National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) has invited online open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria as stipulated in Management and Facilitation in Land Acquisition in connection with Land Acquisition for Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Project in Palghar District.
- Tender Reference Number: NHSRCL/CPM(C)/Palghar/21-22/07
- Name of Work: Tender for Appointment of Agency for Communication Management and Facilitation in Land Acquisition in connection with Land Acquisition for Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Project in Palghar District
- Approximate cost of work: INR 2,09,85,120 (Including 18% GST)
- Amount of Tender Security: INR 3,09,851 (Including 18% GST)
- Completion period of the Work: 6 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 15-Dec-2021
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 04-Jan-2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 26-Dec-2021
- Bid Submission End Date: 04-Jan-2022
- Bid Opening Date: 06-Jan-2022
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 21-Dec-2021
Scope of Service:
- Communication Management and Facilitation Agency (“the Agency” or the “Consultant”) shall need to create the communication matrix involving all the stakeholders of the projects. The consultant shall define a way and manner to communicate with these stakeholders. The consultant shall establish a mechanism and system to reach the stakeholders.
- The consultant shall act as a single window of communication and facilitation for NHSRCL. The consultant shall coordinate with all other communication agencies, government bodies related to the projects if any.
- The consultant is expected to communicate the details of project and its offering/benefits from the GoM/GoI to the stakeholders in an effective manner and communicate back to NHSRCL the pain points or responses of the stakeholders.
- He is also expected to assist NHSRCL and State Government in facilitating various activities in land acquisition through direct purchase/consent award under section 23A/regular award under section 23 of RFCTLARRA 2013 as the case may be.
The scope of work of Consultant shall broadly include but not limited to following:
- Consent of PESA Village (Scheduled area) Gram Sabha (9 villages) – Facilitating in obtaining prior Consent of PESA Villages “Gram-Sabha” is required under Section 41 of “RFCT-LARR Act 2013” for balance 9 Villages to publish initial notification under Section11 of RFCT-LARRA 2013. For This activity, Gram Sabha, its member & PAPs are to be persistently persuaded & convinced to agree for the project and to give consent for the MAHSR project.
- Resolving Gola Survey Numbers (71.07 Ha) – Coordination/facilitation to Departmen of Land Records (Dy. SLR) and Revenue department for resolving Gola Surveyznumbers’ Plot, as the same will be required to disburse the award declared by CALA by distribution of Notices, facilitating Gola resolution surveys, coordinating with stakeholders and getting the panchnama done so that Gola survey numbers can be resolved and compensation is disbursed to rightful owners which will ensure least resistance by PAPs at the time to taking over of land.
- Updation of Record of Title (7/12)- As per provision of RFCT-LARRA 2013 all land records to be updated by the Collector for the land under acquisition such as updation of 7/12. Facilitation State Governement in the same when claims arises after declaration of award for disbursement of compensation. After declaration of award, compensation could be disbursed only after updation of 7/12. For the same PAPs to be contacted and to facilitate for submission of application for updation of 7/12. Coordination to be made with Revenue authorities (Talathi, Circle officer, Tahsildar and in some cases with SDO office) for updation of 7/12 including affidavits, gazette notifications etc. for death / varas/heirs updation etc.
- Notification / declaration under Section 11 & 19 of RFCT-LARRA – Coordination with the office of CALA for notification under Section 11 & 19 of Villages where such notification is pending and required to be notified.
- Hearing by CALA under Section 23 of RFCT-LARRA – Coordination for early disposal of hearing by CALA under section 23 of RFCT-LARRA before declaration of Award by CALA. It also include distribution of required Notices to PAPs/Villager issued by CALA and allied activities under section 21, 23 of RFCTLARR 2013.
- Declaration of Award by Collector/CALA under RFCT-LARRA-Coordination with the office of Collector/CALA/Administrator for declaration of award for compensation and R&R entitlement (R&R award).
- Disbursement of Compensation to PAPs under RFCT-LARRA – After declaration of award compensation of Land, Structures, Trees etc to be disbursed to PAPs. For taking peaceful possession of the land disbursement is necessary and for the same land owners to convince and to make them agree to accept compensation willingly & full sanctification. Without disbursement & accepting the compensation to full satisfaction of PAPs, possession may be given by district administration on paper but it is not possible to take peaceful & encumbrance free possession on ground. For this the agency has to facilitate in persistent persuasion & convincing the PAPs and co-coordinating with State Government Offices.
