Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL) has invited tenders for Consultancy services for carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Preparation of Environmental Mitigation Plan (EMP) for both the corridors (North-South and East-West) of Nagpur Metro Rail Project, Phase-2.
- Tender No: N2-002-S&E-02/2022
- Name of work: Consultancy services for carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Preparation of Environmental Mitigation Plan (EMP) for both the corridors (North-South and East-West) of Nagpur Metro Rail Project, Phase-2.
- Estimated Cost: INR 74 Lakhs
- EMD: INR 74 Thousand
- Contract Period: 20 Weeks
- Document Download Start Date: 07th February, 2023
- Document Download End Date: 23rd February, 2023
- Pre-Bid Meeting: 13th February, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 07th February, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 23rd February, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 23rd February, 2023
- Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. is a joint venture company of Govt. of India (GoI) and Government of Maharashtra (GoM) established under the companies act 2013 for the purpose of implementation of the project within Maharashtra excluding Mumbai metropolitan area.
- RITES Ltd has carried out the investigation and studies for Nagpur Metro Rail Project PhaseII and prepared a Detailed Project Report (DPR) in November, 2019 based on which the project is proposed to be implemented.
- The City: Nagpur, the Orange city of India, is third largest city in the state of Maharashtra and second capital of the state. It is the seat of the annual winter session of the Maharashtra State Vidhan Sabha. Nagpur lies precisely at the center of the country with the Zero Mile Marker indicating the geographical center of India.
- It is a major commercial and political centre of the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. The city is also considered as the second greenest city in India along with title ‘Tiger Capital of India’ as it connects to many tiger reserves in the country. Due to its proximity from various parts of the country, the city is also emerging as one of economical hubs in recent times.
- The city of Nagpur acts as the headquarter for the Nagpur district with a population of about 46 Lakh of which about 24 Lakh population accounts to Nagpur Municipal Corporation as per 2011 Census data. Nagpur has a large number of technical institutes which can cater to the rising needs of the IT-ITES industry in the region by generating enough manpower resources.
- Nagpur, also considered as a low living cost city, has become a prime destination for Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) units. In addition to the establishment of the Multi-modal International Cargo Hub & Airport (MIHAN), Nagpur is also expected to be established as one of the major IT sectors in the country. Rapid urbanization and intense commercial developments in the recent past have resulted in steep rise in travel demand putting Nagpur’s transport infrastructure to stress. To relieve this stress MRTs system i.e. Nagpur Metro Phase-1 is already in operation.
- Based on the proposals from CMP, an Alternatives Analysis has been carried out to find the most viable mass transit system along identified corridors. Alternatives Analysis Report recommends extension of mass transit corridors of Phase 1 in order to meet the future traffic demand.
- Nationally and globally it is seen that the metro network expands progressively to cover the entire city. Hence, it is essential that in Nagpur also, such expansion of Metro Rail network is taken up in time, extension of phase-II is proposed.
Salient Features of the Project:
S. No. | Route | Length / Type | Stations |
1 | North–South Corridor: Kanhan River to MIDC ESR | 1.25 km/At-Grade + 30.45 km Elevated | 2 nos. (At-Grade) 20 nos. (Elevated) |
2 | East–West Corridor: Transport Nagar to Hingna | 12.10 km / Elevated | 10 nos. (Elevated) |
Total | 43.80 km | 32 nos |
- Corridor 1A-MIHAN – MIDC ESR – 18.6 km
- Corridor 2A-Automotive Square – Kanhan River – 13.0 km
- Corridor 3A-Lokmanya Nagar – Hingna – 6.7 km
- Corridor 4A-Prajapati Nagar – Kapsi – 5.5 km
- The Tender is for Appointment of Consultant for Carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Preparation of Environmental Mitigation Plan (EMP) for both the corridors (North-South and East-West) of Nagpur Metro Rail Project Phase-II with 1) NORTH-SOUTH corridor having a route length of 31.70 Km and 2) East-West corridor having a route length of 12.10. Total length being 43.80 km.
