will be made.
- However, transportation of girders after completion of work to the store will be paid under relevant items.
- There is a requirement of 3 Girders of 26.80 m for bridge no. 114A. In the contract, provision of fabrication of 2 girders of 26.80 m span as per RDSO drawing no. RDSO – B/11042 is made considering at least one girder will be spared by Western Railway.
- This item will be operated only for fabrications of number girders not spared by Western Railway. If Western Railway spares all 3 girders of 26.80 m span, then this item for fabrication of girders will not be operated.
- If Western Railway is not spared any relieving girder available with them then the contractor will have to fabricate all 3 girders. Therefore, there will be variation on either side in the quantities of all items under Schedule B and Schedule C as per the requirement of work. Contractor has to execute quantities of all these items accordingly.
Average Annual Contractual Turnover:
- Average Annual Contractual turnover of the last three financial years and in the current financial year should be a minimum Rs. 33.60 Crore
- The average annual contractual turnover shall be calculated as an average of “total contractual payments” in the previous three financial years, as per the audited balance sheet.
- However, in case the balance sheet of the previous year is yet to be prepared/ audited, the audited balance sheet of the fourth previous year shall be considered for calculating average annual contractual turnover.
- The tenderers shall submit requisite information, along with copies of Audited Balance Sheets duly certified by the Chartered Accountant/ Certificate from Chartered Accountant duly supported by Audited Balance Sheet.
Minimum Technical Eligibility Criteria ( Experience):
Contracts of Single Similar Work:
- The tenderer must have successfully completed or substantially completed any one of the following categories of work(s) during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited:
- Three similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 3.36 Crore , or
- Two similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 4.48 Crore, or
- One similar work costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 6.72 Crore
- As regards Similar Work: The tenderer should have physically completed. Civil Engineering work involving Construction of RCC Box bridge/subway in operational tracks by box pushing technique.
- Following documents will be relied upon for working out the total Contractual amount received by the tenderer to evaluate credentials against criterion 2.2.1 (Total Contractual receipt):
- Audited Balance sheet duly certified by the Chartered Accountant.
- Attested Certificates from Employers/Clients about contractual payment received for the work done.
- In the event that the audited accounts for the latest concluded Financial Year are not available, other documents as mentioned in para 2 above will be considered to evaluate credentials against criterion 2.2.1 (Total Contractual receipt).
- If any firm participates in a single Entity which is less than 3 years old, the total contract amount received by the firm since its inception till the date of opening of tender shall be at least 150% of the advertised tender value of the work ( As mentioned in para 2.2.1 above).
- The total value of similar nature of work completed during the qualifying period, and not the payments received within the qualifying period alone, shall be considered.
- In case, a final bill of similar nature of work has not been passed and final measurements have not been recorded, the paid amount including statutory deductions will be considered.
- If the final measurements have been recorded and work has been completed with negative variation, then also the paid amount including statutory deductions will be considered.
- However, if final measurements have been recorded and work has been completed with positive variation but variation has not been sanctioned, original agreement value or last sanctioned agreement value, whichever is lower, shall be considered for judging eligibility.
- Tenderers should submit documentary proof in regard to fulfilling the above eligibility criteria along with their offer. Each document should be signed by the tenderer in token of authentication of the document submitted.
- The offer of Tenderers who do not meet the eligibility criteria as mentioned above shall not be considered. The Tenderers who fail to submit documentary proof along with their offer will, normally, not be considered.
- Work executed with Central/State Government/Semi Government Organizations/Authorities, PSUs and Government of India Undertakings etc. shall be considered to qualify above eligibility criteria. Certificates from Public Limited Companies & Private individuals for whom such works are executed/being executed shall not be accepted.
- Value of a completed work done by a member in all earlier Partnership firm or a JV firm shall be reckoned only to the extent of the concerned member’s share in that Partnership firm/JV firm for the purpose of satisfying his compliance of the above mentioned technical eligibility criteria in the tender under consideration.
- Tenderers may carefully note that their Contract Agreement for this work is liable to be terminated at any time later, in case the documents furnished by them are found to be untrue / misleading or any adverse point comes to light subsequently. The decision of the Railway in this regard shall be final and binding.
- The determination shall not take into consideration the qualifications of other firms such as the Bidder’s subsidiaries, parent entities, affiliates, subcontractors (other than Specialized Subcontractors if permitted in the bidding document), or any other firm(s) different from the Bidder.
- In case of the transfer of business with all attributable to other firms with the approval of competent authority such as National Company Law Tribunal(NCLT), credentials of the transferor Company/firms can be considered for evaluating the eligibility and qualification of the Transferee company/firm.
The draft Terms of Reference (Draft ToR) is available at MRVC website www.mrvc.indianrailways.gov.in
Source: MRVC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): MRVC
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