Mumbai-Ahmedabad HSR update: Bids invited for Civil and Building Works for Double Line High Speed Railway

In continuation to bids for construction of 18 km of viaduct between Anand and Sabarmati including HSR stations at Ahmedabad and Sabarmati, the National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) has invited bids for Design and Construction of Civil and Building Works including Testing and Commissioning on Design Build Lump Sum Price Basis for Double Line High Speed Railway involving Ahmedabad Station, Sabarmati Station, Viaduct & Bridges, Crossing Bridges (excluding fabrication and transportation of steel truss girders) and Associated works between MAHSR Km. 489.467 and MAHSR Km. 507.599 in the State of Gujarat for the Project for Construction of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail.

  • Package No.: MAHSR-C-7
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 08-Oct-2020
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 04-Feb-2021
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 29-Jan-2021
  • Bid Submission End Date: 04-Feb-2021
  • Bid Opening Date: 05-Feb-2021
  • Period Of Work (Days): 1643

Notice Of Invitation For Bids:

  • The Government of India has received a loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) toward the cost of the Project for Construction of Mumbai–Ahmedabad High Speed Rail. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this
    loan will be applied to eligible payments under this Contract for the work as
    described in the title.
  • The Government of India through National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) (herein after referred to as Employer) now invites online Bids from eligible Bidders for the construction and completion of the Works as described in the title.
  • International Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with JICA’s
    Single Stage (“Two Envelope”) Bidding Procedure.
  • Bidding will be conducted through procedures in accordance with the applicable
    Guidelines for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loans and is open to all Bidders
    from eligible source countries, as mentioned in Section-V Eligible Source Countries of Japanese ODA Loans.
  • The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of
    Contract are the provisions of the Standard Bidding Documents under Japanese ODA Loans for the Procurement of Electrical and Mechanical Plant and for Building and Engineering Works, Designed by the Contractor, by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), July 2015 Trial Version and FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design Build, First Edition 1999, respectively.
  • Bids must be submitted online only on e-procurement portal from 29.01.2021 (09:00 Hrs.) upto deadline for
    submission of bids i.e. 04.02.2021 (15:00 Hrs). Bid through any other mode shall not
    be entertained. However, Bid Security of INR 590,000,000.00 (Indian Rupee Five
    Hundred Ninety Million only) in original shall be submitted physically by the Bidder
    on or before deadline for submission of Bids.

Recent Progress:
In last few days, NHSRCL has opened three (03) technical bids covering 64% (325 km out of 508 km) of the total MAHSR alignment including five (5) HSR stations (Vapi, Bilimora, Surat, Bharuch and Anand/Nadiad) out of 12 stations.

Additional details:

Ahmedabad HSR Station:
Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail will traverse through Western Railway’s Ahmedabad Junction Railway Station and shall be integrated with Saraspur side of the existing Ahmedabad station. Ahmedabad HSR station will be built over the existing railway platform no. 11 & 12.

  • To ensure seamless integration of the HSR station with other modes of rail transport, NHSRCL has designed a user-friendly station layout for Ahmedabad.
    An integrated Building for passenger transit is planned on east side of the existing railway station, where Passengers will be able to swiftly switch from one mode to another.
  • This building will be equipped with escalators and elevators and will house many passenger convenience facilities like Booking office, Passenger lobby, tea/coffee kiosks and other amenities etc.
  • The integrated building shall provide connections to Western Railway existing foot over Bridges to facilitate passenger movement to & fro IR Platforms and underground metro station on Saraspur side.
  • The construction of HSR station over existing railway lines will be quite challenging. Along the railway tracks there are multiple utilities like platform sheds, offices, signalling and telecom cables, pipelines, electrical cables, tracks etc, which are being shifted before the commencement of the construction activities.
  • The functional offices of Ahmedabad railway station have already been relocated.
  • Carrying out construction activities of HSR station alongside ongoing Ahmedabad Mega metro construction, moving man & machinery over existing railway lines without disrupting passenger & cargo traffic at Ahmedabad Railway Station will also be challenging.

Sabarmati HSR Station:

Sabarmati being the terminal station of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Corridor, NHSRCL has planned to develop it as a vibrant Multimodal Transport Hub in the region.

  • To achieve seamless integration of various transport modes around the HSR station, a multi-modal transit terminal has been planned on the East side of Sabarmati HSR station which shall ensure smooth traffic flow in the influence area of HSR station.
    The Multi Modal Integration schemes focus on integration of existing and planned transit facilities in the station area.
  • The available Right of Way (RoW) along existing road network has been optimally utilized for planning the inflow/outflow of estimated traffic in horizon years.
    A new Road Under Bridge (RUB) has already been constructed to provide direct entry to proposed site of Sabarmati HSR station.
  • This will facilitate station construction without interference with existing railway network on day to day basis.

A complete set of Bidding Documents, shall be available for downloading from eprocurement portal of NIC

Source: NHSRCL-Tender | Image credit (representational): NHSRCL

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