Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) has invited Proposal through e-tendering mode for Grant of Lease of Railway Land for 99 Years for Development including Redevelopment of existing Railway Colony (236 Units quarters) at Old Station Colony, Dhanbad.
- Tender Reference Number: RLDA/RFP/CD-40/CRD-15 of 2022
- Name of Work: Grant of Lease of Railway Land for 99 Years for Development including Redevelopment of existing Railway Colony (236 Units quarters) at Old Station Colony, Dhanbad.
- Estimated cost: INR 40.46 Crore
- EMD: INR 50,000 Thousand
- Completion Period: 3285 Days
- Document Download Start Date: 31st May, 2022
- Document Download End Date: 15th July, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 31st May, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 15th July, 2022
- Bid Opening Date: 15th July, 2022
- Pre-Bid Meeting: 07th June, 2022
Scope of the Project:
- The Lessee shall, at its own risk, cost and expense, arrange to undertake/ procure: Approval of Redevelopment scheme as required, on subject land by competent Government Authority:
- The conceptualising, planning, designing, financing and construction of the Assets, Facilities and Project Utilities upon the Site as per Good Industry Practice and in accordance with City Master Plan & other applicable Local Bye-Laws.
- Marketing of the Assets and Facilities on Area shown in Part-B (Lessee/ Developer portion) after execution of the Lease Agreement;
- Generating revenue by, inter-alia, sub-leasing / sub-letting / licensing the Assets, Facilities and Project Utilities constructed upon the Site; and Operating and maintaining the Assets, Facilities and Project Utilities.
- Development of Redevelopment assets as per the schedule and specifications provided in the Part V of this Bid Document.
- Performance and fulfilment of all other obligations in accordance with the provisions of this Bid Document and matters incidental thereto or necessary for the performance of any or all of the obligations of the Selected bidder/Lessee under the Lease Agreement at its own cost and expense.
- The selected bidder/Lessee, at his own cost, shall engage Project Management Consultant (PMC) for development of the project except for Railway Redevelopment Portion. For railway re-development portion of the project, RLDA will engage an independent Project Management Consultant (PMC) and the selected bidder/Lessee shall abide by/ comply all the instructions of this independent Project Management Consultant, unless specifically instructed by RLDA, for successful completion of re-development portion of the project.
- The specifications for the Railway Re-development project given in Part-V of this bid documents are the minimum acceptable specifications. However, the selected bidder/Lessee is required to follow the Good Industry Practice in this regard.
- The Lessee/ Developer will be handed over the land along with existing structures over it, which shall have to be dismantled and Malba (dismantled material) to be cleared from the site and dumped at authorised dumping grounds as per Local Bye-Laws.
- In various Stages the Railway Quarters and other buildings, as per requirement, as described in Part-V of Bid Documents will be constructed for Railway use. For details refer to Section-V of Bid Documents.
- The Bidder /Authorised representative shall submit E-bids online with his digital signature and the same person who has digitally signed e-bids shall sign requisite Bid Forms.
- Foreign Companies are not eligible to bid for Tenders for value upto Rs. 200 Cr. as per Letter No. F.12/17/2019-PPD dt. 28.05.2020 issued by Ministry of Finance, GoI Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India.
- In case a Bidder/Member of the Consortium is drawing any financial eligibility of its holding/subsidiary Company /Entity, a separate Form-4 in the name of each such company/entity firm along with proof of relationship with the Bidder/Member of the Consortium shall also be attached which should also be supported with relevant applicable Form-9, 9 (A), 10 and 10 (A) of Part-III ITB.
- In case Members of a Consortium are aggregating their individual experiences to qualify, the above information must be provided separately for each Member as per the specified format signed by the respective statutory auditors.
- For those Bidders/their Members whose accounts are not required to be audited as per the law “Statutory Auditor” will be replaced with “practising Chartered Accountant” who is a member of ICAI.
- In jurisdictions (foreign countries) that do not have Statutory Auditors, the firm of auditors which audits the annual accounts of the Bidder may provide the certificates required under Financial Eligibility criteria.
- In case Bid Form 4 consists of more than one page, Statutory Auditor & Authorised Signatory shall sign with seal on all pages.
- Partners of a Partnership Firm can participate as individuals or form a Consortium. The Financial experience of the partnership firm can be considered as the experience of Partner(s) in proportion to their respective stakes in the Partnership Firm for Financial eligibility for such Bidder/Member of Consortium. The Bidder has to also submit the copy of Partnership Deed and Bid Forms – 9A & 10A.
- Please refer to clause 3(b)(iv) of “Part-I Regulations for Bids and Lease Agreements.
The complete document can be downloaded from www.tenderwizard.in/RLDA.
Source: RLDA -Tender | Image Credit (representational): Northeast Frontier Railway
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