Ahmedabad Metro Update: GMRC invites tender for design and supply of NCMC EMV & Automatic Fare Collection system, phase-2

The Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) has invited sealed Bids from the eligible Bidders for Request for proposal for design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning, maintenance of NCMC EMV & QR code based Automatic Fare Collection System based on PPP revenue model for Ahmedabad metro rail phase-2.

  • Tender Reference No: GMRC/S&T/AFC-01/AHMEDABAD/PH-2/2022
  • Name of Work: Request for proposal for design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning, maintenance of NCMC EMV & QR code based Automatic Fare Collection System based on PPP revenue model for Ahmedabad metro rail phase-2.
  • EMD: INR 0.89 Crore
  • Completion period of Work: 18 Months
  • Document Download Start Date: 12th August, 2022
  • Document Download End Date: 27th September, 2022
  • Pre-Bid Meeting: 26th August, 2022
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 12th August, 2022
  • Bid Submission End Date: 27th September, 2022
  • Tender Opening Date: 27th September, 2022


  • The Project has two distinct corridors, with double track as under:
S.No Corridor Elevated (KM) Total (KM)
1 Corridor-1 Motera Stadium to Mahatma Mandir 22.838 22.838
2 Corridor-2 GNLU to GIFT City 5.416 5.416
Total 28.25 28.25
  • Corridor-1: Koteshwar Road, Vishwakarma College, Tapovan Circle, Narmada Canal, Koba Circle, Juna Koba, Koba Gaam,GNLU, Raysan, Randesan ,Dholakuva Station, Infocity Station, Sector 1, Sector 10 A, Sachivalaya, Akshardham, Juna Sachivalaya ,Sector16, Sector-24, Mahatma Mandir.
  • Corridor-2: PDPU, Gift City

Scope of Work:

  • GMRC Ltd., a Special Purpose Vehicle of the Government of India and Government of Gujarat, is implementing the Ahmedabad Metro Phase-2 Rail Project Phase-2. There are two corridors Motera Stadium to Mahatma Mandir Corridor of 22.838 Kms and GNLU to GIFT city Corridor of 5.416 Kms, comprising elevated stations and 01 Depots. GMRC envisaged implementing an open loop ticketing system for the Ahmedabad Metro phase-2.
  • To accelerate the said ticketing plan in a cost-effective and timely manner Ahmedabad Metro Phase-2 intends to implement the Smart Ticketing System which comprises the Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) solution and the EMV based contactless Smart Card & QR Code system.
  • The proposed business model envisages a consortium with the financial institution as the prime bidder. The consortium would be responsible for setting up the AFC solution along with the EMV based contactless smart card & QR Code system.
  • The AFC solution provider is the mandatory member of the consortium. In this model, the complete capital expenditure is offset by a Financial Institution led consortium. FI, which is the prime bidder can act as acquirer as well as issuer bank.


  • Prime bidder, as part of it technical proposal, is allowed to propose one entity for the role of AFC provider and the consortium should not comprise more than 4 members including prime bidder in the consortium subject to the following conditions:
  • Each of the entities proposed in the consortium shall meet the Eligibility criteria for the member as requested in the RFP and bid submission requirement including relevant bidding forms. Prime Bidder is required to include all relevant details of each entity as per the bidding forms provided in the RFP.
  • Prime bidder shall also attach Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) (original copy) or Letter of the intent (FORM TECH 2) as per ITB 3.1 signed with each member proposed in consortium, i.e. one MoU or Letter of the intent per member as per ITB 3.1 and prime bidder, which establishes:
    • The role of each consortium member executing scope of services and requirements of the RFP.
    • The formal declaration of proposed members consent on back-to-back arrangement for the RFP and ensuing contract with the Prime bidder and the Technical and Financial Proposal submitted by the Prime Bidder.
    • All members (FI & Other consortium members including AFC Provider) shall have Joint & Several liabilities for the proposed services.
  • GMRC shall evaluate each of the entities proposed in consortium members as per the eligibility criteria set out in this RFP.
  • Before the expiration of the period of bid validity, the Employer shall notify the successful Bidder, in writing, that its bid has been accepted. The notification letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms called the “Letter of Acceptance”) shall be issued to the successful bidder seeking the acceptance of LoA.
  • Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Limited also plans to extend its services to offer contactless smartcard-based ticketing systems to Ahmedabad metro parking services and other modes of transport, etc in Ahmedabad and can potentially extend to other transit agencies like cabs/autos also.
  • The AFC system could be extended to Private Bus operators based on their voluntary adoption of the proposed AFC system.

The complete documents can be downloaded from www.gujaratmetrorail.com/tenders/

Source: GMRC -Tender |  Image Credit (representational): GMRC

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