In the ongoing re-development of railway stations across India , The Indian Railways had entrusted the New Delhi railway station to the RLDA for its redevelopment with state of the art architecture, facilities and public amenities. This project is to be executed with private sector partnership by leveraging the real estate development potential in the air space above the station and on the Railway land around station.
A total of 62 railway stations across the country is being re-developed by the RLDA on PPP Model, on self sustainable model & the entire cost of redevelopment is to be met by leveraging commercial development of spare railway land or airspace in and around the station.
More than 30 companies participated in the pre-bid meeting for the redevelopment of the New Delhi railway station via video conferencing. Over 30 national and international consultancy firms such as ITALFERR , Louis Berger , HAFEEZ Contractor, Tata Consulting, CP Kukreja, amongst others, participated in the pre-bidding conducted online on Wednesday, as per the Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) officials.
More Information:
- On 11 March 2020, RLDA floated the request for proposal (RfP) inviting bids from suitable bidders for the selection of consultancy firm providing consultancy services for feasibility study, detailed master planning, urban designing, engineering and preparation of detailed project report (DPR) for re-development of New Delhi railway station of Northern Railway.
- The tender as of now is scheduled to be awarded by first week of June 2020.
- Key objective of this project is to provide superior passenger services to the railway passengers at stations and transform these stations into iconic standards.
- RLDA Vice-Chairman : Shri Ved Parkash Dudeja said that the re-development of the New Delhi railway Station is one of our ambitious projects.
- The RLDA will be starting the opening of the online tenders soon, he said.
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