SCR transports first Caustic Soda rake from Veldurti Station of Andhra Pradesh

The focus of South Central Railway (SCR) to increase freight traffic by adding new commodities to its freight basket has been consistently gaining traction. Continuing this momentum, for the first time, Veldurti station of Hyderabad Division in the state of Andhra Pradesh has been able to start loading of Sodium Hydroxide (a new commodity) commonly known as “Caustic Soda Lye”. 

  • 80 Tank containers consisting of around 2,200 Tonnes of Caustic Soda are being loaded in 40 BLL Flat wagons from Veldurti, which is destined for Nalco Siding at Damanjodi of Orissa state. 
  • Accordingly, the first Caustic Soda rake of SCR is being loaded on 23rd October, 2021.
  • Caustic Soda Lye is a major product being produced at Thandrapadu village near Kurnool, which is 50 Kms from Veldurti station. 
  • It is used to manufacture soaps, rayon, paper, explosives, dyestuffs and petroleum products. 
  • It is also used in processing cotton fabric, laundering and bleaching, metal cleaning and processing, oxide coating, electroplating and electrolytic extracting. 
  • This consignment was normally moved by Roadways.
  • The Business Development Unit of Hyderabad Division have been able to convince the freight customers about the benefits of loading through Railways viz., safe, secure, economical and without any pilferages. 
  • This is more beneficial when transported to farther places. 
  • Consequently, the freight customers have come forward to load the Caustic Soda commodity in tank containers from Veldurti station, which enabled them to move the first rake of caustic soda tank containers of the Zone.
  • Shri Gajanan Mallya, General Manager, SCR complimented the team of Officers and Staff of Hyderabad Division for adding o­ne more commodity to the freight basket of the Zone. 
  • He instructed Zonal and Divisional BDUs to continue the same commitment so that the freight traffic of the Zone continues to grow. 
  • He said that transportation by Railways is a mutually beneficial proposition for both Railways as well as the Customers.

Recent Update:

South Central Railway has successfully transported more than 500 Kisan Rails, since the date of its commencement over the Zone. These 500 Kisan Rails have been operated from different Railway stations of the Zone covering the three states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Maharashtra. Till date, More than 1.6 lakh tons of agricultural products have been transported to different parts of the country, majority being to the Eastern, Northern and North Eastern states. 

  • Shri Gajanan Mallya, General Manager, SCR has complimented Team SCR for achieving the great feat and stated that it is a proud moment for the Zone for taking part in the Nation’s mission for assisting the farming sector.
  • The Kisan Rail concept has been announced in the Union budget 2020-21 to double the income of the agricultural community. 
  • The initiative has been successfully started by the Indian Railways to provide the safe, secure and fast mode of transportation with least Enroute damages to the agricultural products. 
  • In addition, 50% concession in the freight charges are being accorded for transportation of agricultural products by Kisan Rails.
  • Accordingly, o­n South Central Railway, first Kisan Rail has been flagged off o­n September 9th, 2020 from Anantapur station of Andhra Pradesh state, which also happens to be South India’s first Kisan Rail, while Telangana’s first Kisan Rail has been commenced o­n 8th February, 2021 from Warangal station. 
  • Kisan Rail from Maharashtra State over SCR jurisdiction has been started from Nagarsol station o­n 5th January 2021. 
  • Kisan Rails over SCR have witnessed huge success, right from the date of their introduction and have been instrumental in transporting different varieties of Vegetables & fruits, especially to different destinations located in farther states of the country. 
  • These trains have helped in providing a major support for the agricultural farmers / traders to market their produce especially during the pandemic time of Covid-19. 
  • In total, 359 Kisan Rails have been transported from Maharashtra state, 78 Kisan Rails from Andhra Pradesh and 63 Kisan Rails from Telangana.
  • Shri Gajanan Mallya, General Manager of South Central Railway has expressed his satisfaction of Kisan Rail concept being a huge success across the Zone. 
  • He instructed the Officials to extend all possible assistance to the farmers and traders in transporting their products through Kisan Rails.

Source: South Central Railway-Press Release

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