Shri Rajiv Chaudhry, GM, NCR reviews safety, 160 Kmph speed raising work, freight loading and other important works

On 03.11.2020, General Manager Shri Rajiv Chaudhry reviewed position of safety, 160 Kmph speed raising work, freight loading and other important works over North Central Railway through video conferencing with PHODs of North Central Railway and Divisional Railway Managers Prayagraj, Jhansi and Agra. 

  • At the outset GM Shri Rajiv Chaudhry congratulated divisions and HQ officials for outstanding loading performance and completion of important infrastructural works in October 2020. 
  • GM also stressed on need to continue high level of precautions against Covid-19 to mitigate any chance of increase in cases on North Central Railway. 
  • During safety review, precautions to be taken during shunting operation and unloading of bagged consignment from wagons were discussed. 
  • GM Shri Chaudhry directed for strict compliance of laid down procedures and advised divisions to launch a drive to check condition of track and other infrastructure in sidings to identify deficiencies and immediate correction of such deficiencies. 
  • To inculcate safety culture and to sensitize field staff on safety critical matters 06 safety drives have been conducted on North Central Railway so far in the current financial year. These are:
    • Drives on prevention of trespassing of Railway tracks.
    • Proper securing of rolling stock in stations and sections.
    • Safety precautions at work sites near running lines.
    • Proper maintenance of points and crossings.
    • Through examination of DG set of container trains for prevention of fire hazards.
    • Precautions to be taken during loading and unloading of wagons. 
  • Status of works for 160 kmph speed raising in New Delhi-Howrah including Kanpur-Lucknow section and New Delhi-Mumbai section was also reviewed in the meeting. 
  • Tenders for works of upgradation in track, signaling, OHE etc. for 160 Kmph operation in New Delhi-Howrah and New Delhi-Mumbai routes falling on NCR are being invited by concerned executing agencies. 
  • Reviewing the position of this work, GM Shri Chaudhry directed concerned departments to incorporate a proper checklist in the tenders for objective assessment of progress of critical activities and advised PHODs to put a system in place to monitor smooth supply of materials required in execution of this important speed enhancement work. 

Freight loading performance:

  • Later in the video conference freight loading performance of North Central Railway was reviewed. 
  • After registering record loading performance in October 2020, North Central Railway has intensified efforts to capture new traffic streams to continue this trend in balance months of 2020-21. 
  • In addition to already acquired new traffic streams, freight loading opportunities identified by North Central Railway are fly-ash loading from Jhansi division, stone/ ballast loading for DFC work from ;Cabral in Jhansi division, edible oil loading from Morena, container traffic from Hind terminal in Prayagraj division, cement loading from Ultra tech cement plant Bara etc. 
  • General Manager Shri Rajiv Chaudhry said that station to station (STS) concessional rate agreement for new and additional traffic has paid good dividend and stressed on the need for swift finalization of STS proposals. 
  • North Central Railway is the leading zone in terms of implementing STS concessional rates and so far, it has finalized 08 STS rates and working on 05 more STS proposals. 
  • Till October 2020, North Central Railway has loaded 37 rakes under finalized STS agreements for specified commodity and originating and destination stations earning freight revenue of Rs 18.30 Crores. 

Recent achievement:
In a major achievement Agra division of North Central Railway surpassed last year freight loading on 27th October 2020 and became one of the top two divisions having achieved this so far in the current financial year.

  • As on 27th October 2020 Agra division has loaded 2.50 million tonnes freight in current financial year crossing 2.49 million tonnes freight loaded in the same period of last financial year.
  • With positive contribution coming from all three divisions, NCR has loaded more freight consecutively since last 04 months as compared to last year and has registered substantial growth of over 27% in October 2020 as compared to October 2019. 
  • Owing to lockdown in April and May 2020, loading was less by 8.4 lakhs tonnes in initial two months of current financial year as compared to last year however, with marketing efforts through formation of BDUs, efficient train operation and customer centric approach this gap has not only been reduced substantially but NCR is all set to surpass last year loading in November 2020. 
  • As on 27th October 2020, NCR has loaded 8.45 million tonnes as compared to 8.81 million tonnes loaded last year thereby reducing the gap of 8.4 lakhs tonnes to 3.6 lakhs tonnes and expected to surpass last year loading within next one month time. 

Source: North Central Railway-Press Release | Image Credit (representational): North Central Railway

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