Indian Railways is poised to become the world’s biggest potential market for the introduction of modern state-of-the-art technologies & solutions for optimally harnessing the existing resources and deploying new technology solutions. Indian Railways has huge talent & resource base towards adopting and deploying new technology solutions from around the globe as well as to develop innovative solutions indigenously.
This could be achieved by establishing close linkages between top management of Indian Railways, intellectual resources, research laboratories, international organizations and the industry. Important areas where technological developments are needed include high speed trains, safety, track modernization, locomotives, signaling system and development of heavy haul system where axle loads and length of trains could be continuously increased as per needs. The Government of India has taken some key initiatives in this direction and is also considering announcing more policy initiatives in the Railway’s network expansion, new infrastructure construction, technological up gradation & capacity enhancement etc.
In view of these important developments, ASSOCHAM is organizing International Conference RAILTECH-2017 :
‘Advanced Rail Technology for India’ at 9.30 a.m. on July 21,
2017 at Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi.
The conference will have a large participation of policy makers, stakeholders, diplomats of various countries that can offer advanced railway technologies needed by Indian Railways, and the captains of industry and Research Institutes that would carry forward the agenda of modern technological solutions in Indian Railways. This would be an excellent forum to discuss and disseminate the latest policy initiatives, programs and the priority list of advanced technologies that Indian Railways is now keen to induct.
Venue: Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi, India
Dates: 21 July, 2017
Entry: Registration Link
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