- The objective of the Nagpur Metro Rail Project phase-II is to strengthen the need for augmenting the transport infrastructure in Nagpur region. Rapid urbanization and intense commercial development in the recent past have resulted in a steep rise in travel demand, putting the existing city’s transport infrastructure to stress.
- The Government of Maharashtra has a policy to protect the environment and stakeholder interest. Developments of Metro Projects are generally intended to improve the economic and social welfare of the people. At the same time it may also create adverse impacts on the surrounding environment. People and properties may be in the direct path of Works are affected.
- The Environmental impacts of projects include damage to sensitive ecosystems, soil erosion, changes to drainage pattern and thereby ground water, interference with animal and plant life, loss of productive agricultural lands, demographic changes, accelerated urbanisation and increase in air pollution.
- The specific objectives of this EIA studies, include but are not limited to, anticipate and appraise any foreseeable impact a project may have on the environment and to identify and prevent any negative impact, or limit it to a tolerable level and (provided that the negative impact is inevitable but still tolerable) introduce compensation measures. In addition, the assessments should identify, monitor and manage any residual risks. They are also intended to raise awareness of development approaches that are ecologically sustainable.
Scope of Work:
- The objective of this assignment is to appoint an Environmental Consultant to conduct Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study with reference to the Nagpur Metro Rail Project Phase-II Alignment and other metro rail facilities proposed for the project.
- EIA and EMP shall be undertaken in accordance with the Environmental Framework/ Environmental Assessment Policy of the International Funding Agency like World Bank (WB) & ADB Safeguard Policy Statement,2009. (OP/BP-4.01, OP/BP-4.02, OP/BP-4.04 etc)
- Review of National, state, and local environmental regulatory requirements on environmental aspects and available standards besides requirements of Funding Agencies like WB Bank Guidelines and ADB/ EIB. Also, external factors review and assessment of Depots and their building plan areas to check with applicability of Environmental clearance,
- Description on all applicable laws and regulations for the project. Description of necessary approvals/consent requirement from the regulatory authorities,
- An environmental screening and categorization framework as per world bank criteria & Preparation of the REA Checklist as per ADB SPS,2009 for Project Categorization for the proposed project to identify the environmental analysis and planning aspects of the project,
- Identification of hot spots like involvement of forests, roads, rail crossing, bridges, rivers, nallahs, bore wells, surface drainage, and archaeological/historical/religious structures. Also, Habitat analysis in the ecological baseline assessment- defining natural, modified and critical habitat, any presence of avifauna parks or biodiversity zones,
- Study and summarize the existing condition of surface and subsurface water flow condition within the project area (From the secondary authenticated published data)
- Earmarking the project Location throughout the city and assessment with respect to environmentally sensitive areas, and community concerns,
- Inventory survey of Sensitive Receptors such as schools, hospitals, religious places within 100 m from central line of the proposed metro rail corridor will be identified using latest satellite images, field survey and interviews with residents,
- Assessment of existing land use pattern and study the possible impacts of the project on land use pattern;
- Description of alternatives considered from the relevant point of views (e.g. route, land use, technical aspects, environmental & social aspects),
- Establish the baseline status of the study area with reference to the air, noise & vibration, water quality, soil quality, solid waste, protected areas, physical environment (e.g. hydrology), biological and social aspects along the section. Also, Habitat analysis in the ecological baseline assessment- defining natural, modified and critical habitat, any presence of avifauna parks or biodiversity zones,
- Air & Noise quality monitoring shall be conducted at all proposed metro stations, casting yard and depots location to generate the data for baseline scenario,
- Justification must be given for selection of locations for assessment of baseline,
- Impacts to be identified for pre-construction (Location/design stage), construction phase and operation phase for the proposed Metro Rail project,
- Detailed Ecological and Biodiversity Impact Assessment and suggesting mitigation plan. Ecological study (details inventory chainage/ station wise of number of trees to be cut with diameter, height & species.). Also, Habitat analysis in the ecological baseline assessment- defining natural, modified and critical habitat, any presence of avifauna parks or biodiversity zones,
- Consultant shall propose the soil disposal plan for the construction phase of the project. Also, the consultant shall propose the areas in or outside the cities where soil could be re-used or disposed of.
