Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC) has invited open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Design and construction of single tunnel (SUBWAY) between Bihar and Patna Museum by Shield TBM, fire escapes, ancillary building, Entry/Exits building including architectural finishing, water supply, sanitary installation and drainage works at Patna.
- Tender Reference Number: PC-08
- Name of Work: Design and construction of single tunnel (SUBWAY) between Bihar and Patna Museum by Shield TBM, fire escapes, ancillary building, Entry/Exits building including architectural finishing, water supply, sanitary installation and drainage works at Patna.
- Estimated Cost: INR 296.41 Cores
- EMD: INR 01 Crore
- Completion Period: 30 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 23rd February, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 05th April, 2023
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 03rd March, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 29th March, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 05th April, 2023
- Tender Opening Date: 06th April, 2023
- These Employer’s Requirements are divided into four sections as follows:
- General: these apply throughout the Contract.
- Functional: these include the specific core requirements for the design and performance of the Works.
- Design: these apply in respect of duties & requirements relating to the design of the Permanent as well as all temporary structures Works.
- Construction: these apply in respect of duties and other requirements relating to the construction of the Works.
- The objective of the contract is the design, construction completion, testing and commissioning of the permanent works by the Contractor (including without limitation, the design, construction and removal of the Temporary Works) and the rectification of defects appearing in Permanent Works in the manner and to the standards and within the time stipulated by the Contract.
- In full recognition of this objective, and with full acceptance of the obligations, liabilities and risks which may be involved, the Contractor shall undertake the execution of the Works.
Scope of Work:
- Design and Construction of Single Tunnel (Subway) by Shield TBM Between Patna Museum and Bihar Museum in all types of soil/every type of rock Strata as shown in tender drawings, including sumps, subway connection with fire escapes, ancillary building and underground Vidyut Bhawan station of contract PC-05 of Patna Metro Project along with supply and installation of fire doors (as per latest NFPA requirement) as required.
- Design and Construction of all underground structures viz Entry/Exit building at Patna Museum, Entry/Exit building at Bihar Museum, Ancillary building with fire escape and two fire escape buildings by D-wall construction method and integration with underground Vidyut Bhawan station by NATM method as shown in the tender drawing provided with tender documents.
- Design and Construction of Ancillary building with Utilities galleries, ASS rooms, TVF rooms, system rooms, DB and Panel Room, pump room, water tanks, diesel generator set room, shafts, sump etc. as shown in the tender drawings.
- The design and construction of sumps so as to ensure proper and sufficient drainage system is also in the lumpsum scope of contract. Design and construction of suitable drainage arrangement systems throughout the contract alignment so as to ensure proper gravity flow of water from all points (including those with zero slope) into the nearest sumps.
- Design and Construction of all temporary works associated with construction of the Works including temporary steel decking over cut and cover structures under roadways to allow uninterrupted flow of traffic. Construction and maintenance of temporary diversion roads and Services for traffic diversion as required.
- The preparation of an appropriate traffic diversion scheme for the work and its approval from the respective authorities/agencies shall be in the scope of the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for planning/altering his construction methodology, construction sequences, etc., (with DMRC approval) in view of the permissions accorded by the road owning agencies/traffic authorities.
- Diversion of chartered utilities and supports of chartered/uncharted as well as maintenance of unchartered utilities during construction including maintenance and annual desilting of diverted/supported chartered utilities. Besides utilities indicated in the tender drawings, all at ground/above ground utilities encountered at the work sites along with their underground/at ground/above ground extension such as cables, pipes, transformers, man holes etc. shall also be deemed as chartered utility.
- The maintenance of diverted/supported charted/uncharted utilities shall be from the start of construction till handing over it to the concerned utility owning agency (ies) or till the period as conveyed by the respective owning agency (ies) in its terms and condition, whichever is later.
- Waterproofing of all underground structures and roof of above-ground structures as mentioned in Section S-12 of Outline Construction Specifications for Tunnel connectivity between Museums and finishing of water tanks with ceramic tile.
- Construction of two deep tube-wells of 24000 lph yield at Ancillary building location including submersible pumps of required capacity, electrical cable upto main control panel, GI pipe line, including connecting them to main water supply underground tank.
