Mumbai-Hyderabad HSR update: Tenders invited for preparation of Detailed Social Impact Assessment / Resettlement Action Plan

In continuation to the tender for Final Alignment design including Aerial LiDAR survey, the National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) has invited online open e-tenders for the work “Conducting Survey/Field Work & Preparation Of Detailed Social Impact Assessment (SIA)/ Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) For Mumbai-Hyderabad High Speed Rail Corridor (About 711 Kms Long)”.

  • Tender Security: INR 7,27,200/-
  • Completion period of the Work: 6 months
  • Pre-bid Meeting: 20.11.2020
  • Tender submission start date: 28.11.2020
  • Tender submission end date: 03.12.2020
  • Date of opening of Tender online: 04.12.2020

Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs):

  • Procurement Preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) as admissible under Government’s existing policy on the date of opening of bid shall be applicable to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with any statutory bodies specified by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises having Udyog Aadhaar Memoranda shall also be given all benefits under Public Procurement Policy Order 2012.
  • The bidders shall submit photocopy of current and valid MSEs registration certificate inclusive of all the pages showing the category of entrepreneur – whether the registered firm is owned by General or SC/ST entrepreneurs, monetary limit of their registration for the items tendered to avail the benefits under the policy. The MSEs shall also submit a copy of “Entrepreneur’s Memorandum (Part – II)” of the concerned District Centre where the unit is established. The MSEs must also indicate the terminal validity date of their registration.
  • Such MSE registered firms shall be exempted from payment of Tender document cost and payment of Tender Security.
  • Definition of MSEs owned by SC/ST is as given below:
    • In case of proprietary MSE, proprietor(s) shall be SC/ST.
    • In case of partnership MSE, the SC/ST partners shall be holding at least 51% shares in the unit.
    • In case of Private Limited Companies, at least 51% share shall be held by SC/ST promoters.
  • All bidders registered under Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) shall have to satisfy the eligibility criteria at par with other bidders. There shall not be any relaxation in eligibility criteria/bidding process or other bid requirement and L1 price.
  • If lowest valid bidder is non-MSE firm, then in such a case purchase preference facility NHSRCL, Delhi VOL1-NIT, ITT, FOT NHSRCL/CO/CA/SIA/2020/36 Vol-1/NIT Page 9 shall not be applicable in the bid as quantity cannot be split. The total quantity shall be offered to the lowest valid bidder irrespective of their registration status and the benefit to MSEs shall be limited to exemption from cost of tender document and tender security only.
  • The above facilities shall not be applicable for the items for which they are not registered.
  • The above facility shall be applicable only in case of single entity or all member in JV/Consortium are registered and eligible MSEs.

Startup India:

  • All Startups (whether Micro & Small Enterprises or otherwise) are exempted from cost of Tender document and Tender security.
  • Definition of Startup: Startup means an entity recognised as Startup by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotions (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Govt. of India.
  • The above facility shall be applicable only in case of single entity or all member in JV/Consortium are registered and eligible Startups. 

Minimum Eligibility Criteria:

Work Experience: The tenderers will be qualified only if they have substantially completed following work(s) as prime/main contractor (work performed as subcontractor will not be considered), completion date(s) of which falling during last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission as given below:

(i) One “similar work” of minimum length of 300km each.


(ii) Two “similar works” of minimum length of 200km each.


(iii) Three “similar works” of minimum length of 100km each.

Similar Work means: “projects funded by multilateral and bilateral funding agencies (such as World Bank, JICA, ADB etc.) involving Social Impact Assessment Study/ Rehabilitation Action Plan Preparation for Linear Projects (like Railways, Roads, Waterways & Metro Rail) and where the report has been successfully accepted by the concern funding agency.”

  • Substantially completed means where physical completion of activity of Social ImpactAssessment Study/ Rehabilitation Action Plan Preparation has been fully completed, however the other overall work of the contract (part of which Social Impact Assessment Study/ Rehabilitation Action Plan Preparation have been completed) may/may not be fully completed.

For past experience of activities mentioned above, credit shall be given for the execution of the quantity/length of that specific activity executed by the tenderer, duly certified by the client. In case of JV/Consortium, for quantity/length, credit shall be given according to the Tenderer’s participation and/or responsibility matrix in JV/Consortium.

Tender documents may be downloaded from CPPP site

Source: NHSRCL-Tender

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