- Consultant shall assess in principle impact of project construction and operation specifically w.r.t. air, noise and vibration and shall identify the sensitive receptors for these impacts.
- Noise Study: Mapping and modelling of noise resulting from ambient noise and noise due to operation of Metro rail system shall be carried out using the international standard software for rail noise mapping.
- The Noise mapping shall be carried on the GIS platform showing the noise contours. Prediction of noise at these locations due to train operation shall be made for 30 years with an interval of 3 years.
- The outputs of measurement and prediction shall be submitted in the form of noise contours for about 250 meters along the proposed metro rail route.
- Consultant shall propose the mitigation measures for attenuating noise levels below the statutory standards/baseline (whichever is higher) during the operation phase of metro rail.
- Vibration Measurement: Existing vibration measurement (24 hr. monitoring) at sensitive receptors, structures close to the alignment & Archaeological importance structures and vibration prediction at same sites during construction and operation of metro rail. The vibration mapping shall be carried on the GIS platform showing the vibration contours,
- The consultant shall justify the selection of location and methodology for conducting the vibration monitoring,
- Consultation and review with affected sensitive receptors (Major Hospitals) along the corridor due to Noise & Vibration.
- Identification of water body directly or indirectly affected, impact on water quality in the identified rivers/canals/creeks and supplementing the collection of existing and published data on water quality,
- Identification of major impacts due to Air, Noise & Vibration on Archaeological/ historical/ cultural/ religious structures, sensitive receptors. Assessment of likely impact on, water quality (Surface & Ground), ecological, muck/ soil, seepage water, land subsidence and waste. Assessment of impact due to labour camps and depots.
- Suggest suitable measures separately for mitigating the impact of noise and vibration in surrounding environment and habituated area that is likely to be generated during construction and from operation of metro train;
- Consultant shall report socio-economic data on demography, social status, local economy, local culture & custom and land details in the report for the project location. (Such data may be collated from secondary authentic sources).
- Project specific Risk and Hazardous management studies & suggesting construction Workers management plan (Occupational health and safety),
- Analysis of natural hazards and climate disasters in the region, vulnerability profile and also various adaptation measures considered in the project design,
- Preparing and suggesting project specific Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Environmental Management Action Plan (EMAP) duly following MoEF & CC/ WB/ ADB/ EIB guidelines for environmental sustainability, including budget for implementation,
- EMP shall be prepared Reach wise in such a manner that these are amenable to incorporation in the bidding/contract documents.
- EMP shall list all mandatory Government Clearance conditions and procedure for procuring clearances.
- EMP shall suggest mitigation measures, management & monitoring plan for all the significant impacts assessed for the project during design, construction & operation phases of the project.
- EMP shall include the organization structure for implementation of EMP with specific responsibilities for contractors, general consultants and project proponents during design, construction and operation phases of the project,
- Preparation of sub-EMP plans Like Air Quality, Water and wastewater quality Management Plan, Traffic Management plan during construction phase, Labor camp management pan, Solid waste and Hazardous waste management Plan,
- Preparation of Environment Assessment Review Framework (EARF) as per ADB SPS, 2009,
- Preparation of Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) based on analysis of collected data, impacts, mitigation strategy, EMoP will be finalised incorporating feedback from local residents participated in Public Consultation Meetings,
- Preparation of Environmental Monitoring Forms based on EMP and EMoP,
- Identification of Institutional needs to implement environmental assessment recommendations, (review the authority and capability of institutions and recommend steps to strengthen or expand them so that the management and monitoring plans in the environmental assessment can be implemented.),
- Organizing/ Conducting project level Public Consultation in obtaining the views of affected groups as part of EIA report,
- Carbon Credit study with explore opportunities for claiming Carbon Credits against this project including methodologies and documentation,
- Content of EIA report should be as per the WB/ ADB/ EIB funding agency policy.