- Design and Construction of tunnel (TBM Tunnel) drainage system including fixing of heavy-duty sump riser pipe of required size (min 80 mm dia.) and main drainage pipe (min 100 mm dia.) up to the drainage system of next/previous under/above ground structure in the alignment. Alignment to be checked with respect to Drawings.
- Design & construction of Compound/boundary wall including their foundation, column, tie beams, plinth beams, concertina coil & MS supporting arrangement, etc., as shown in the tender drawing or dismantle of the existing foundation, column, tile beam, Plinth beam, MS supporting arrangement, etc.. All MS structures to be painted with Epoxy paint.
- Making provision in structures for fire detection & suppression system and all other building services including niches/cutouts which also includes niches in roof slabs in cut & cover for designated system-wide contractor.
- Making provision for accommodating the requirements for LV & MV supply routes and cable galleries / cables ways at the station and in the tunnel for system wide contractors.
- Supply, delivery, installation, functional testing and handover of earth mat at the ancillary building as per the requirement of system wide contractor.
- Installation of embedded pipes as per the requirement of system contractors. However, pipes either be issued by DMRC or by other system contractor(s) free of cost.
- Supply, installation & testing of all pipes for water, sewage and drainage works as per requirement including their connection from sump/pump to existing civic drainage/sewage point. All sump pits shall be covered with proper RCC slab/heavy duty G.I.gratings. Drains at Ancillary building shall be covered with proper heavy duty G.I.gratings.
- Filling of Sand and RCC below the subway floor finish level in the tunnel.
- Demolition/dismantling of any existing structures (below & above ground level), roads, footpath, RCC drain or any type of drain, kerb stone, pavers, central verge, boundary wall, grill, gate, railing, fencing, signage’s, underground tanks, any overhead & underground utilities, street lighting, transformer, signaling system, bus shelters and any other services etc. required for the work and disposal of same as directed by Engineer.
- Tenderer must visit the site and ascertain actual magnitude of quantum of work involved for road, footpath, RCC Drain or any type of drain, kerb stone, pavers, overhead & underground utilities, central verge, boundary wall, signage’s, grill, gate railing, fencing, bus shelters, existing structures (below & above ground level) and any other services, etc., and nothing shall be payable on this account. Retrieved materials obtained from demolition/dismantling shall be property of the contractor.
- Survey, instrumentation, ground treatment, ground and building monitoring, risk analysis, settlement prediction, preventive and corrective actions using modern state of the art surveying methods including 24*7 (24 hours, 7 days a week) real time monitoring wherever required.
- Traffic management along the worksite including works like Road works, footpaths & other services required in connection with traffic management and maintenance during construction period. Also, reinstatement to original condition wherever road/diversion has been made outside original road which will include reconstruction of structure demolished for traffic management.
- Reinstatement/Restoration of roads/service (such as road, street lighting, transformer, signaling system, bus shelters, footpath, paver, kerb stone, bore wells, underground tanks, boundary wall, grill, gate railing, fencing, signage’s, Public Toilet, any drains, all charted utilities, any utilities damages during construction, horticulture work and any other work etc.) after completion of work only for the following areas:
- Area , where excavation has been done for construction of tunnels, under/above ground structure, entries and original soil, has been disturbed.
- Area occupied by the contractor for construction activities and for other purposes such as establishment of office/storage/batching plant/yards, etc.
- The reinstatement work will be done with new material of similar specification after completion of work for the area disturbed by the contractor during construction activities. This reinstatement will be as per current standards being used by the roads/service owning agency for similar roads.
- Reinstatement/restoration of any type of buildings/shops/structures (below & above ground level) to their existing specifications with new material of similar specification which would be demolished/dismantled for the purpose of construction of under/above round structure, tunnel, connecting to fire escapes and ancillary building with Tunnel, & Entry/Exit structures.
- The Load of these structures shall be taken into consideration while designing the Works. Repairing & finishing of existing retrieval shaft shall also be done as per the Direction of Engineer.
- Underpinning and protection of existing buildings and structures wherever required.
- Design and Construction of foundation for fire pump, chiller plant, Electrical Panels, Pumps/motors, DG and other such equipment as per loading details provided by system contractor.
