Amid the lockdown, Maha Mumbai Metro Operation Corporation (MMMOCL) said it has organised online training of new recruits for Metro line 7 and 2A. 41 candidates including 18 women, who were recruited as Station Controllers Cum Train Operations were sent to the L&T Metro Rail Academy in Hyderabad on 9th March, 2020.
More Information:
- MMMOCL said in a statement,”However, due to the national lockdown, the classes were suspended. Now, on the direction of metropolitan commissioner RA Rajeev, classes have been restarted through the online platform.”
- It said that these online training classes are being held in hotel rooms where trainees are put in, using smart TV or mobile or even laptops.
- MMMOCL is implementing various metro projects in Mumbai.
- The statement said,”One of the trainees who went to Amaravati to attend personal emergency and got stuck up there, is also able to attend online classes. During the session trainees can also interact with faculty and get their doubts clarified.”
Image Credit: MMRDA
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