Noida Metro invites tender for co-branding rights at metro stations in NMRC network

Noida Metro Rail Corporation (NMRC) Ltd. has invited online open e-Bids from interested Bidder/s to submit their proposals as per provisions of this Request for Proposal Document (RFP) for selection of Bidder/Licensee for granting the license for Outdoor Advertisement Rights (Including Co-Branding) at Metro Stations & Inside Station advertisement rights at Metro Stations separately.

  • Tender Reference Number: NMRC/Co-Branding/200/2022
  • Name of Work: RFP for Co-Branding Rights at Metro Stations in NMRC Network 
  • EMD: INR 7,50,000 Lakh (Per Metro Station)
  • License Period: 10 Years
  • Pre Bid Meeting: 10th June, 2022
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 01st June, 2022
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 24th June, 2022
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 01st June, 2022
  • Bid Submission End Date: 24th June, 2022

Scope of Work:

Co-Branding Rights along with Outdoor Advertisement Rights at Metro Stations:

  • The selected Bidder shall be permitted to have Co-Branding Rights at the selected Metro station(s) (Except Sec – 50 Metro Station where only outdoor advertisement rights will be permitted without any Co-Branding right). The list of available Metro Stations for Co-Branding/Outdoor advertisement activities with offered outdoor/outside Station advertisement area are detailed below.
  • NMRC shall provide tentative outdoor advertisement spaces outside of the selected Metro Station mat the quoted rate as per table – 1 below. The stations would be handed over for Co-Branding Rights/activities & for outdoor advertisement display on “as is where basis is”. Only a single brand is permitted for external/outside advertisement at selected Metro Station.
  • The Licensee can utilize any format of advertisement including but not limited to backlit panels, scrollers, digital display, etc. as indicated above at the selected Metro Station with prior written approval from NMRC.
  • However, audio advertisement in any form is not permitted and there will be no change in NMRC’s station announcement/train announcement/notification/ inside train name/or any other document due to Co-Branding of the station. NMRC shall provide maximum display area as tabled below at each of the selected Metro Station and shall include the following considering the operational feasibility of the locations:
    • All feasible spaces including staircases (Outside the Station Building).
    • Any space/advertisement area falls either outside the Station or inside the Station will solely be decided by NMRC and it will be binding on the licensee & licensee cannot make any claim or compensation for this.
    • Smart posters, visual display by electronic media, without audio
    • Projectors/holography or any other innovative advertisement media
    • Install digital advertising panels in the form of LCD / LED panels, video walls or any similar format of advertisement, without audio.
    • All under construction/upcoming/Future FOBs (if any) will not be the part of the Co-Branding and Outdoor Advertisement contract, however existing FOB at the time of Tender (if any) will be the part of the Co-Branding and Outdoor Advertisement Rights contract except the (existing and upcoming) FOBs (if any) at Sec – 142 to Sec – 148 Metro Stations which crosses the Noida – Greater Noida expressway and connects with Metro Stations. 
  • Electronic/Digital Media for outdoor advertisement will be permitted subject to the conformity with the available statutory guidelines and its amendment from time to time and approval by NMRC.

Inside Station Advertisement Right at Metro Stations:

  • The selected Bidder shall be permitted to have Inside Station Advertisement Rights at the selected Metro station(s). The list of available Metro Stations for Inside Station Advertisement Rights with offered inside Station advertisement area are detailed at below.
  • The Licensee can utilize any format of advertisement including but not limited to backlit panels, scrollers, floor branding, roof branding, digital display, etc. at the selected Metro Station with prior written approval from NMRC. However, audio advertisement in any form is not permitted. NMRC shall provide maximum display area at each of the selected Metro Station and shall include the following considering the operational feasibility of the locations:
    • All feasible spaces including staircases (inside the Station building).
    • Any space/advertisement area falls either outside the Station or inside the Station will solely be decided by NMRC and it will be binding on licensee & licensee cannot make any claim or compensation for this.
    • Frisking panels/equipment
    • Fixed / Movable panels
    • Product displays
    • Smart posters for use in e-commerce for on-line or off-line shopping purposes, visual display by electronic media, without audio
    • Projectors/holography or any other innovative advertisement media
    • Install digital advertisement panels in the form of LCD / LED panels, video walls or any similar format of advertisement, without audio
    • Platform Screen Doors (PSDs)
    • Advertisement inventory may includes smart posters, QR codes/Graphics etc.


  • The objectives of Co-Branding Rights and Inside Station advertisements are:
    • To create an advertising environment at Metro Stations which is comparable to the quality of leading mass transit terminals in India and abroad.
    • To provide value to the organization / brands who associate with NMRC, and
    • To maximize the revenue potential other than fare box revenue for NMRC and all the parties associated thereof.

Source: Noida Metro -Tender | Image Credit (representational): NMRC

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