Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) has invited Proposal through e-tendering mode for Appointment of agency for providing project management consultancy services for redevelopment project of Ahmedabad Railway Station and construction of associated infrastructure.
- Tender Reference Number: RLDA/RFP/CT-06 of 2023
- Name of Work: Appointment of agency for providing project management consultancy services for redevelopment project of Ahmedabad Railway Station and construction of associated infrastructure.
- EMD: INR 50 Lakh
- Period For Completion Of Services: 36 months
- Document Download Start Date: 07th March, 2023
- Document Download End Date: 21st April, 2023
- Pre- Bid Meeting: 20th March, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 07th March, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 21st April, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 24th April, 2023
- Brief background about this Project Management Consultancy Services (PMS) Assignment is provided in the Introduction.
- Bidder(s) are advised to acquaint themselves fully about the site, requirements of the assignment and the conditions before submitting the bid, by visiting the Project Site and the Authority office. Please note that no cost of any such visit is reimbursable by the Authority.
Scope of Services:
- The Authority Engineer in the EPC Contract is Project Management Group (PMG), wherein the Authority may engage more Agencies for some specific services required to be provided as a part of the PMG to achieve the successful delivery of the entire Project.
- The present contract is to procure Project Management Consultancy Services as one specific and critical part of PMG. The entire scope of services assigned to PMS Agency under this agreement are in the scope of Authority Engineer in the EPC Contract and to that extent the PMS Agency will act as the Authority Engineer (“Authority Engineer” or AE) in the EPC Contract.
- Also, as provided at Clause 16.1.5 of the Draft EPC Agreement, the Project Director of the PMS Agency will act as Head of the PMG.
- In case a Bidder possesses the requisite experience and capabilities required for undertaking the consultancy services, it may participate in the Selection Process either individually (the “Sole Bidder”) or as JV/Consortium of firms (the “Consortium”) in response to this invitation.
- The term bidder (the “Bidder”) will apply to both a Sole Bidder or a Consortium and its Members. However, no Bidder applying individually or as a Member of a Consortium as the case may be can be a member of another bidder.
- The manner in which the Bid is required to be submitted, evaluated and accepted is explained in this RFP. In case the Bidder is a Consortium, it shall comply with the following additional requirements to be eligible:
- Number of Members in a Consortium shall not exceed 3 (three) including the Lead Member;
- Subject to the provisions of sub-clause (i) above, the Bid should contain the information required for all Members of the Consortium;
- Members of the Consortium shall nominate one Member as the lead member (the “Lead Member”) who shall have a minimum 51% share in the Consortium.
- The nomination(s) shall be supported by a Power of Attorney, as per the format at Appendix-B: Technical Bid Form-B5 in this RFP, signed by all the other Members of the Consortium. Share of other Consortium Members has to be a minimum of 15% in the Consortium.
- The duties, responsibilities and powers of such Lead Member shall be specifically included in the Joint Bidding Agreement as per the Format at Appendix-B: Technical Bid Form-B6. It is expected that the Lead Member would be authorized to incur liabilities and to receive instructions and payments for and on behalf of the Consortium.
- Without prejudice to the joint and several liability of all the members of the Consortium, the Lead Member shall represent all the members of the Consortium and shall at all times be liable and responsible for discharging the functions and obligations of the PMS Agency;
- The Bid should include a brief description of the roles and responsibilities of individual Members;
- An individual Bidder cannot at the same time be a Member of a Consortium applying for the PMS. Further, a member of a particular Consortium cannot be member of any other Consortium applying for the PMS;
- Members of the Consortium shall enter into a binding Joint Bidding Agreement (the “Joint Bidding Agreement”) as per the format at Appendix-B: Technical Bid Form-B6 for the purpose of submitting a Bid. The Joint Bidding Agreement, to be submitted along with the Application, shall, inter alia:
- Clearly outline the proposed roles and responsibilities of each Member;
- Include a statement to the effect that all Members of the Consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for all obligations of the PMS Agency in relation to this PMS Assignment until the completion of the Services in accordance with the Agreement and the Scope of Services;
- Clearly define the proposed administrative arrangements (organization chart/organogram) for the management and execution of the Services, if awarded to the Consortium; except as provided under this RFP, there shall not be any amendment to the Joint Bidding Agreement without the prior consent of the Authority.
- No change in composition of the Consortium will be submitted to the Authority during the Selection Process and during the subsistence of the PMS Agreement.
- All the Members of the Consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for all obligations in relation to the PMS Assignment until completion of Services in accordance with the Agreement and the Scope of Services.
