Thiruvananthapuram-Kasaragod Semi HSR update: Tenders invited for Topographical survey of alignment between Koyilandy and Chalakunnu

The Kerala Rail Development Corporation Limited (KRDCL) has invited e-tenders to conduct Topographical survey of alignment between Koyilandy and Chalakunnu (from Ch 383/000 to CH 439/500) for a length of 49 km and approximately 25 hectare of adjacent land parcels identified by KRDCL by using Drone/ UAV Photogrammetric Technology and total station fo the Silver line (Semi High-Speed Rail) from Thiruvananthapuram to Kasaragod.

  • Tender No: KRDCL/69/2020
  • Estimated Cost: INR 17,65,280
  • Earnest Money Deposit: INR 35400
  • Completion of work: 45 days
  • Date of Pre- Bid Meeting: No pre bid meeting
  • Date of Tender opening: 19/08/2020
  • Tender Closing Date Time: 17/08/2020, 18:00 hr
  • Bidding Start Date: 31/07/2020 

Scope of services & objectives:

Scope of service includes topographical survey of alignment between Koyilandy and Chalakunnu (between CH 383/000 and CH 439/500) for a length of 49 km and approximately 25 hectare of adjacent land parcels identified by KRDCL by using drone/ UAV Photogrammetric technology, and by using Total station, in the locations covered by thick jungle / balcony for the Trivandrum to Kasaragod SilverLine Project as given below:


The survey and capturing of the data shall be done, compatible with the DGPS grid, already established by K-RAIL by conducting LIDAR/DGPS survey, shall be done in reference to primary control points of known (X,Y,Z) values, provided to the contractor by K-RAIL at the beginning, middle and end chainages of the Area of Interest (AOI)-With in a distance of 10km from the AOI.

In addition to the above, the following shall also be provided to the contractor

  • AOI in CAD/KMZ
  • Proposed centre line in CAD/KMZ

Mainly it will cover following corridor of SilverLine;

The Survey area is between Koyilondy and Chalakunnu from CH 383/000 and CH 439/500 as per scope of work and as directed by Engineer. The details of routes to be surveyed are given in Section-4 of this Tender document. Before submission of the bid, the Bidders are advised to visit the site on his own and get them appraised about the site conditions at their cost.

Topographical Survey:

Detailed topographical Survey shall be done to show all the visible details of ground using Drone / UAV Photogrammetric technology, Total Station along the corridor. 

The work will involve carrying out a detailed Topographic Survey along the alignment (not less than 100m wide or up to built-up lines showing all building details and other ground features whichever is more as per project requirement as instructed by Engineer of KRDCL).

Following activities will form the part of scope of work;

  • Establishment of Ground Control points on the basis x and y values provided by KRDCL at the beginning and ending locations along the survey area of Silver Line alignment for entire length of 49 km so that the topographical survey by Drone/ UAV and total station traverse can be done all along the corridor as per requirement of the project and as directed by engineer. Z value/coordinate shall be based on the BM/control point already established by KRDCL at site, and KRDCL shall provide a minimum of two such BM/control point with known Z value, with in a in a distance of 10km from the corridor/ AOI to be surveyed, to the contractor.
  • The contractor shall transfer the Z value from the BM/control point provided by KRDCL to establish the Ground control point in the corridor.
  • Data capturing by Drone/ Photogrammetry technology along the area of interest.
  • Pre-processing & Geo-tagging, Post – Processing of data to the required NSSDA accuracy standards and detailing as per scope of work.
  • The areas with high vegetation/ green/ dense trees areas, where the details are not possible to be taken by Drone accurately, detailing and collection of data will be done by Total Station to collect missing features to prepare and complete the topo survey maps along the alignment.
  • Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Digital Surface Mode (DSM) at 1 m grid intervals or as directed by engineer.
  • Orthophotos shall be generated with 5 cm GSD from the captured Aerial Images.
  • Preparation of 3D (X,Y,Z) Topographical survey drawing on AutoCAD for the route alignments as per project requirements in 1:1000 scale or as directed.
  • Preparation and Submission of Detailed Survey Report including the details of all crossing details covering scope of work as per direction from Engineer.
  • Connecting the existing Ground Control points installed during Aerial LiDAR survey and any check points identified by KRDCL on the proposed alignment while conducting validation check by using Total Station & Digital / Auto Levelling Instruments and reporting the X,Y and Z coordinates of those points to KRDCL in a separate sheet.

Website from which Tender Documents and any additional information can be downloaded

Source: KRDCL-Tender

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