The manufacturing unit of Indian Railways, Modern Coach Factory (MCF) at Raebareli in Uttar Pradesh achieved a total production turnout of 1,402 coaches in the current financial year, crossing the mark of 1,400 coaches in the first 9-months.
More Details:
- The MCF has entered into a new phase of its phenomenal growth which started with doubling of production out turn from 711 coaches in 2017-2018 to 1,425 coaches in 2018-2019, as per a press release.
- The release said, “In the month of December 2019, by producing 220 coaches, MCF has surpassed all the previous monthly production record.”
- Vinay Mohan Shrivastava, General Manager, MCF and Anoop Kumar, Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer have credited the achievement to the dedication and hard work of the entire team of MCF which required closely coordinated efforts of all the departments especially the production and stores department.
- He added, “With the current dynamism in place at the burgeoning factory equipped with modern technology, it will surely achieve the yearly target of coach production in 2019-2020.”
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