South Central Railway (SCR) has received 4 National Energy Conservation Awards as announced by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India.
These awards are declared for the energy conservation measures being adopted during the year 2021.
- The same will be presented during the 31st National Energy Conservation week being celebrated from 14th December to 21st December throughout the country.
- National Energy Conservation Awards are being announced every year to recognize the efforts of various industrial units/establishments/organizations that have shown exemplary performance in conservation of natural energy and effective utilization of available energy.
- As part of National Energy Conservation Awards, SCR has been adjudged with the following awards for the sectors & categories mentioned against each of them.
Buildings Category:
- Divisional Railway Hospital, Vijayawada won the first prize in Hospitals Sector of Buildings Category.
Institutions Category:
- Kacheguda Heritage Building got the first prize in CPWD, State PWD & PHD sector of Institutions Category.
- Electric Traction Training Centre, Vijayawada got the second prize in CPWD, State PWD & PHD sector of Institutions category.
- Sanchalan Bhavan (Secunderabad Divisional Headquarters Building) got the Certificate of Merit in CPWD, State PWD & PHD sector of Institutions Category.
About National Energy Conservation:
- South Central Railway has been consistently receiving the National Energy Conservation Awards for the past 10 years from the Ministry of Power.
- The innovative and effective implementation of energy conservation measures by the Zone and strictly adhering to the same has helped the Zone in receiving these awards.
- Shri Gajanan Mallya, General Manager, South Central Railway complimented Principal Chief Electrical Engineer, SCR, Divisional Railway Managers, Vijayawada, Secunderabad, Hyderabad and officers & staff of Electrical department who were instrumental in achieving this distinction.
- He stated that receiving the prestigious awards at National level indicates commitment shown by each and every employee of the Zone and it further acts as a motivation to maintain consistent performance in future.
Source: South Central Railway-Press Release
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