Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has invited bids for Railway yard OHE modification works at Neora, Jatdumri & Daniawan Station in connection with construction of New BG line from Neora to Daniawan (13.5 TKM) section – 25 KV OHE Works in Danapur Division of East Central Railway in Bihar, India.
- Tender Reference Number: RVNL_PAT_YARDMOD_NEO-DAWN
- Name of Work: Railway yard OHE modification works at Neora, Jatdumri & Daniawan Station in connection with construction of New BG line from Neora to Daniawan (13.5 TKM) section – 25 KV OHE Works in Danapur Division of East Central Railway in Bihar, India.
- Estimated Cost: INR 6,61,28,434.40 Crores
- EMD: INR 13.23 Lakh
- Period Of Work: 09 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 19th May, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 15th June, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 09th June, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 15th June, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 15th June, 2023
Scope of Work:
- Proposed work is for OHE modifications required in three yards i.e. Neora, Jatdumri & Daniawan. Total length of these three yards modification length is 13.5 TKM. The major modification is planned for 07 crossovers in the existing Neroa yard and 06 crossovers in Jatdumri yard. There is minor modification in Daniawan yard.
- The tendered work is part of the new BC Line Project from Neora to Daniawan in Danapur division of East Central Railway. The work pertains to modification of OHE at Neota, Jaidunli and Daniawan for Await 13.5 TKM.
- The scope of work includes Supply of material for all the three yards and erection is for only Neora yard for which the details are mentioned in bill of quantities.
Details of required modification at yard:
S. No. |
Station |
TKm |
No. of Cross over |
No. of Proposed lines |
Scope |
1 |
Neora |
7.9 |
7 |
1 |
Supply and Erection |
2 |
Jatdumri |
4.6 |
6 |
2 |
Only supply of material |
3 |
Daniawan |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Only supply of material for modification of existing line |
- The misting Noma yard is already electrified with 25 KV Ac overhead on double line Delhi-Patna- Howrah route. The work also involves modifications to the existing OHE in the yards. The new overhead equipment should fit for 160 kmph.
- The work is to be executed as per the latest instructions, AC Traction Manual, SMIs and drawings issued by Ministry of Railways, RDSO, CORE and CEE/ECR Railway/RVNL till 28 days before deadline for submission of bids.
- Work also involves electrification of service buildings, platforms, platform shelters, POEls, level crossing gates, goods yards, residential buildings and other installations. Alteration to the existing service connections will also be involved.
The works to be executed can broadly be grouped as under:
- The Over-Head Equipment used shall normally be of regulated Conventional Polygonal type fit for speeds up to 160 kmph.
- The OHE will be erected as per standard design parameters and specifications issued by RDSO/COREIZonal Railway/RVNL and as per AC Traction Manual issued by Ministry of Railways with latest amendment. The clearances to be followed will be as per ACTM/IRSOD with the latest amendment.
- Return Conductors: In this section, return conductors and booster transformers will not be provided.
- Design And Drawing: Will be supplied by Engineer/Employer.
- Traction Substation Feeders: 25 kV feeders from traction substations shall be drawn separately for connecting to the overlaps/PTFE type neutral sections as the case may be.
- Any RE work pertaining to the project including sidings, loco sheds, washing lines etc in the section can be asked by the Employer/Engineer to be executed.
- Dismantling of Existing Structures: The scope of work includes dismantling the existing OHE either in part or in full wherever required, as well as the structures of UHF that may be required for the laying the track.
- The above is not an exhaustive list covering all the works to be done under this Tender. Major works only have been listed for guidance.
OHE Work:
Provision of Rail Mounted M&Ps:
- No rail crane/UTV etc will generally be provided for OHE work on new line/doubling/third line projects. Tower wagon (TW) shall be provided for final adjustment and alignment of OHE to facilitate measurements of stagger and joint inspection of OHE parameters with Zonal Railways.
- The diesel and lubricant for TW shall be provided by RVNL free of cost. However, if due to any exigency, RVNL is not able to provide fuel lubricant, the same shall be arranged by the contractor. The cost of fuel/lubricant based on invoice submitted, and, as certified by the Engineer, will be reimbursed to the contractor.
