The Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) has invited electronic bids for and on behalf of the President of India from established and reliable manufacturers or their subsidiaries /associates for Manufacturing and supply of Forged Wheels under long term agreement.
- Tender Reference Number: 2022/RS-WTA-149/Tender/531
- Name of Work: Manufacturing and supply of Forged Wheels under long term agreement.
- Approximate cost of work: INR 116560000000 Crore
- EMD: INR 20 Crore
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 09th September, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 15th December, 2022
- Pre-bid Meeting: 27th September, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 09th September, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 15th December, 2022
- Bid Opening Date: 15th December, 2022
Scope of the Agreement:
- The Scope of the Agreement (the “Scope of the Agreement”) shall mean and include the following during the agreement Period,
- Establishing facilities for manufacturing and testing of Wheels at the Wheel Factory;
- Establishing facilities for machining of Wheels, Axles and assembly of Wheels and Axles of capacity 6000 Wheelsets per annum at the Wheel Factory;
- Setting up Wheel Testing Centre at Railway site;
- Manufacturing and supplying of about 15,40,000 Wheels of different rolling stocks to the Railway over a period of 20 years as per the Supply Programme;
- Supplying assembled Wheelsets to the Railways as per the Supply Programme(rough turned Axles, bull Gears, brake disc etc to be supplied by Railways free of cost basis); and
- Suppliers can supply to 3rd Party only after meeting the requirement of Railways as per the Supply Programme.
Obligations of the Railway:
- The Railway shall, at its own cost and expense, undertake, comply with and perform all its obligations set out in this Agreement or arising hereunder.
- The Railway agrees to provide support to the Supplier and undertakes to observe, comply with and perform, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Applicable Laws, the following:
- To supply rough turned Axles, bull Gears, brake disc etc to the Supplier free of cost for assembly of Wheelsets;
- Not do or omit to do any act, deed or thing which may in any manner be in violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement;
- Wherever possible, support, cooperate with and facilitate the Supplier in the implementation and operation of the Project in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;
- Wherever feasible, provide technical assistance from Rail Wheel Factory (RWF), Bengaluru and/or RDSO for training and improvement in quality of products/process and need based product development from time to time as per mutually agreed terms and conditions.
Obligations of the Supplier:
- The Supplier shall design, manufacture and supply the Wheels/Wheelsets to the Railway in conformity with proven and upto date Good Industry Practices, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall be fit for the purpose thereof. The technical requirement and drawings of Wheels are listed in schedule A.
- Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Supplier shall at its own cost and expense procure finance and undertake the design, engineering, procurement, construction and operation of the Project and observe, fulfill, comply with and perform all its obligations set out in this Agreement or arising hereunder.
- The Supplier shall comply with all Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits (including renewals as required) in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.
- Subject to the provisions of Clauses 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 above, the Supplier shall discharge its obligations in accordance with Good Industry Practice and to the best of its ability.
- The Supplier shall, at its own cost and expense, in addition to and not in derogation of its obligations elsewhere set out in this Agreement:
- Not do or omit to do any act, deed or thing which may in any manner be violative of any of the provisions of this Agreement;
- Take all reasonable precautions for the prevention of accidents in the Factory and provide all reasonable assistance and emergency medical aid to accident victims.
Solid Rolled multiple wear Wheels of Diesel and Electric Locomotives:
- This standard covers the requirements of heat treated solid rolled multiple-wear wheels for Diesel and Electric locomotives of all gauges.
- Any special requirements given in the relevant drawings will override this specification.
Process of steel manufacture:
- The wheels shall be manufactured from steel made by Electric, Basic Oxygen or any other process recognized as equivalent by the purchaser. The steel shall be of killed quality.
- The steel shall be vacuum degassed and hydrogen content in liquid steel shall not be more than 2.5 PPM. Hydrogen analysis shall be done as given in Para 2.1.2 & 2.1.3.
