RITES invites tender for topographic & hydrographic survey for construction of rail bridge across river Ganga between Bikramshila & Katareah

RITES Limited, a Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, invites online e-tender for Conducting FLS, topographic & hydrographic survey using photogrammetric technique by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)/ Drone equipped with DGNSS or similar arrangement with LIDAR in connection with construction of rail bridge across river Ganga between Bikramshila & Katareah new railway line project on East Central Railway.

  • Tender Reference Number: RITES/RCED/ECR-BKSL-KTRH/SURVEY/2023
  • Name of Work: Conducting FLS, topographic & hydrographic survey using photogrammetric technique by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)/ Drone equipped with DGNSS or similar arrangement with LIDAR in connection with construction of rail bridge across river Ganga between Bikramshila & Katareah new railway line project on East Central Railway.
  • Estimated Cost of Work: INR 62,32,734 Lakh
  • EMD: INR 1.25 Lakh
  • Period of Completion: 40 Days
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 24th April, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 03rd May, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 24th April, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 03rd May, 2023
  • Bid Opening Date: 04th May, 2023

Scope of Work:

Topographic and Hydrographic survey:

  • The activity involves carrying out Detailed Topographic & Hydrographic Survey to develop  the latest river courses, streams, nalas, vegetation and any other water bodies showing details of latest position of active & dry channels, dykes/guide bunds and other permanent features like barrage, bridges, roads, highways, habitation, marginal bunds, built ups (kuccha – puccka), vegetation, agricultural lands etc for a river reach of 35 km (from 20 km upstream to 15 km downstream of Farakka Barrage) and taking river cross-sections at 400m interval along river centre line in the specified river reach from high bank to high bank (Refer Section 6 Drawing for survey extent).
  • The survey data shall primarily be represented in the form of Topographic plan, river khadir cross sections showing bed profile and DTM of the survey area.
  • Besides the Cross Section along BCL, the interval of the cross section shall be 400m in the  river reach. The bed levels shall be observed at an interval of not more than 10 m by taking sound in the river channel and 25m in the remaining section and depicting reduced levels with respect to available Benchmark (BM) to clearly reflect the ground profile undulations.
  • A total of 88 nos of cross sections across river khadir has been estimated. The bed levels shall be shown at an interval of not more than 10m in water bodies and 25 m in the remaining section and depicting reduced levels with respect to available Benchmark (BM) to capture the essential ground features along the cross section.
  • The natural and man-made features shall also be surveyed and plotted to reflect the existing features in the survey area with chainages marked starting from left high bank to the right high bank. Any temporary or permanent protection works to be accurately covered and detailed in topographic plan & cross sections.
  • The data on nature of terrain viz. sandy, vegetation, dense vegetation, marshy, grassy, water channels, village boundary, habitation, roads and prominent bridge structures like wells, abutments etc. shall also be covered along with the chainages of change points along the cross section & topographic plan.
  • The sub-consultant shall proceed the work from one end & progress towards the other extent for completion.
  • The following accuracy level shall be adopted:
    • Horizontal accuracy of + 5.0 cm or better;
    • Vertical accuracy of +10.0 cm or better;
  • Photogrammetric technique by un-manned aerial vehicle (UAV) / Drone equipped with DGNSS or similar arrangement with LIDAR, which can meet the specified accuracy levels, shall be employed for surveying ground features.

