Noida Metro Update: Tender invited for procurement, stacking & leading out 65MM Ballast at depot of Noida-Greater Noida metro corridor

Noida Metro Rail Corporation (NMRC) Ltd. has invited online open e-Bids from interested Bidder/s to submit their proposals as per provisions for RFP for “Procurement, stacking & leading out 65MM Ballast at Depot Noida-Greater Noida metro corridor, sector-34, Greater Noida.

  • Tender Reference Number: NMRC/Ballast Track/126(R3)/221/2022
  • Name of Work: RFP for “Procurement, stacking & leading out 65MM Ballast at Depot, Noida-Greater Noida metro corridor, sector-34, Greater Noida.
  • Period of Contract: 01 Year
  • Approximate Cost of Work: INR 42,16, 000 Lakh
  • EMD: INR 84,320 Thousand
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 27th September, 2022
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 17th October, 2022
  • Pre-bid Meeting: 30th September, 2022
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 27th September, 2022
  • Bid Submission End Date: 17th October, 2022
  • Bid Opening Date: 17th October, 2022

Scope of Work:

  • Procurement, Stacking & Leading out 65MM Ballast at Depot N-GN Metro Corridor, Sector34, Greater Noida” shall be carried out in depot lines during day/night time. The work shall be carried on approved blocks only.
  • The approved block details will be made available by Engineer In charge. In case of emergency/ unusual occurrences, the work may have to be done at any hour of day and night. Contractor shall make his own arrangement of lighting for deep screening & other track work. No extra payment will be made for the same.
  • The NMRC track is covered on both sides by boundary walls. The approach to the main line track is only from the station. Any contractor’s person entering the section for carrying out works under the contract shall have to obtain permission from the proper authority.
  • Contractor shall ensure that all precautions mentioned in chapter –II-part J for maintenance of track on Electrified area (25 KV AC Traction) as applicable is followed and all his staff are well versed with it. In this regard Safety Precautions & Essential Instructions for working in A.C. Traction area of NMRC are also to be followed.
  • Contractor shall ensure that all precautions to be taken while working in Track circuited area is observed as per Chapter 27 of NMRC Track Manual.
  • After completion of days/nights works the contractor shall ensure that all equipment, tools and plants, P.Way material, etc. either released or are cleared before leaving the site. No material whatsoever shall be left behind.
  • The quantum of work to be done under each item will be indicated to the contractor from time to time, during the currency of the contract & contractor shall instantaneously rise to the occasion and complete the work expeditiously. After completion of the work, these items will have to be returned to the Contractor without causing any damage to them.
  • In case of emergency the contractor has to mobilize resources and carry out works at any time of the day and night instantaneously at short notice if directed. The Response time in case of Emergency shall be one hour during commercial hours & Two hours during non-commercial hours. The contractor shall be always ready to attend any emergency if so arise.
  • The quantities shown in the schedule at BOQ are anticipated quantities and may vary depending on the actual requirement during the period of contract. The contractor shall not be entitled to any claim and / or increase in the rates whatsoever on account of variation in the quantities of the individual items or of the total contract value.
  • While doing the works, the contractor shall cause least inconvenience either to the travelling public or to the station staff or to the NMRC rakes or to NMRC property.
  • The contractor is advised to inspect the entire length of track in depot where the said work will be executed after obtaining permission only to acquaint him-self and assess beforehand difficulties likely to come across in respect to men, material, access to site, restrictions on At-grade/yard, restrictions in plying the trucks on roads imposed by police, lighting, water supply and so on.
  • The quantity used shall be in proportion of the requirement which shall be justified by the contractor & will be verified by the NMRC.
  • Such P.Way material which has been issued to the contractor but left behind with him not utilized shall be returned by the contractor at no extra cost to NMRC to any nominated depot /PWI store of NMRC. If the contractor fails to return such material, the cost of such materials will be recovered from him at double the book rates. The material to be returned shall however be in reasonably good condition as originally issued.
  • NMRC reserves the right to inspect any of the depots of the contractor where NMRC’s material has been stored and also to inspect the places where the contractor fabricates or otherwise processes these materials and the contractor shall provide all facilities for such inspections.
  • The contractor shall not transfer any of the material issued to him by the depots or fabrication yard or the site of work.
  • The contractor shall ensure that all his staff shall wear proper uniform with personal protective equipment including helmet, safety shoes and illuminated jacket etc. while working.
  • No advances shall be paid to the contractor.
  • The contractor will not cause any damage to the NMRC property or assets. If any such damage is caused, the contractor will have to pay the cost of such Damage & NMRC Decision in the issue will be final.
  • The contractor will have to complete the work during specified time. Instructions of the employer given from time to time shall be followed.
  • The quality of the work shall be as per the standards.
  • The contractor shall use standard tools & materials as specified or as per the requirement of Approved or reputed Brands as the case may be.
  • The contractor shall take all necessary safety measures & precautions and the contractor shall be entirely responsible for the safety & security of his men & materials.
  • The contractor may have to use necessary communication equipment like mobiles / WLL/ Walkie Talkie as per requirement.
  • If the same item or condition features in the special conditions of the contract & General conditions of the contract, then the item or condition mentioned in the special conditions of the contract alone will be applicable
  • Contractor shall provide Photo-identity cards to all his staff & supervisors.
  • Procurement, Stacking & Leading out 65MM Ballast at Depot N-GN Metro Corridor, Sector-34, Greater Noida as per Ballast Specification IRS_GE-1 June 2004
  • The land required for the contractor’s office /stores will be allotted free of cost, if available, to the extent considered & justified by NMRC in the vicinity up to the completion period. However, this will not be binding on NMRC. The land or area will be maintained by the contractor.
  • After completion of the work, the contractor shall clear all land under his temporary occupation to its original shape and condition without any extra cost to NMRC and hand it over to NMRC without any encumbrances within one month of completion of the work. In the event of failure to clear the site, NMRC will get this done through another agency at contractor’s cost.