- The Consultant will prepare a plan for in-country disclosure, specifying the timing and locations; translate the key documents, such as the Environmental Assessment Summary in local language for disclosure.
- The Consultant shall prepare a non-technical EA Summary Report for public disclosure.
- The invitation for tender is open to all entities registered in India who fulfill following Eligibility Criteria:
- The tenderer must have accreditation from QCI-NABET in the project sector at Sr. No. 34 (Category-A) i.e., Highways as per the list published by QCI in latest revision dated 05th Sep ‘2022 (or newer).
- Bidder shall submit the Proof of valid accreditation as said above along with the technical bid submissions.
- The bidder must have carried out at-least one comprehensive EIA Study for Metro Rail Project funded by International Funding Agencies.
- Bidder shall submit the copy of the Performance Certificate issued by the Employer as proof of completion of the comprehensive EIA Study for Metro Rail Project funded by International Funding Agencies.
- Bidder must have *Similar work experience during last 10 years’ period (ending the last day of the month previous to which the bids are invited i.e. last date of online bid submission) and should be either of the following:
- The Bidder must have received not less than Rs. 59.2 Lakhs from 1 (One) Contract towards the comprehensive EIA Study for Metro Rail Project funded by International Funding Agencies, or
- The Bidder must have received not less than Rs. 37 Lakhs each from 2 (Two) Contracts towards the *Similar work. Out of these Two Contracts, at least 1 (one) must be a comprehensive EIA Study for Metro Rail Project funded by International Funding Agencies, or
- The Bidder must have received not less than Rs. 29.6 Lakhs each from 3 (Three) Contracts towards the *Similar work. Out of these Three Contracts at least 1 (one) must be a comprehensive EIA Study for Metro Rail Project funded by International Funding Agencies
- Similar work means “Comprehensive EIA Study for Metro Rail Project funded by International Funding Agencies” or “Comprehensive EIA study for Railways, Highways or MRTS under Central Government/ State Government / PSU/ Urban Local Bodies/ Companies listed in stock exchanges of India (BSE and/or NSE only).”
- Experience certificate submitted by the bidder shall be signed & stamped by Client/Employer with address & contact no’s /email ID, briefly describing the nature of the work done and amount certified towards this work done.
- The enclosed experience certificate shall be exclusively for above said services. Any fraudulent/ fabricated/ forged document related to experience if submitted shall result in rejection of the bidder along with the action of penalizing bidder through debarment or forfeiture of bid security or both.
- The fee received from contracts as detailed above shall be escalated by 5% per year for Indian contracts and by 2% per year for foreign contracts up till 31st Dec’2022 to arrive at present value.
Eligibility Criteria (Financial):
- The bidders will be qualified only if their Average Annual Turnover for last five (05) audited financial years (FY 2021-22, FY 2020-21, FY 2019- 20, FY 2018-19, FY 2017- 18) is not less than Rs. 74 Lakhs (Summary of annual turnover & balance Sheets Certified by CA with UDIN to be enclosed).
- Bidder shall submit the list of appropriate human resources (key organisation staff with managerial capabilities to handle similar nature projects) along with the bid.
- The Consultant shall along with the bid submit an Affidavit stating that it shall comply with all relevant statutory norms like Minimum wages, Employees’ provident fund, Employees State Insurance & Service tax/GST etc.
Sale of document, e-payment procedure, submission and other details are available on MAHA-Metro (Nagpur) E- tender portal under section in e- tenders.
Source: Nagpur Metro- Tender | Image Credit (representational): Nagpur Metro
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