Noida Metro Update: Tender invited for Traffic and Transportation study for extension of Aqua Line

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has invited e-tender in prescribed proforma on Limited Tender basis, for the “Traffic and Transportation study for preparation of DPR for extension of Noida Metro (Aqua Line) from Depot Station to Bodaki Railway Station”.

Key Details:

Description of work: Traffic and Transportation study for preparation of DPR for extension of Noida Metro (Aqua Line) from Depot Station to Bodaki Railway Station.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Rs. 20,450/-
Period of completion: 60 Days
Estimated cost: Rs. 8,66,486/- plus GST as applicable (10,22,453/- including GST at the existing rate of 18%)
Bid Submission Start Date: 18-Jun-2020 05:15 PM
Bid Submission End Date: 01-Jul-2020 03:00 PM
Bid Opening Date: 02-Jul-2020 03:30 PM

Scope of Work:

The Traffic & Transportation aspect of this work involves collection of socio-economic, land use, traffic & travel data from secondary sources as well as conducting primary traffic & travel surveys. Scope can be divided into two segments:

  • Up-dation of passenger forecasting of existing Noida Metro corridor (Aqua Line) from Noida Sector-51 to Depot Station and Noida City Center to Noida Electronic City.
  • Up-dation of passenger forecasting of proposed Noida Metro Corridors from Noida Sector-71/51 to Greater Noida (Knowledge Park-V) and Botanical Garden to Noida Sector-142
  • The second segment mainly comprises of traffic data collection for the proposed metro corridor for extension of Noida Metro Rail Corridor (Aqua Line) from Depot Station to Bodaki Railway Station and realistic assessment of traffic on the proposed network.

1. The consultant has to assess:

  • Baseline total and assigned traffic onto the system across horizon years;
  • Metro ridership and passenger km across horizon years;
  • PHPDT (peak sectional load) across horizon years;
  • Corridor wise ridership across horizon years;
  • Different station loadings (boarding, alighting numbers) across horizon years;
  • Unidirectional station boarding and alighting in the peak hour giving sectional load in peak hour.
  • Base network, traffic and travel characteristics amidst a multi model setup; and
  • The dynamics of traffic shift to the proposed system in wake of competing modes across horizon years.
  • The V/C ratio of all the proposed corridors before & after metro system is in place.

2. For estimating the passenger traffic, the study should consider:

  • Passenger trips that would resort to the project corridor due to the new metro system linkages. This procedure should measure the relationship between the strength of a stimulus and the proportion of cases exhibiting a certain response to the stimulus (passengers resorting to the metro).
  • The modal shift to the newly introduced system on to the existing network (Probabilistic Model) from each competing mode once the metro system is installed.
  • Unidirectional station boarding & alighting of daily and days section load.
  • Determination of total trips on date (vehicular and walk) and in horizon of 30 years.
  • Existing modal split on date for various modes
  • Modal split after metro in place i.e. existing corridors of Noida Metro, other proposed corridors and this extension or any other corridor, identified by DMRC:
    • Total passenger km (PKM) on metro corridor wise.
    • Average trip length for each metro corridor separately and also combined.
    • Fare structure to be mentioned clearly in the report.
    • Station to station of metro OD to be provided.
    • Complete OD matrix of all trips, private trips and public trips to be provided.
  • Traffic that may accrue at major interchange points and mid-block locations due to introduction of the new facility.

3. The study shall be based on analysis of:

  • Review of the existing travel pattern
  • Review of network usage pattern by different modes
  • Review of existing transport facilities (all competing modes)
  • Review of the zoning system
  • Network plan and the specified project corridor
  • Hourly classified volume counts
  • Origin Destination (O-D) matrices – consolidated and mode-wise
  • Existing public transport network and their specific movement along the project corridor
  • Competing transport modes
  • Average Trip Lengths for various categories of vehicles

4. The traffic and travel data collated is to be used to formalise the 4 stage travel demand model for the baseline and projected scenarios (maximum 2), that inter alia includes:-

  • Trip Generation Model
  • Trip Attraction Model
  • Trip Assignment Model
  • Peak and off-peak period system load forecast
  • Trip distribution model suiting either growth factor models/system models
  • The consultant has to model and estimate the “generalized cost of travel” for the proposed metro system. Also, the consultants need to formulate discrete models (probit or ligit) using primary WoP data collated as part of the study. The foresaid models will help gauge the extent of traffic diversion / attraction across competing modes for the project corridor (in wake of travel time and travel cost savings once the proposed system is in place). Fare differentials with competing modes and their relative impact on metro ridership is to be gauged using direct and cross price elasticity measures. Such models shall be spatially and logically validated using the assignment exercise with changes to TTM and related cost impedance factors. Statistical analysis and discrete choice model estimation should be carried out using the stated preference survey data segmented by vehicle type, highway used, trip purpose and time of day (AM peak, PM peak and off-peak periods).
  • Consultants need to support their travel forecast using estimates arrived at from using Time series/ Panel data pertaining to key traffic generation (population, motorization rates, households etc.) and traffic attraction parameters (land-use based parameters). Back-testing of trip end data has to be accomplished by the consultants.

5. Multi-Modal Traffic Integration, Station Area Traffic Dispersal Plans, planning for feeder bus services, public bike sharing and pedestrianization in the influence area of stations to ensure First and Last Mile connectivity.

6. Updating the demand forecast report will include ridership of all the corridors

Tender, along with all details should be submitted online on the website upto 15:00 Hrs. on 01.07.2020. Late tenders (received after date and time of submission of bid) shall not be accepted under any circumstances. Tender document can only be obtained online after registration of tenderer on the website

Source: DMRC-Tender

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