
RailTel bags order worth Rs 34.91 crore from Madhya Pradesh for Phase-II project of expansion of State Data Centre (SDC) and Disaster Recovery (DR) Centre
Railtel Corporation of India Limited, a CPSU under Ministry of Railways has bagged an order from the Madhya Pradesh State Electronics Development Corporation Ltd. (MPSEDC), a Govt. of M.P. undertaking for the Phase-II of the […]

RVNL invites tender for various works including construction of bridges, tracks and platforms between Bissamcuttack – Ladda Stations
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has invited bids under Single Stage Two Envelope Bidding procedure In Two Packages for Rayagada Yard Phase-II works, Balance construction of road bed works, bridges, supply of ballast, installation of […]

Kochi Metro Update: Tender invited for consultancy services for the detailed design of station components for Phase-II corridor of Kochi Metro Rail Project
Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) has invited online bids (e-Tender) under two packet systems from eligible applicants for Consultancy services for the detailed design of station components for Phase-II corridor of Kochi Metro Rail Project. […]

Chennai Metro Update: M/s Voltas Limited awarded a contract for Phase-II Corridor-4 worth Rs. 134.9 Crores
Chennai Metro Rail Limited awarded a contract to M/s Voltas Limited for Phase-II Corridor-4 worth Rs. 134.9 Crores without GST. More Details: CMRL had recently floated a tender for Contract No. CMRL/PHASE-II/SYS/C4- E&M-05/2022: Supply, Installation, Testing, […]

RVNL emerges lowest bidder for electrification and SCADA System for Surat Metro Phase-I and Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-II
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) emerges as lowest bidder for 2 tenders of supply, erection, testing and commissioning of power supply receiving & distribution system, 750 V DC third rail traction electrification and Scada System […]

TERRATEC delivers two more EPBMs for Chennai Metro phase-II tunnelling work
TERRATEC delivers two more TBMs that will be used by Tata Projects Ltd. for the Chennai Metro rail phase-II corridors in India. More details: TERRATEC marks its latest milestone on the Chennai Metro Rail project […]

RITES invites tender for various works including Viaduct bridge, Track linking works and electrification for new full rake Railway siding at Gua ore mines-phase-lI, Jharkhand
RITES Limited, a Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, invites online e-tender for Earthwork in formation, Construction of Viaduct Bridge, Retaining Wall, Drains, Supply of PSC Sleepers, Supply of Ballast, P.Way Fittings(Excluding Procurement […]