The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC) has issued a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) to Nuvision Commercial And Escort Services (NCES) for Provision of Ticket Vending services at metro stations of Phase-II section of Rapid Metro.
- Tender Ref No: OOMisc-932
- Contract Value: INR 3.74 Crore
- Work Completion Period (in days): 1461
Recently, DMRC has issued a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) to M/s Skylark Infra Engineering Pvt. Ltd. for Provision of Ticket Vending Services at Metro Stations of Phase-I Section of Rapid Metro.
- The objective of the contract is to provide Ticket Vending services at metro stations of Rapid Metro and associated locations for time period and fulfil all statutory requirements as stipulated in the Contract.
- In full recognition of this objective, and with full acceptance of the obligations, liabilities and risks which may be involved, the Contractor shall undertake the execution of the Services.
Scope of Work:
Contractor shall be required to execute the Ticket Vending Services with its own suitable uniformed and trained manpower with the specifications as determined by Rapid Metro. The services may be required at the metro stations and other locations, as deemed fit, by Rapid Metro. Brief of the required services, working requirement and area of deployment is detailed as under:
- Issuing Contactless Smart Tokens / Contactless Smart Cards from Ticket Office Machines (TOMs) / other authorized mediums installed at the stations / other locations of Rapid Metro. The personnel, so deployed, may be asked to perform associated/related works. They will be required to ensure cleanliness in and around their workplace.
- The period of contract shall be for a period of 48 months (04 Years).
- The above services may be required in the following sections of Rapid Metro (as a whole or in part):
Line | Section / Stations |
Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon Limited | Sikander Pur Station, Phase-2 station, Belvedere Tower Station, Cyber City Station, Moulsari Avenue Station, Phase-3 Station and call centre at OCC Building |
- Besides above, the services may be required at any other section / location as determined by Rapid Metro Ltd. It may, however, be noted that actual utilization may vary, based on Rapid Metro requirement.
- The man day (deployment) is for 9 hours shift including 01 hour break for Lunch, Tea and Rest. The requirement of Ticket Vending Services Personnel and Supervisor shall be fixed by Rapid Metro from time to time depending on the requirement / traffic pattern at different stations / locations of Rapid Metro.
- The contractor may be asked to provide additional trained and uniformed personnel at 1 (one) day’s advance notice.
- The quantity of items shown in the Commercial Bid is approximate and liable to vary/change during the actual execution of the services. The contractor shall be bound to carry out and complete the stipulated services irrespective of variation in individual services, at the same rate as specified in the Commercial Bid, except compensation revision in rates on account of revision in Minimum Wages and revision on account of change in GST structure and other statutory items as mentioned in Commercial Bid. The variation in the quantities under the contracts shall be limited to 25% of the total tendered quantities (9 hours shift including 01 hour break for Lunch, Tea and Rest as mentioned at A2.5 above). The variation can be implemented anywhere in the network of Rapid Metro.
- The scope of work under the contract may be reduced/curtailed based on Rapid Metro requirements as deemed fit. No claim or compensation will be entertained on this account.
- The contractor may be asked to provide other Services also viz.:
- Protection of Rapid Metro property, personnel & passengers against harm/theft/damage.
- Manning Rapid Metro Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) Gates for prevention of token loss/misuse and to guide/inform passengers regarding use of AFC Gates and penalties in case of violations.
- Crowd management at station area like Platforms, Lifts, Escalators, Circulating Area, etc.
- Guidance to commuters regarding Rapid Metro system, good behaviour & etiquettes.
- Obtaining and recording/survey different commuter services data.
- Regulate access control at nominated places of deployment; prevent misuse of premises and facilities.
- Undertake fire fighting operations with available equipments and resources.
- Any other job as assigned by Rapid Metro for the benefit or facilitation to commuters.
Source: DMRC-Tender Update | Image Credit (representational): Gurgaon Rapid Metro
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