- Sufficient number of dewatering systems with drainage pumps arrangements to be provided at all works sites still commissioning of permanent pumps by DMRC.
- Providing Cement Concrete Block masonry works in walls including pointing, etc., as shown in the drawings.
- Providing & laying screed concrete at the undercroft, subway floor finish level, Basement levels, roof level, Ancillary building, Entry/Exit structure locations etc. any RCC slab under flooring, if required, shall be done.
- The following work is to be designed, supplied, installed and commissioned by other designated contractors with whom the Contractor shall co-ordinate all interface requirements at design stage and during his construction and integrated testing Activities.
- However, making provisions for all these services including all civil works construction, shafts, niches, Lift shaft, bolts, Anchors, sleeves, flanges lifting hooks, brackets, openings / cut outs, sealing of cutouts, providing as shown in tender drawing shall be in the scope of present contract.
- Lifts
- Water Supply in the Tunnel
- Auxiliary substations upto main LT panel subway
- UPS to some defined equipment provided by others
- Telecommunications,
- Tunnel ventilation and Air conditioning
- Building services including ECS, Power Supply, Lighting, Firefighting etc.
- Design & Construction of drains as shown in the tender drawings for which shop drawings shall be made by the contractor and got approved from DMRC before execution.
- Vertical Alignment of tunnels given in GAD has been planned having gradients for the purpose of drainage. Sumps, at the end of the gradients shall be provided and their design and construction including their connections is in the scope of this work. Minor changes in Alignment are permitted but the change should not affect the drainage system of the tunnel.
- The arrangement of temporary pumping of the seepage/sewage water, etc., from the sewage/seepage sumps till the period stipulated in interface management given Appendix- 2D of Employer requirements.
- Designing, providing, fixing and testing of MS hoisting hooks for lifts, ASS rooms, etc. as per the requirement of designated contractor as stipulated in interface management as given in Appendix-2D of Employer Requirements and removal of the same after completion of work, if required.
- Fulfilling all requirements stipulated in interface management given in Appendix-2D.
The brief description of scope specific to the underground structure is described below:
Entry/Exit building at Patna Museum:
- This Entry/exit building will have a ground-plus first-floor structure with three-level underground structure including the subway floor finish level.
- The Entry/Exit building shall be located in the back side of Patna Museum. The entrance to the entry/exit building will integrate with the Museum Building.
- The entry-exit building will be at the same plinth level as that of the Patna Museum building from ground level to provide universal access to the museum.
Entry/Exit building at Bihar Museum:
- This entry/exit building will have a ground-plus first-floor structure with three-level underground structure including the subway floor finish level.
- The entry/exit building will accommodate facilities like security checks, goods lift, toilets and exhibition areas at two levels.
- This entry/exit building will connect Bihar Museum building through an existing covered pathway extending from museum entrance along the length of the museum.
- This entry/exit building will also have direct approaches from the parking area.
Work Experience:
- The tenderers will be qualified only if they have successfully completed or substantially completed similar works during last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission as given below:
- At least one “similar work” of value of INR 237.13 crores or more, or
- Two “similar works” each of value of INR 148.21 crores or more, or
- Three “similar works” each of value of INR 118.56 crores or more.
- The “Similar works” for this contract shall be “Tunnelling work in urban environment by Shield TBM with finished internal dia of minimum 5.0 mtr, along with or without underground station(s) (which may include architectural finishing)”.
Additional Work Experience:
- Experience of having completed Tunneling work(s) in urban environment of minimum 600m Tunnel length put together from maximum of 03 Works by Shield TBM (in case of twin tunnel, each tunnel shall be counted as a separate Tunnel for calculation of length of tunnel) with finished internal dia of minimum 5.0 mtr diameter either in above Works under A1 above or any 3 different Works irrespective of value of Works.
- If the tenderer is a JV/Consortium having foreign partner(s) and above work(s) have been executed by the foreign partner of JV and the work(s) were done in the country of the foreign partner, then in addition to this the foreign partner must have executed works (which need not be similar in nature) of total put together of value INR 118.56 crore or more outside the country of the foreign partner.
Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: DMRC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC
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