In view of increasing COVID-19 pandemic, South Eastern Railway has stepped up its all out efforts to produce reusable Face Masks and Hand Sanitizer in four divisions viz. Kharagpur, Adra, Ranchi and Chakradharpur as well as at Kharagpur Workshop. The masks and sanitizer are being prepared under the strict supervision and guidance of Medical Department of SER.
All the divisional units of SER and Kharagpur Workshop have taken major initiatives to gear up their machineries and have produced a total number of 1,15,081 reusable face masks and 9,001 litres of hand sanitizer so far.
To provide extensive support to its employees, South Eastern Railway has distributed reusable face masks and hand sanitizer amongst the frontline staff like loco pilots, guards and concerned staff engaged in running of freight, parcel and special trains for ensuring their protection from the pandemic. It has also been planned to distribute mask and hand sanitizer to all employees of SER.
Apart from the above, masks and sanitizer are also being sent to health units and hospitals over SER.During this situation, wearing face masks and use of hand sanitizer have been made compulsory across the country. The masks are largely being made using cotton clothes with straps for adjustment and can be reused after proper washing.
Hand sanitizer is generally used to decrease infectious agents on the hands.In-house production of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Kits have also been started at Kharagpur Workshop and Kharagpur Divisional Unit of SER for supporting the Doctors , Nurses and Health care personnel during treatment of COVID-19 affected people.
SER’s in-house production will not only ensure timely supply of the masks, sanitizers and PPEs to the frontline staff and Health care personnel but will also result in substantial cost savings.
Source: South Eastern Railway-Press Release
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