Chennai Metro invites bids for construction of Chennai Central Square

In a move to enhance infrastructure, Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has initiated a tender process for the engagement of a Project Management Consultant (PMC) for the Civil and MEP Works involved in the construction of Chennai Central Square.

Brief about Tender Submission:

Name of Work: Engagement of Project Management Consultant (PMC) for the Civil, MEP Works for Construction of Chennai Central Square.

Tender Reference Number CMRL/CON/CCS/PMC/2023
EMD (in Rs.) 13,00,000/-
Contract Period 36 Months
Document Download Start Date 19th Dec, 2023
Bid Submission Start Date 09th Feb, 2024
Bid Submission End Date 16th Feb, 2024
Pre-Bid Meeting Date 04th Jan, 2024
Bid Opening Date 17th Feb, 2024

Scope of Works:

Ensure Quality Assurance Procedures have been prepared, approve materials and sources of materials, review all concrete mix designs proposed by the contractor and approve/suggest modifications in the mix design, concrete placement methods, sampling and testing procedures and Quality Control measures to ensure the required standard and consistency in quality is achieved.

  • Ensure the contractor prepares and implements a suitable Operational Health Safety and Environmental plan.
  • Check the laboratory and field tests carried out by the contractor and carry out independent tests to verify the regular testing done by laboratory personnel.
  • Witness materials and equipment required to be tested before & after dispatch to site.
  • Review and approve contractor’s method statement.
  • Review and approve contractor’s submission such as Existing building survey, building assessment report including support measures etc.
  • Instruct special tests of materials & works and instruct removal & substitution of improper materials & works as required.
  • Monitor and check the day-to-day quality control.
  • Direct the contractor in all matters concerning construction safety and care of the works (including the erection of the temporary signs at roadworks) and if required, instruct the contractor to provide additional lights, guards, fencing and watchmen etc.
  • Direct the contractor to carry out all such works or to do such things as may be necessary in their opinion to avoid or reduce risk in any situation affecting the safety of life or of adjoining property.
  • Carry out regular safety audits at site to ensure adoption of safe construction practices by the contractor and to seek rectification of unsafe construction practices.
  • Direct the contractor to take all necessary steps to protect the environment affected by construction operations, whether on or off the site.
  • Supervise the works so that all the contractual requirements are met by the contractor, including those in relation to i) quality of the works, ii) safety and iii) protection of the environment.
  • Confirm that an accident prevention officer proposed by the contractor is duly assigned at the project site. Require the contractor to take appropriate remedies if any questions are recognized regarding the safety measures.
  • Certify progress and endorse payment claims by the contractors, in keeping with various contracts.
  • Review of Civil contractor documents

The following documents prepared by civil contractor shall be reviewed by PMC:

  • Design of Temporary works that are necessary for installation of permanent works.
  • Shop drawings
  • Method statements for all activities.

The other responsibilities of the PMC are broadly listed below:

Prepare, in consultation with the Client, a Construction Supervision Manual outlining routines and procedures to be applied in contract administration and construction supervision. Maintaining daily diary which shall record events pertaining to the construction safety and quality, including instructions given to the contractor or any other information which may at a later date be of assistance in resolving queries which may arise concerning execution of the works.

  • Prepare and issue monthly quality audit reports along with detailed quality control test statements in an approved format.
  • Provide technical assistance to the Client in the event of any arbitration and litigation that may arise with regards to the execution of the works.
  • Assist the Client in taking over each completed section, (in particular) by preparing lists of deficiencies which need to be corrected and assisting with monitoring of the performance of the outstanding works during the defect liability period.
  • Provide technical assistance to the Client in responding to any audit/technical enquiries that may arise with regards to the execution of the works.
  • Prepare revised estimates, if required.
  • Carry out any other duties relevant to the project agreed during the negotiations.
  • Review as built records of the contractor.