Understanding of the Scope of Services, Proposed Methodology and Work Plan (not more than ten pages):
- The Bidder shall clearly state its understanding of the Scope of Services and also highlight its important aspects. The Bidder may supplement various requirements of the Scope of Services and make precise suggestions if it considers this would bring more clarity and assist in better achieving the Objectives laid down in the Scope of Services.
- The Bidder will submit its methodology for carrying out this PMS assignment, outlining its approach toward achieving the Objectives laid down in the Scope of Services for various tasks with particular reference to managing the Interface requirements with various stakeholders and PMG Coordination process with other agencies that may be engaged directly by the Authority in connection with the redevelopment project of Ahmedabad Railway station in addition to the proposed EPC Contractor.
Organization and Staffing (not more than eight pages):
- The Bidder will submit a brief write up on its proposed team and organisation of personnel including specific experience and strengths of Key Experts under category ‘A’ and ‘B’ explaining as to how the different areas of expertise needed for this PMS assignment have been fully covered by its proposal.
- In case the Bidder is a Consortium, it should also specify how the expertise of each firm is proposed to be utilised for this assignment. The Bidder should also specify the sequence and locations of important activities along with use of appropriate IT applications for flow of information/progress, redressal mechanism/conflict management and provide a quality assurance plan for carrying out the PMS assignment.
- The Bidder will also clearly spell out the deployment planning of his Experts/Personnel between its Field Team and HO Team and also mention his requirement of any specific counterpart staff from the Authority.
Innovative PMC execution techniques, use of communication processes, tools, data handover (not more than eight pages):
- The Bidder will clearly state in case he intends to deploy any innovative project management techniques for achieving more efficient delivery of the project.
- The Bidder will also elaborate the communication process covering usage of well-established and advanced collaboration common Data Environment for management of 3D/Engineering content, work locations, Transmittal Management within the Bidder’s project team, with the Authority, the EPC Contractor and other stakeholders, duly ensuring appropriate integration with Project Schedules and WBS, audit trails and role based access at project and document level.
- The Bidder will also explain the process of data archiving and storage from time to time and final data handover to the Authority or any other Agency authorised by it, post completion of the Project.
Proposed presentation:
- The Bidder will be required to make a detailed presentation of his Technical Proposal to the Technical Evaluation Committee of the Authority at an appointed time in the office of the Authority.
- This presentation will be made by the person proposed as Project Director cum Team Leader for this PMS assignment by the Bidder. Participation of other officials of the Bidder for this PMS assignment and other Key Experts proposed by the Bidder is optional in this presentation.
- For demonstrating organizational technical capacity, the Bidder shall have completed or substantially completed Eligible Assignment(s) as mentioned below during the past 7 (seven) years ending on 31.12.2022:
- Three similar works each having technical consulting fees of not less than INR 15 (Fifteen) crores each, or
- Two similar works each having technical consulting fees of not less than INR 25(Twenty-Five) crores each, or
- One similar work having technical consulting fees of not less than INR 30 (Thirty) crores.
Similar work or Eligible Project (the “Eligible Project”) shall mean:
- Construction of Passenger handling terminals i.e. Railway Stations, Metro stations, Stations of RRTS / HSR / Monorail, Airport Terminals, Bus Terminals, or
- Construction of commercial/institutional real estate project (such as Educational Institution, Hospital, Hotel, Convention Centre, Shopping Mall/ Shopping Complex, Sports Complex, Office Complex) having RCC framed structure or steel structure, internal water supply, sanitary installation, internal electrical installation, HVAC, substation, fire-fighting and lifts/escalators, etc.
Requirement for ongoing Consultancy Assignment:
- Minimum one ongoing Technical Consultancy assignment (not necessarily for similar work) of contract value not less than INR 50 crores secured during the last five years ending on 31.12.2022.
- The value of the Consultancy fees for the eligible projects shall be brought to the current pricing level by enhancing the actual value of work at a simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the actual date of completion to 31st December 2022.
- For evaluation, substantially completed Project / Assignment means that the Bidder has received at least 80% of the professional fees /agreement value towards undertaking such Eligible Assignment.
- In case, the Bidder has executed any eligible project as a member of a Consortium, then he will consider the Consultancy fees received by him only for his portion of services.
- Provided further, that in case of a Consortium, experience of the Consortium as a whole shall be considered in regard to Clause above, in case the Bidder is carrying out the technical consultancy assignment with the identical Consortium.
- Provided further, that the Lead Member must meet the Technical Eligibility requirement as set forth at Clause above for at least two projects under condition (i) and one project under condition (ii) unless he meets the Technical Eligibility requirement under condition (iii) above.
The complete document can be downloaded from www.tenderwizard.in/RLDA
Source: RLDA- Tender | Images Credit (representational): MoR
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