Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) has invited Proposal through e-tendering mode for Request for empanelment of financial & marketing consultants for various sites/railway colonies of Indian Railways located pan India.
- Tender Reference Number: RLDA/RFE/CT-27 of 2022
- Name of Work: Request for empanelment of financial & marketing consultants for various sites/railway colonies of Indian Railways located pan India.
- EMD: INR 75 Thousand
- Document Download Start Date: 19th July, 2022
- Document Download End Date: 30th September, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 19th July, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 30th September, 2022
- Bid Opening Date: 03rd October, 2022
- Indian Railways is one of the biggest landowners in the country. While majority of the land of around 4.3 lakh hectares is under use for Railway operations including tracks, station and yard structures, around 43,000 hectares lie vacant and unutilized.
- A major portion of the vacant land is in the form of longitudinal strips on both sides of the track. The remaining vacant land is mostly near stations and yards. Apart from underutilization of assets it was also being encroached upon especially around the metro cities.
- For development of the surplus land for commercial development, RLDA (a statutory authority) was constituted in November 2006 by an amendment to the Railway Act 1989 as a separate entity under the Ministry of Railways to undertake all tasks related to property development on railway land under the control of the Ministry of Railways.
Scope of Work:
- Pre-feasibility/ Feasibility studies covering assessment of market / demand, site analysis, master planning, techno economic feasibility, etc. including inter alia the following:
- Review of the site & surrounding development, including infrastructure linkages in the influence areas.
- Study of City Master Plan and ascertaining the development controls and building bye laws applicable to the site through interactions with the local, planning and municipal authorities.
- Demand survey and analysis of the real estate trends in the city to evolve the optimum use/product mix.
- Evolving layout plans and development options based on the product mix.
- Broad assessment of infrastructure augmentation requirements, including parking and transportation.
- Assessing the financial viability for project development and suggesting various alternatives for project structuring for each of the short-listed development option(s).
- Conclusion of Feasibility Studies, Report Preparation, and presentations to RLDA and Ministry of Railways (MOR) on recommended development options and project structure etc.
- The Consultancy requires close interaction with RLDA & Concerned Division Railway Officials for timely inputs, meeting and reviews, feedback/observation by RLDA. The Consultant shall actively assist in RLDA’s reviews of various submissions and provide necessary clarifications, documents and back-up information for conducting the reviews at Delhi & Concerned Railway Division Offices.
- The respective Key Personnel of the Consultant shall be present in all important review meetings at RLDA office in Delhi as required by RLDA while other support personnel assisting the Key Personnel in the consultancy may attend other meetings.
- Collection of details of title/ ownership of the Railway land (either from Railway or from the state revenue authorities), verification of the same from the Revenue Authorities with respect to availability of title of the Railways and authenticated records from the same, superimposing of the proposed Site on the authenticated land records.
- The Consultant shall collect relevant details, future plans from the concerned local bodies/departments and from the market regarding present and proposed planned development within the influence area of the site.
- Details of similar residential/commercial developments in the vicinity/city.
- Contact addresses with phone numbers of real estate developers active in the city, concerned officials of local bodies like Development Authority, Municipality, Revenue Authority, State Government, and others who are responsible/connected with land use/approval process.
- The consultant shall carry out an appraisal of the site with respect to its location, area neighbourhood developments and physical infrastructure like water supply, electricity, sewerage, roads etc.
- Consultant shall ascertain requirement of roads/new roads. To study the present traffic flow and future impact on the proposed Redevelopment of Railway Colony and to give suggestions/design/specification to tackle future traffic flow.
- The following plans shall have to be prepared:
- By superimposing the site plan on the Google map or the like.
- By superimposing the site plan on Master/Development/Land use plan.
- Key plan showing the site and surroundings (Key Roads, approach, North Direction).
- To show existing utilities, with dimensions by superimposing on the site plan.
- By superimposing Khasra on the site plan.
- To show the redevelopment of existing infrastructure, by superimposing on the site plan and the land/built up area available/generated by redevelopment/relocation for residential/commercial development.
The complete document can be downloaded from www.tenderwizard.in/RLDA
Source: RLDA- Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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