Planning of flight operations:

  • The contractor is responsible to obtain necessary clearances as per the latest guidelines from Director General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, and other  agencies as may be required to complete the job of flying over the AoI, digital camera data  etc. The client would provide necessary documentation; however, getting clearance would  be entirely the responsibility of the contractor.
  • The flight path shall cover the study area completely including enough cross-flight lines to eliminate shadowing and allow for proper quality control. Data collections in high relief terrain should have greater overlap.
  • Any data with gaps between the geometrically usable portions of the swaths will be rejected. The contractor shall generally avoid missions during inclement weather which has been known to degrade the accuracy of laser return data.
  • The contractor must document mission date, time, flight altitude, airspeed, scan angle, scan rate, laser pulse rates, and other information deemed pertinent.
  • All flight trajectories used for the capture of the delivered LiDAR and photograph data will be supplied in KMZ/CAD files.
  • The KMZ/CAD file tables must include the date of capture, local start time, local end time and which reference station was used for each trajectory. The KMZ/CAD file will show the photo footprint and its centre.
  • Hydrographic survey using Echo-sounder and licensed hydrographic survey softwares like HYPACK for developing under water bed profile in river channels & other water bodies shall be conducted.
  • The hydrographic setup consisting of positioning system and echo-sounder should be of latest specification so as to meet the specified accuracy levels.
  • In shadow areas such as dense foliage, shallow ponds etc, where Photogrammetric technique or LiDAR cannot survey accurately, conventional methods of Total Station/ Auto Level/DGPS shall be used to complete the work.
  • The data from the topographic surveys shall be available/provided in UTM Co-ordinates (x, y, z) format for preparation of digital terrain model (DTM). All Elevations shall be with reference to Mean Sea Level.
  • The agency would be fully responsible for any inaccuracy in surveys and shall rectify the same at their own cost.

Qualification Criteria:

  • The Qualification Criteria to be satisfied will depend on the category of works, whether Small, Normal or Large. Small Works are those costing up to and including Rs. 3 Crore, Normal Works are those costing above Rs. 3 Crore and up to and including Rs. 100 Crore each and Large Works are those costing more than Rs. 100 Crore. The work for which the Tender is being invited falls under the category of Small works.
  • The Qualification Criteria to be satisfied will also depend on whether the Work falls in the Normal area or difficult area. Difficult areas include North East States, Jammu &  Kashmir, Ladakh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and the 60 districts requiring Integrated Action Plan of Government of India (List available at Annexure IX). Normal area covers all areas other than Difficult areas. The work for which this Tender has been invited falls under the Normal area.
  • In this Tender, Joint Venture is not allowed.
  • The documents to be furnished by the Bidder to prove that he is satisfying the Qualification Criteria laid down should all be in the Bidder’s name, except in cases where though the name has changed, the owners continued to remain the same and in cases of amalgamation of entities.

Work Experience:

  • For the classification of this work as Small & being in Normal area, The Bidder should have satisfactorily completed or substantially completed in his own name or proportionate share as a member of a Joint Venture, during the last 7 (seven) years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of the Bid:
    • At least one similar work of minimum value of Rs. 49,86,187/-, or
    • At least two similar works each of minimum value of Rs. 31,16,367/-, or
    • At least three similar works each of minimum value of Rs. 24,93,094/-
  • Works completed prior to the cutoff date shall not be considered.
  • Similar Works shall mean the work of carrying out “Topographic and hydrographic (hydrography using echo-sounder) cross section survey for Infrastructure projects using photogrammetric technique by un-manned aerial vehicle (UAV) / Drone equipped with DGNSS or similar arrangement with LiDAR or Satellite/Aerial photogrammetry” carried out in India under a single contract ( including additional work carried out under the contract).
  • In case the Bidder (Indian Company) wishes to rely on a work completed abroad, the value of such completed work in foreign convertible currency shall be converted into Indian Rupees.
  • The conversion rate shall be decided by RITES based on the rates of currency on the date of completion of work (the bidder to also submit the currency conversion rate as on completion date of the Credential Certificate relied upon by the bidder for the purpose of work experience).
  • Further, such a bidder (Indian Company) should have also completed at least one Similar  work of value minimum 40% of estimated cost of work, in India in the last seven years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of the Bids.

Tender documents may be downloaded from CPPP website https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app and from RITES website https://www.rites.com/

Source: RITES- Tender | | Image Credit (representational): MoR

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