Indian Railways has adopted several safety measures in a bid to ensure that passengers stay safe from any kind of fire accidents on trains. The automatic smoke detection system, improved materials for electrical fittings and fixtures such as MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker), light fittings, terminal boards, connectors, etc., are now being used progressively.
- Fire retardant material is used in coach furnishing while fire extinguishers are now installed in rail coaches for passengers safety.
- For improving fire safety in LHB Air Conditioned coaches, RCF has now started providing Roof Mounted AC Package units (RMPUs) with reverse cycle features for heating arrangement.
- Presently, these RMPU’s are provided with resistance-based heating coil for heating purpose which is prone to fire safety hazard in coaches.
- With Reverse cycle feature, no such heating element is required and the same refrigerant circuit can be used for heating inside the coach during winter season in reverse mode.
- This feature will not only improve efficiency but will enhance passenger safety as well.
- It needs mention that RCF was the first unit over Indian Railways to manufacture the first AC coach with roof mounted AC unit on 31.01.1992.
- Roof Mounted Package Unit maintains temperature and humidity to the comfort level inside the air conditioned coaches.
- This unit has many advantages over other air conditioners.
- These are maintenance and installation friendly to save time.
- Structure of this air conditioner is made of stainless steel grade 304 which protects it against odd weather.
- The package unit is of 7 ton capacity with heating capacity of 6kW.
- Currently, 5 coaches are being provided with this feature & after monitoring of performance, further proliferation will be carried out .
- Now, passengers can look forward to safer travel in the days to come with more trains becoming a part of this change.
Source: RCF, Kapurthala-Press Release | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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