Proposals Invited for Supply of Digital Project Management System using BIM Technology for Kanpur & Agra Metro Rail Projects

Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited (UPMRCL) has invited proposals for “Supply, Installation & Support of Digital Project Management System (DPMS) using Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology” for Kanpur & Agra Metro Rail Projects.

Scope of work :

UPMRC for effective implementation of Kanpur & Agra Metro Rail projects intends to deploy digital project management system using Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology. The scope of work will broadly include :

  • Supply, Implementation and Support of Digital Project Management Platform including 5D-BIM (5-Dimensional Building Information Modeling) & Common Data Environment (CDE) solution.
  • An Owner’s Support Office (OSO) shall be created by the Agency which will support UPMRC in implementing 5D BIM.

Key Details :

Note : Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) reserve the rights to amend above the dates & time, if so required.

Proposal document : Link

Additional Insights : 

Building information modeling (BIM) is a process supported by various tools, technologies and contracts involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of places. Currently , BIM software is used by individuals, businesses and government agencies who plan, design, construct, operate and maintain diverse physical infrastructures such as roads, railways, bridges, ports , tunnels , etc .

In India , BIM is now being adopted by Rail & Metro Projects for more efficient management and other benefits . Some present cases :

  1. Delhi Metro – Delhi Metro used BIM technology for construction of the underground track. Despite the COVID-19 crisis, DMRC’s team of architects and designers are regularly coordinating with site personnel, design consultants and contractors to finalise all the designs for the ensuing construction work of Phase 4.
  2. Nagpur Metro – Nagpur Metro was the first project in the country to implement the 5D BIM Project visualization. It is also the first to extend the resources to achieve another milestone of 6D BIM. With 6D BIM Maha-Metro, Nagpur has created a digital twin with an asset management system. This way the organization has reduced the information loss which happens at project handover time.
  3. Pune Metro – Pune Metro became the second project in the country to implement the modern project management system known as 5D BIM (building information modelling).
  4. Chennai Metro – BIM is also to be used on the construction of phase-2 of Chennai Metro project. CMRL will use BIM to help them plan, design, coordinate, and build the corridors and stations as part of the project which stretches almost 120km.
  5. Hyderabad Metro – L&T has implemented the Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Hyderabad Metro (3D). BIM was used to provide better solutions, faster project delivery, improved sustainability and performance.

Multiple projects are now utilizing this technology & are successfully adopting latest technologies for successful implementation of projects .

Image Credit: Bentley Systems

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