Noida Metro Rail Corporation (NMRC) Ltd. has invited online open e-Bids from interested Bidder/s to submit their proposals as per provisions of this Request for Proposal Document (RFP) for selection of Bidder/Licensee for Licensing of commercial spaces at Sec–101, Sec–81, Sec–142 and at Depot Metro Station in NMRC Network.
- Tender Reference Number: NMRC/PD Area/101/81/142/Depot/184R/203/2022
- Name of Work: Tender for Licensing of commercial spaces at Sec–101, Sec–81, Sec–142 and at Depot Metro Station in NMRC Network.
- License Period: 15 Years
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 06th July, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 02nd August, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 06th July, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 02nd August, 2022
- Bid Opening Date: 02nd August, 2022
Scope of Work:
- Successful Bidder shall have the rights to utilize the said Bare/Unfinished commercial Spaces for any commercial purpose except for banned usages/negative list as given in Annexure of this RFP subject to the terms and conditions as specified by NMRC.
- The offered Bare/semi furnished commercial space as per this RFP/Tender Document (Annexure-I) will be provided on “as is where is basis”. It is the successful bidder’s responsibility to develop the entire offered area with prior approval by NMRC. Due to any reason, if any part or whole of the structure is required to be removed on operational ground or otherwise, the successful bidder shall do it peacefully without any delay or demur and as per Technical feasibility. No claim for compensation/costs/damage etc. would be entertained on this account by NMRC.
- Successful bidders shall be required to execute all work at their own cost and as per NMRC specifications as required for commercial development of the tendered space.
- The successful bidder shall be required to adhere to the building design but there are no limitations on planning and subdivision of interior floor space as per feasibility. However, within these parameters, maintaining the structural safety and integrity shall be the sole responsibility of the successful bidder.
- The successful bidder shall also ensure that the proposed commercial development within the tendered area is neither an impediment for smooth flow of traffic/commuters/public nor a safety hazard to any one. The successful bidder shall also ensure that all existing utilities and facilities (if any) falling within the said tendered space will be kept accessible and the successful bidder shall not interfere or tamper with those installations at any time.
- Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, the successful bidder is required to adhere to the provisions of the prevailing master plan and the building by laws of the authorities having jurisdiction over the tendered space for the development works to be undertaken.
- The successful bidder shall obtain all clearances and sanctions as required from the competent authorities for building sub plans utilities, fire fighting etc. It is to be clearly understood that all such clearances are to be obtained by the successful bidder on its own and the NMRC may only provide assistance wherever possible without any obligations.
- Procuring all the permissions/licenses etc. required from the statutory/regulatory/civic authorities concerned, to be able to use the tendered space for desired commercial purpose/business will be sole responsibility of the successful bidder. NMRC shall not be responsible for any such procurement and shall not entertain any claims in this regard.
- Fire fighting and other related infrastructure to be installed/arranged at its own cost for the tendered space by the successful bidder & must be in sync. with the Metro Station’s fire fighting arrangement as per feasibility.
- The successful bidder shall at all times adhere to all provisions of the Metro Railways (Operations & Maintenance Act, 2002) and also to instructions issued from time to time from the MD, NMRC or its representatives.
- Operate, Manage and maintain the entire offered space with adequate trained and experienced team for responsibilities as defined in this RFP/Tender Document.
- Marketing/Promoting/Sub-Licensing of the offered spaces as specified in this RFP/tender Document. Except for sub-licensing the use of the tendered spaces as per the terms of this RFP/tender Document, the successful bidder shall not assign any of its rights, or interest in respective license agreement in favor of any company/person(s) at any time and for any reasons whatsoever.
- Under no circumstances, shall the tendered spaces or facilities constructed or installed at the licensed space/tendered space be mortgaged, charged or otherwise put under any lien (including negative lien), and no charge or encumbrance will be created or agreed to be created in favor of any person, including the Lenders/Financial Institution(s)/Banks etc.
- Successful bidder ensures that no use of polythene baggage/bags at the tendered area/licensed area/outlets.
- The successful bidder shall be responsible for obtaining the fire NOC (If required) from the concerned authorities on its own. NMRC may provide assistance (if required) in this regard.
- Comply with all statutory requirements in connection with this tender document & commercial development of Tendered Area.
Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit:
- The bidder shall furnish, as essential part of its e-Bid, an e-Bid Security/ EMD amount as mentioned below for intended space(s)/ individual offered space of their choice . The EMD amount against each space is as under:
S.No. | Name of the Metro Station | Location of the Space | Tentative commercial area offered (In Sqm) | Required EMD Amount (In lacs) |
1 | Sec – 101 | Ground Floor | 198 | 2.00 |
2 | Sec – 101 | 1st Floor | 597 | 4.50 |
3 | Sec – 81 | Ground Floor | 198 | 2.00 |
4 | Sec – 81 | 1st Floor | 545 | 2.75 |
5 | Sec – 142 | 1st Floor/Concourse | 104 | 1.50 |
6 | Depot | 1st Floor/Concourse | 106 | 1.25 |
Tender documents can be downloaded from e-tendering website http://etender.up.nic.in
Source: NMRC -Tender | Image Credit (representational): NMRC
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