Supervision of construction contracts (Civil, Structural, Architectural, MEP, VAC, landscape & other associated works):

Visit the site of work, at intervals mutually agreed upon, to inspect and evaluate the Construction works and where necessary clarify any decision, offer interpretation of the drawings/ specifications, attend meetings to ensure that the project proceeds generally in accordance with the conditions of contract and keep the client informed and render advice on action, if required.

  • The PMC shall depute the staff provided on a full-time basis at site for the total period of construction.
  • The Employer shall mobilise or demobilise the key staff of the PMC, during construction phase, on the basis of actual project requirements to ensure that they are deployed only when needed and not otherwise.
  • The PMC shall nominate the Team Leader. He will interact with the Contractor and the Client and discharge all the delegated duties and responsibilities of the “Engineer”.

PMC shall check the quality of work as per approved drawings & QAP, all quality control/Assurance records and safety records, all material brought to site for execution and attend site meetings with the contractors and give site decisions for execution of work to the contractors in writing. Site personnel should be present at site during working hours, including holidays when work is in progress. The PMC shall make alternate arrangements for any leave/holiday of the Site personnel.

CVs for the PMC personnel shall be approved by the Client. The date of start of supervision activity will be the date of commencement of work for the construction contracts or the date from which the CV is approved whichever is earlier. Obtain employer’s approval for any material deviation in design, cost, working drawings, schedule, and specifications from the approval scheme.

Assist the client in obtaining service connections and NOC & occupying certificates from local authorities. Certifying additional cost and approving new rates for existing items of work, which arises from variation in quantities beyond the limits defined in the contract or for non-priced extra items of work. Proposed rates with detailed rate analysis should be submitted to CMRL for approval. (In consultation with the employer)

Issuing the instruction for special tests not provided for in the contract and approving the cost of such tests which shall be added to the contract price. (In consultation with the employer). Issuing or approving Technical Specifications, if not provided for an item of work.

Duties and Responsibilities of the PMC:

  • The duties of the PMC will be to properly supervise the works, approve the materials & workmanship of the works and facilitate the timely completion of the project.
  • The PMC will administer the construction contracts and will ensure that the contractual clauses, whether related to quality or quantities of work, are complied with.
  • The PMC shall have no authority to relieve the contractor of any of their duties or obligations under the contracts or to impose additional obligations not included in the contracts.
  • The duties of the PMC will also include the issue of decisions, certificates and instructions as specified in the construction contract documents.
  • Assist the contractor to prepare the As-Built Drawings by releasing soft/ hard copy of contract drawings and reviewing and commenting on the contractor’s draft submissions.
  • The PMC shall carry out the Services in accordance with best industry practices, in compliance with the provisions of the Agreement.
  • The PMC as a professional and experienced services, shall accept full responsibility for the correctness and technical merit of the services performed.
  • The PMC shall assist the Employer/ Employer’s representative in obtaining the necessary design and regulatory approvals from the appropriate authorities for the stations, depot, and any other associated joint developments.
  • The activity of Master Plan and its related works shall be done at one time.
  • The subsequent activities shall be taken up in phases as per the advice of CMRL based on priorities and requirements of the Institute and availability of funds.
  • The broad scope of services is classified in terms of activities.
  • All the incidental services related with pre-construction phase, construction and post construction phase including additional related details, approvals, completion/ occupancy certificates etc. shall be deemed to be included in the scope of services of PMC.
  • No extra payment shall be made for such incidental services.
  • Any approval of the drawings by the Client shall not hold the Client responsible for any lapses or mistakes and the PMC shall be totally responsible for the same.
  • Review Shop/ fabrication drawings and other drawings submitted by the contractor and be available for any clarification.


Average annual turnover in the last 3 years should be above 3.5 Crores.


The engagement of a PMC signifies CMRL’s commitment to ensuring the successful and timely completion of the Chennai Central Square project. With a focus on quality, safety, and regulatory compliance, this initiative is poised to contribute significantly to Chennai’s infrastructure development.

The complete documents can be downloaded from

Source: CMRL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): Chennai Metro