Search Results for Block Proving by Axle Counter

NFR has taken various measures to ensure smooth running of trains and safety of passengers
Improvement in Rail safety is a continuous process and constant endeavour is made to improve the same. Safety Audits/inspections are undertaken at regular intervals on railway infrastructures with a view to identify weak areas in […]

Delhi Metro Update: Tenders invited for supply of Train control & Signalling System for Aerocity to Tughlakabad corridor of Phase-IV
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC) has invited online open e-tenders from eligible Bidders for the design, execution and completion of “Contract DS-06: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Train control & Signalling […]

RVNL invites tender for Signalling and Telecommunication works for Mau-Ghazipur-Tarighat New line
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has invited bids under single stage single packet system for the work of “Design, Supply, Erection, Testing and commissioning of signalling and Telecommunication works involving indoor and outdoor signalling works […]

Indian Railways upgrades 1,206 railway stations under ‘Adarsh Station Scheme’
Development/modernisation of railway stations is presently taken up under Adarsh Station Scheme. The expenditure on development of stations under Adarsh Station Scheme is generally funded under Plan Head-53 ‘Passenger Amenities’. Station-wise details of funds allocated/spent […]

Indian Railways completes several projects during Financial Year 2020-21
Indian railways has achieved several milestones during the Financial Year 2020-21 inspite of Covid Pandemic. Key achievements of Indian Railways during Financial Year 2020-21 despite lockdown are given below:- Due to the imposition of nationwide […]

RVNL invites bids for Signaling & Telecom works in connection with Railway Electrification between Tinaighat – Vasco Da Gama Stations
In continuation to the tender for provision of Electronic Interlocking system at Tangiriapal station & IBS in Sagadapata-Tangiriapal section, the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has now invited bids under single stage two packet system […]

RVNL invites bids for provision of Electronic Interlocking system at Tangiriapal station & IBS in Sagadapata-Tangiriapal section
In continuation to the tender for supply CBTC Signaling system for Kavi Subhash-Biman Bandar & Joka-Esplanade Metro corridors, the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL), has now invited bids under single stage two packet system for […]

RVNL invites bids for Signaling & Telecommunication works for Raipur-RVH doubling project
The RaiI Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has invited bids for the work of “Supply & Execution of S&T works for ‘R-RVH’ doubling with replacement of East & West cabin panel by provision of distributed EI […]

South Eastern Railway adopts several measures to improve safety performance
South Eastern Railway (SER) has been making efforts to improve safety performance in all respect. The utmost vigil in train operations and security of the travelling passengers are the basic principles of railway safety. Several […]