Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Ltd. invites open tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Design, manufacture, supply, testing and commissioning of two no. of standard gauge wagons (well type), carrying capacity-30 T for Surat Metro Rail Project.
- Tender Reference No: GMRC/DCD&BD/MP-L7/2023
- Name of Work: Design, manufacture, supply, testing and commissioning of two no. of standard gauge wagons (well type), carrying capacity-30 T for Surat Metro Rail Project.
- Estimated Cost of Work: INR 6.30 Crores
- EMD: INR 6.30 lakh
- Period Of Work: 12 Months
- Document Download /Sale Start Date: 31st March, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 15th May, 2023
- Pre-bid Meeting: 15th April, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 31st March, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 15th May, 2023
- Tender Opening Date: 15th May, 2023
- Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited. is the Special Purpose Vehicle of Government of Gujarat and Government of India implementing the Phase I & Phase II of the Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project and Surat Metro Rail Project.
- The sanctioned Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Surat Metro envisages two corridors, Corridor I of approximately 21.61 Km length with 20 stations and corridor II of approximately 18.74 Km length with 18 stations, comprising at-grade, elevated and underground sections.
- The mode of traction is 750V dc Third Rail. The track will be of Standard Gauge (1435 mm). On the Corridor I a maintenance depot along with full workshop facilities is envisaged at Dream City Depot. On the Corridor II a maintenance depot along with full workshop facilities are envisaged at Bhesan Depot.
- An Integrated Operation Control Centre (OCC) for both the corridors is proposed at Dream City Depot and a Back-up Control Centre (BCC) at Bhesan Depot. The complete work is proposed to be brought into operational use in various stages.
- The work in this Tender document comprises Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing and Commissioning of Two No. of Standard Gauge Wagons (Well Type), Carrying Capacity – 30 T at Dream City and Bhesan Depot respectively, supply of spares and tools and the training of operation and maintenance personnel of the Purchaser.
Source of Funds:
- The Surat Metro Rail Project is financed partly through budgetary resources of Government of Gujarat (GoG) and Government of India (GoI) on equal equity basis (50:50) and partly through loans from AFD and KFW.
- This work for Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing and Commissioning of Two No. of Standard Gauge Wagons (Well Type), Carrying Capacity – 30 T is funded by contribution of Government of Gujarat (GoG) and Government of India (GoI) and not through AFD and KFW loan. It will be Local Competitive Bidding. Tender will not require AFD and KFW concurrence at any time/stage.
About Surat Metro Rail Project:
- Surat with a population of around 60 lakhs is the fastest growing city in India. The city has no Mass Rapid Transportation System (MRTS), thus GoI and GoG decided to provide an MRTS facility in Surat.
- Phase-I of Surat Metro Rail Project, with a total length of 40.35 kms comprises two corridors.
- Length of Corridor-1 is 21.61 kms and Corridor-2 is 18.74 kms with an estimated completion cost of project Rs.12,020 crore.
The Project has two distinct corridors, with double track as under:
- Corridor-1: Sarthana to Dream city: This corridor provides metro connectivity to Gadhpur Township, Sarthana Nature Park, Nana Varachhe village, Kalakunj Junction, Kapodra and Punavillage, Labheshwar Chowk area, Big Diamond Market (Mini Bazar) of Surat, Retail Sari Market, Surat Railway Station, Muskati Hospital, Bhagal junction, Gandhi Bagh, Chowk Bazar, Majura Gate, Roopali Canal, Altha Treatment, Althan Gram, VIP road Women IIT,Bhimrad, Convention City and Dream City.
- Corridor-2: Bhesan to Saroli: Prominent areas like Bhesan Treatment Plant, International Cricket Stadium, SMC Botanical Garden, Palanpur, LP Savani School, Performing Art Centre, TGB Circle, Aquarium, Badri Narayan Temple, Star Bazar, Tapi River, Athawa Chopati, Majura Gate, UdhanaDarwaja, Kamala Darwaja, Anjana Junction, Parvat Pataya, Magub Village, Bharat Cancer Hospital, Saroli, etc. are connected through this route.
Eligible Tenderers:
- Lead partner must have a minimum of 26% participation in the JV/Consortium. Each other partner should have a minimum of 20% participation in the JV/Consortium. The lead partner in case of JV/Consortium, shall be one who has experience as mentioned in NIT 1.5.4.
- The Tenders for this Contract will be considered only from those Companies, Corporations, Consortiums and Joint Ventures, who meets the Eligibility Criteria based on the information and documents submitted with Appendix FT-3 to Form of Tender (i.e., Eligibility Criteria cum Qualification Requirement (ECcQR) of Volume – 1).
- Financial Evaluation shall be made only for the responsive Tenders. A responsive Tenderer is the one whose offer passes the Eligibility Criteria, Qualifying requirements and Technical requirements.
- The Tenderer shall submit details of works executed by them in the prescribed Proforma available at Annexure-2 of Appendix FT-3 of Volume -1, ECcQR or Annexure attached for the works to be considered for qualification of work experience criteria.
- Documentary proof such as completion certificates from clients indicating the nature/scope of work, actual completion cost and actual date of completion of such work shall be submitted.
- The offers submitted without this documentary proof may be considered as non-responsive. In case the work is executed for private client (i.e., a non-Government entity, which may be Private Limited or Public Limited Companies, Joint Venture/Consortium of reputable members/partners or any statutorily established Special Purpose Vehicle(SPV) or any foreign Incorporated Company), copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise details of payment received certified by C.A. (Chartered Accountant/Auditors), T.D.S. (Tax Deducted at Source along with TAN No. of Deductor or/Client) certificate for all payments received and copy of final/last bill paid by client shall be submitted.
- Value of a successfully completed portion of any ongoing work, as on Tender submission date, will also be considered for qualification of work experience criteria, provided at-least 90% of the Contract Value of Work is completed.
- For completed works, value of work done shall be updated, as on Tender submission date, to price level assuming 5% inflation for Indian Rupees every year. The exchange rate of foreign currency shall be applicable at the close of business of the State Bank of India on the last working day before the latest date of Tender submittal.
- In case of Joint Venture/Consortium, full value of the work, if done by the same joint venture shall be considered. However, if the qualifying work(s) were done by them in JV/Consortium having different constituents, then the value/quantity of work as per their percentage participation in such JV/Consortium (of which experience/turn-over is claimed) shall be considered (Unless otherwise certified by the Client furnishing exact value/quantity of work done by the subject member/partner of the JV/Consortium).
- For Clause 1.3.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.5.4(a), 1.5.4(b) and 1.5.4(c), a clear and unambiguous Certificates (in English) from the Clients/end users shall be submitted duly indicating the Contract reference, Percentage participation of each member in case the work was carried out as JV/Consortium, scope of work, completion cost, date of start, date of completion as per Contract, Actual/extended date of completion, reason for the delay etc.,
- Tenders containing deficient information, certificates are liable to be rejected.
- Certified copies of Client’s (duly signed) Certificates shall be notarized by the Notary Public.
- All the supporting submittals are to be self-attested also by the Tenderer.
- In above, completed work means even ‘on-going works’ where the required similar work has been physically completed in all respects but may not have been put into commercial operation.
- They are to be supported by the Client’s Certificate(s) / Agreement / Work Order copy along with the Application/Tender submission.
The complete documents can be downloaded from www.gujaratmetrorail.com/tenders/
Source: GMRC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): GMRC
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