- The sample of liquid steel shall be taken from the ladle by plunging the sampler 300 mm below the molten metal-slag interface. The sample shall be held 2-3 seconds and then quenched in cold water so that the sample temperature falls below 150°C within 5 seconds.
- The sample shall be removed from cold water and immediately packed in dry ice or liquid Nitrogen. The sample shall be analyzed within 48 hours and till the time of analysis, the sample shall continually be fully covered by dry ice / liquid Nitrogen.
- Sampling shall be done by 6 mm diameter tube of Pyrex glass or ceramic which does not react with steel. General wall thickness of the tube shall be 1.5 mm and at the fill end 0.5 mm approx. The tube should be under a vacuum of 10-3 bar (0.76 mm of Hg). Any other method of sampling shall have a prior approval of the purchaser.
- The analysis of the sample shall be done by Inert Gas Fusion technique in which the sample is fused at around 1900°C in the induction heating crucible. A Nitrogen carrier gas transports the released Hydrogen to a thermal conductivity cell. The amplified and integrated output of the cell is to be calibrated for Hydrogen in PPM.
- A Leco-RH-3 Hydrogen analyzer or similar precision equipment may be used for Hydrogen determination. Hydris systems may be used for online / instantaneous measurement of Hydrogen content in liquid steel.
- Any other method for Hydrogen Analysis shall have a prior approval of the purchaser.
Manufacturing of Wheel:
- The wheels shall be manufactured by forging and rolling process from cropped ingots or from cheeses of steel blooms of suitable section, length and weight, manufactured by the continuous casting method, in such a manner that the central axis of the ingot or the bloom coincides with the axis of the wheel. Sufficient discard shall be made from both ends of each ingot to ensure freedom from piping and undesirable segregations. Each ingot shall be of suitable section and length to produce two or more wheel blanks after top & bottom discards have been made to eliminate the defective portion completely.
- The steel shall be refined in the ladle furnace and vacuum de-gassed. Suitable shrouding arrangements from the ladle to tundish and from tundish to mould shall be made. The continuous casting machine shall have the facility of electromagnetic stirring.
- The minimum cross section of the cropped ingot or continuously cast bloom shall be such that a minimum reduction ratio of 4:1 is obtained with the maximum wheel section at rim portion. That is, the original height of the cropped ingot piece should be at least 4 times the height of the rough wheel at the rim.
- The minimum cross section of the cropped bloom manufactured from ingot rolled down to bloom size shall be such that a minimum reduction ratio of 3:1 is obtained with the maximum wheel section at rim portion. That is, the original height of the cropped bloom piece should be at least 3 times the height of the rough wheel at the rim.
- A Bidder may be a natural person, private entity, government-owned entity or any combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing agreement to form a Consortium. A Consortium shall be eligible for consideration subject to the conditions set out in clause (5.2).The term Bidder used herein would apply to both a single entity and a Consortium.
- A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest that affects the Bidding Process. Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder shall be deemed to have a· Conflict of Interest affecting the Bidding Process if:
- The Bidder, its Member or Associate (or any constituent thereof) and any other Bidder, its Member or any Associate thereof (or any constituent thereof) have common controlling shareholders or other ownership interest or
- A Bidder or any constituent of such Bidder is also a constituent of another bidder; or Such Bidder, or any Associate thereof receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy, grant, concessional loan or subordinated debt from any other bidder, or any Associate thereof or has provided any such subsidy, grant, concessional loan or subordinated debt to any other bidder, its Member or any Associate thereof; or
- Such Bidder who has the same legal representative for purposes of this bid as any other bidder; or
- Such Bidder, or any Associate thereof has a relationship with another bidder, or any Associate thereof, directly or through common third party/parties, that puts either or both of them in a position to have access to each other’s’ information about, or to influence the bid of either or each other or
- Such Bidder, or any Associate thereof who has participated as a consultant to the Indian Railway in the preparation of any documents, design or technical specifications of the procurement.
Tender documents can only be obtained online on the website https://indianrailways.gov.in/
Source: Ministry of Railways -Tender | Image Credit (representational): RWF
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