For the Mumbai – Ahmedabad High Speed Corridor, NHSRCL has planned three maintenance depots along the alignment. The three depots will be at Sabarmati & Surat in Gujarat and Thane in Mumbai.
The Sabarmati depot will be the largest depot or the mother depot with an area of about 80 ha. The depot will have state of the art equipment for regular maintenance of trains with inspection bays, washing plant, workshop, sheds, stabling lines etc. The Operation Control Centre for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad line will also be housed in this depot.
Thane depot will spread over in an area of about 60 ha and will have similar facilities for the upkeep of the trains.
Another functional depot is being planned in Surat with an area of 44 ha. This depot will receive the trains from Japan and will have basic facilities for the train maintenance.
The depots are being designed, based on the experience of Sendai and Kanazawa depots of Shinkansen, in Japan.
Train Inspection equipment will be designed for ensuring safe and comfortable high-speed running.
Depots will be almost self-sufficient in fulfilling water requirements
The water requirement of depots will be met by the reservoirs made within the depot area. The rain water will be fed in these reservoirs and will be treated through treatment plants established in the depot. Recharge pits will also be made for recharging water back to the mother earth.
Facilities for Recycling and re-use of effluent and sewage water will also be established in depots at Thane and Surat.
Waste segregation
Unlike the other modes of public transport, the waste which will be generated in HSR trains including Bio waste will be collected in the trains and will be segregated and treated in the depots through Sewage Treatment Plants.
Salient features of the Green depots:
- The depots have been designed with Optimum utilization of available land in consideration of present requirements and future expansion.
- The layout of the different facilities in Depot will provide for proper sequence and efficient work flow.
- Depots will provide a safe, comfortable and efficient working environment for the staff with wide, obstruction free pathways and decks.
- The travel distances for men and material in the normal course of Depot operations will be as short as possible.
- Location of each machine will be decided with due care based on smooth flow of work and adequate working space around machines will be provided.
- Natural lighting provisions with adequate Ventilation will be provided.
- Sheds / buildings will be designed for installation of solar panels.
- Depots will be designed in consideration of noise control, dust suppression and proper ventilation to provide healthy working environment.
- Depots will ensure Zero leakage pipelines and fittings.
- Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Plants will be established.
- Garbage collection, segregation and compaction.
- Modern material handling and storage systems (with inventory management) will be created for smooth running of the trains.
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