Shri Suneet Sharma, GM, Eastern Railway lays stress on freight traffic & maintenance of EMU/MEMU coaches

Shri Suneet Sharma, General Manager, Eastern Railway in a virtual meeting with Principal Heads of the Departments & Divisional Railway Managers at ER’s Headquarters, Fairlie Place on 25.11.2020 advised all concerned to lay even more stress o­n freight loading for transporting essential commodities and other industrial inputs in different parts of the country.

  • He said that the average speed of freight trains as increased should be monitored constantly so that punctuality can be maintained. He advised all concerned to watch the transportation of freight traffic constantly and vigilantly.
  • Shri Sharma laid stress o­n proper maintenance of EMU/MEMU rakes for punctual running of trains, safety of services as well as for the convenience of the passengers.
  • Shri Sharma emphasized o­n the functioning of Business Development Units (BDUs) that have been created at both the Headquarters & Divisional levels for attracting new traffic and increasing the Rail share in the existing stream of freight traffic. 
  • Shri Sharma advised concerned departments to constantly interact with the industries and facilitate them for carrying consignment by Railways.
  • Lastly, Shri Sharma emphasized o­n safety of train services and advised all concerned to monitor all the parameters of safety vividly. 
  • Side by side, passengers’ security should be looked into seriously. 
  • RPF should continue to provide necessary guidance and assistance to the Rail users and render help to the passengers in distress in addition to their task to stop crime.

Recent Achievement: 

Originating freight loading of Eastern Railway has made considerable increase during October & November 2020. During October 2020, originating freight loading from ER was 5.44 million tonnes which is 23.91% higher than the corresponding month of the last year.

During November 2020 (upto 20.11.2020) Eastern Railway has already loaded 3.77 million tonnes which is 6.5% more than the corresponding month of the last year.

  • It is stated that Eastern Railway freight services are continuing o­n round the clock basis to ensure supply of essential commodities and other items in different parts of the country and thus maintain the back end supply chain. 
  • The Railway freight services are having certain unique benefits as these are safe & secure as well as economic way of transportation of commodities. 
  • The freight trains are transporting regularly foodgrains, sugar, edible oil, fertilizers, petroleum products, cement, steel, coal and minerals.
  • The freight trains are running with enhanced speed to maintain strictly punctual services. 
  • The speed of freight trains has jumped from 16.67 kmph of last year to 56.12 kmph this year (from 1st April to 20th November 2020), thereby registering an increase of speed of 236.65%.
  • The Business Development Units (BDUs) formed at Headquarters as well as at Divisional levels are continuously interacting with the freight customers for transporting freight traffic in different corners of the country and abroad. 
  • The BDUs are working hard for best possible customer relations, implementing feedback from the freight customers and acting as catalytic agents for freight business and to provide o­ne stop solution to customers’ grievances.
  • Everywhere Covid related health & hygiene protocol of the field workers have been given top priority.

Source: Eastern Railway-Press Release | Image Credit: Eastern Railway

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