Ballastless Track

IRCON invites tender for designing and commissioning of broad gauge ballast less track between Sivok and Rangpo
IRCON International Limited has invited an online e-Tender for Design of broad gauge ballast less track BLT including supply, installation, testing and commissioning between Sivok and Rangpo approx. 39.05 km in connection with Sivok Rangpo […]

RVNL bags new contract for design, supply and commissioning of ballastless track from Sarthana to Dream city for Surat Metro rail project
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has been awarded a contract for Design, supply and commissioning of ballastless track from Sarthana to Dream city in elevated and underground sections for corridor-1, Surat Metro rail project, Phase-1. […]

IRCON invites tender for ballastless track linking over viaduct sections including setting up of Track Construction Base at various locations of MAHSR
IRCON International Limited has invited an online e-Tender for Ballastless track linking over viaduct sections on main line & loop lines including setting up of Track Construction Base (TCB) on viaduct at various locations (TCB […]

NCRTC invites bids for design and supply of derailment containment guard for Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor
National Capital Region Transport Corporation Ltd. (NCRTC) has invited limited e-bids (Electronic Bid) (Manual bids are not permitted) from shortlisted firms under Single Stage Two Packet System for Design, manufacturing and supply of 133 numbers […]