- The contractor may be required to arrange petty maintenance and attention to M&Ps breakdown, in case of emergency, if advised by the Engineer. The cost of such maintenance/repair, as certified by the Engineer will be reimbursed to the contractor.
Power & Traffic Block:
- Track occupation may be granted at any time during day or night to suit convenience of traffic operations and will ordinarily be granted over a distance covered by one or two consecutive block sections.
- Normally the total duration of block on any section will be max. of 1.5 to 2.5 hours at a stretch in a day, once or more than once. Block provided may be utilised for one or more track lorries or ladder trolleys to suit convenience of work.
- Blocks will not ordinarily be given for laying the feeders except where crossing of track is involved, which will have to be laid manually in general.
- Any traffic / power blocks, temporary speed restrictions and caution orders required in connection with execution of works by the contractor, shall be sanctioned from the Railway authorities well in advance, through the Engineer.
- The Railways may sanction the same for specific sites within the overall recovery time available in the Railway time table. The contractor shall have to schedule his programme according to the convenience of the Railways. No claim from the contractor for any delay / inconvenience / loss on this account shall be entertained by the Employer / Engineer.
- The contractor shall undertake the work involving Railway track, Railway Electrification installations in co- ordination with the Engineer and Railways in accordance with the programme of work. Where traffic in power blocks are involved, the Contractor shall ensure that interruption to Railway operations, if any, is kept to the bare minimum level.
- In addition to work trains the contractor may use light ladder trolleys on tracks for carrying out installation of droppers and adjustment of traction overhead equipment. The ladder trolleys shall not weigh more than 200 kg and should be capable of being removed from the track easily and quickly.
- In order to minimise blocking of the track for work/material trains, the contractor shall consider the working conditions on the section and assess use of alternative method of construction on a part or whole of the work.
- He should submit a clear proposal along with financial implication if any to the purchaser for such special I method of saving of blocks that could be obtained along with reduction / redundancy of the facilities being provided by the Railway / RVNL.
- The protection required for block working i.e. flagmen, flags etc. shall be provided by the contractor. Competency for the above shall, however, be given by the Railway authority. Protection of track by banner flags etc shall be done in accordance with General Rules of Indian Railway and Subsidiary Rules of the concerned zonal Railway where work is being carried out.
- Contractor shall provide Safety helmet, Safety belt and Safety Shoes to their staff while working at site.
- At stations, the Employer/Engineer after inspection of the OHE and after satisfying himself, shall permit the contractor to make proper isolation to electrically charge the line at 2.2 KV.
- The contractor shall protect the erected OHE from thefts and damages at his own cost unless provided otherwise.
- In case of theft/breakdown, the contractor shall restore the traffic in minimum possible time. Failure to do so shall attract a suitable penalty.
- The Contractor shall submit the guarantee certificate from the manufacturer OEM of the equipment for satisfactory working of the equipment erected by him in installations, for a period that is earlier of:
- 30 (thirty) months after their delivery, or
- 24 months from the date of commercial operation, or
- 24 months from the date of Provisional Acceptance by the Engineer.
- However, if the RDSO specification of the equipment specifies the period of guarantee/warranty, the same shall be applicable.
- The guarantee for spares (if any) should be coincident with the guarantee for erected equipment.
- The provisions contained in the sub-clause 11. “Defects Liability” of GCC shall be followed for rectification of defects.
About RVNL:
- The company began its operation in 2005 with the appointment of a Board of Directors.
- The company was granted Miniratna status in September 2013.
- RVNL has been rated “Excellent” for the 9 successive years by the Department of Public Enterprises.
- RVNL has also been ranked 1st amongst the Railway PSEs for the 4 times out of the last 5 years.
- The turnover of the company for the financial year 2019-20 has increased by 44.44%.
- The authorised share capital of the company is Rs. 3000 cr. with paid up share capital of Rs. 2085 cr.
- The company has been listed after its disinvestment of its stake of 12.16% of the company through IPO.
Tender documents can be downloaded from website https://rvnl.org/active-tenders-new
Source: RVNL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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