Rail NZ 2019 – Light Vs Heavy Rail: Moving People & Exploring Options will take place in Auckland from 12-13th September 2019. The 2-day International Summit will look at NZ’s current developments in urban rail transportation and what the Government is looking at doing in the future to improve accessibility to public transport as well as look at new developments, challenges, issues, opportunities and how other countries are developing integrated and efficient transport networks.
Rail NZ 2019 – Light Vs Heavy Rail : Moving People & Exploring Options will address current developments in urban rail transportation with particular focus on the country’s regional councils and their plans and vision for a safe and efficient rail transport system. “The Government Policy Statement 2018 (GPS) makes provision for the improvement of rail through new urban and interregional commuter rail services and outlines a capital delivery investment phase out to FY26. Rail has a prominent focus within the GPS as an enabler of sustainable economic development, which links New Zealand’s regions and ports to export markets overseas.”
Rail NZ 2019 – Light Vs Heavy Rail: Moving People & Exploring Options
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
Date: 11-13th September 2019
Registration Link: Click Here
Show website: stratcoms.com
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