- Valuation of Structures/Trees/Bore well etc-Facilitation for valuation of Structures/Trees/Bore well from concerned department (Forest, Agriculture, PWD, Water supply) and declaration of compensation award under RFCT-LARRA or compensation order under consent/Negotiation process.
- Consent of PAPs Under Consent/Negotiation Process- Coordination with PAPs to communicate the amount of compensation, R&R Entitlements to convince the PAPs to give consent in specified proforma to obtain Compensation order (Prapatra-1/consent award) from CALA to execute Sale deed to acquire land under consent process.
- Issue of Compensation order (Prapatra-1/consent award) by CALA – Coordination with the office of CALA to obtain compensation order (Prapatra-1) to execute Sale deed with Land owners to acquire land under Consent/Negotiation process.
- Survey and Collection of Necessary data for preparation of Micro Plan for R&R for Identification of R&R entitlement – Coordination and facilitation for providin necessary data of PAPs for R&R entitlement.
- Disbursement of R&R Entitlements under Consent Process or R&R Award under RFCT-LARR – Coordination with the concerned offices of CALA/NHSRCL and PAPs/TH/NTH for payment of R&R award.
- Assisting CALA / R&R Administrator in verification of Title Holder and Non-Title Holder on field in respective villages. There are large number of Non-Title Holders ( “NTHs”) on land and also for structures. The “NTHs” on land is mainly in PESA villages. It is one of the major issues required to be solved for proper disbursement of compensation & peaceful & encumbrance free possession of the land and the agency has to facilitate on this matter.
- Meetings with PAPs/Gram Panchayat – Coordination and facilitation for various meetings with PAPs and / or Gram Panchayat in Villages including stiff resistance/resistance area to convince them for MAHSR Project and to get consent / support for various purpose to complete Land acquisition and to take over encumbrance free land for MAHSR project. It includes necessary logistic and allied arrangement for meetings.
- Meetings and Coordination with various offices – Coordination and facilitation for various meetings with various authorities such as Dy SLR office, Talathi office, Circle office, tahsildar office, Naib Tahsildar, SDO office, ADTP office, Zilaparishad, Gram Panchayat & BDO office, PWD, Agriculture, Forest, Collector office, Commissioner office and Mantralya, LA and R&R Authority office(Appellate authority) in connection with various activities required to complete Land acquisition and allied activities. Itincludes necessary logistic and allied arrangement for meetings.
- Mutation and updation of acquired land in the Land Records in f/o NHSRCL-Coordination and facilitation of necessary mutation of land in Land Records of acquired Land in the name of NHSRCL. It includes submission of necessary application of NHSRCL to the Revenue authority, issue of Ferfar far Notices, delivery / dispatch of notices to the concerned parties, updation of Record of Title (7/12 and Ferfar), getting copy of the same and submission to NHSRCL for record.
- Facilitation in taking over of encumbrance free land from PAP/ State Government.
- Facilitation in site availability at the time of execution of Project works. To conduct workshops and orient other agencies if any. To monitor the meetings to be conducted at tahsil level or district levels or state level.
- Any other works related to facilitation in land acquisition as directed by Engineer.
At the end of the consultancy, the consultant shall deliver to NHSRCL the following:
- Deployment of team for ground communications at village level with manager reporting at NHSRCL’s Taluka office and Project lead at the CPM office for coordination and reporting purpose.
- The master plan of communication and the communication strategies for the project. This must include dedicated project time schedules for achieving works mentioned in the scope 3.4 within mentioned
- Communication tools designed and produced for ground interaction as well as for other stakeholders to achieve the scope of works of CL 3.5.
- Daily visits to all the villages in the district that are covered in the projects. Weekly reports are required in this regards along with suggestions to improve the land acquisition progress in the district.
- Conducting weekly/ monthly tehsil, district meetings related to the project.
- Coordination of meetings with government officials and people’s representatives.
- Weekly review meetings with NHSRCL. Weekly & Monthly progress reports must be submitted and program for next week / month must be schedule with the engineer in charge accordingly.
Tender documents may be downloaded from CPPP site https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app.
Source: NHSRCL-Tender | Image Credit (representational): NHSRCL
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