  • The Bidder’s competence and capability is proposed to be established by the following parameters. The Bidder should meet all the criteria given in this section.
  • Sole proprietorship, registered partnership firm, public limited company or private limited company, any of the above can submit the Bid. The firms and the companies should be registered in India. Joint ventures are not allowed.
  • The Bidder should have a minimum experience of having satisfactorily and successfully completed similar works during last 7 (Seven) years period ending last day of month previous to the one in which the bids are invited, in any Central Govt., State Govt., PSU, NMRC or any private limited company. Which should be either of the following:
    • One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 33,72,800.00/- (Rupees Thirty-three lakh seventy-two thousand eight hundred only)
    • Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.21,08,000.00/- (Rupees Twenty-one lakh and eight thousand only)
    • Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.16,86,400.00/- (Sixteen lakh eighty-six thousand four hundred only)
  • Definition of Similar Works – For this contract shall be any work related to railway track in Central Govt./ State Govt./PSUs or any Private limited company of repute.
  • The Bidder should have a minimum Average Annual Turnover from similar work of Rs. 4216000.00/- Forty-Two Lakh Sixteen Thousand Only) in the last 3 (three) Financial Years (2019-20, 2020-21,2021-22) preceding the Bid Due Date.


  • The tenderer shall submit details of works executed by them in the Performa of Form-4 for the works to be considered for qualification of work experience criteria. Documentary proof of completion certificates from clients clearly indicating the nature/scope of work, actual completion cost and actual date of completion for such work should be submitted.
  • The offers submitted without this documentary proof shall not be evaluated. In case the work is executed for private client, a copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise details of payment received certified by C.A., T.D.S certificates for all payments received and a copy of the final/last bill paid by the client shall also be submitted.
  • Value of a successfully completed portion of any ongoing work up to the last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission will also be considered for qualification of work experience criteria.
  • For completed works, value of work done shall be updated to the last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission price level assuming 5% inflation for Indian Rupees every year and 2% for foreign currency portions per year. The exchange rate of foreign currency shall be applicable 28 days before the submission date of tender.
  • If the above work(s) (i.e. “Similar work” comprises other works, then the client’s certificate clearly indicating the amount of work done in respect of the “similar work” shall be furnished by the tenderer in support of work experience along-with their tender submissions.

Tender documents can be downloaded from e-tendering website

Source: NMRC -Tender | Image Credit (representational): NMRC

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