Transit2022: Urban Mobility

As a developing nation, the New India vision is an image of the development that is taking place at a much faster pace than expected. The aspiring vision of rejuvenating the urban transport system includes bullet trains, dedicated freight corridors (DFC), MRTS networks within cities with Metrolite options for smaller cities and optimizing existing infrastructure for the Indian Railways through modernization.

Bricsa Consulting is gearing up to host the Transport 2022: Urban Mobility on 14th & 15th March at The Park in New Delhi

It’s a 2 day closed-door networking platform where we are bringing the Government representatives and Private sector companies under one roof. Some of the important topics of discussion would be:

  • Government policies and frameworks towards partnership with the private sector.
  • The 19 under construction metro projects and updates on the proposed lines.
  • The Indian railways identification of six new corridors for the high-speed or semi-high speed along with 4 new Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFC).
  • The Sagarmala Initiative: Developing the major ports in India.
  • The 3,373-km DFC, a flagship project of the Railways aiming to expand rail transport capacity.
  • Electric Mobility and the infrastructure requirements for the Indian passenger vehicle market.  

To be a part of this 2 day networking platform, register today!!

Transit2022: Urban Mobility

Venue: The Park in New Delhi
Date: 14th & 15th March, 2022
Show website:
For more information:

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