Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has invited digitally signed open e-tender through e-procurement portal for Design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Underfloor Wheel Lathe Machine (UFWL) at Poonamallee Depot and training of personnel.
- Tender Reference Number: CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/C4-DM101/2023
- Name of Work: Design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Underfloor Wheel Lathe Machine (UFWL) at Poonamallee Depot and training of personnel.
- EMD: INR 10.37 Lakh
- Duration of Contract: 410 + 730 (DNP) Days
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 31st May, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 30th June, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 24th June, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 30th June, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 01st July, 2023
Scope of Works:
- Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of fully automatic CNC Under Floor Wheel Lathe at Poonamallee Depot of CMRL phaseII. The supply shall include all equipment and accessories required to make the machine fully functional when connected to a power source. The Wheel Lathe shall comply with the configurations of Rolling Stock and Track profile.
- Electrical cables for connecting Power point to Control cabinet of machine shall be supplied by the Contractor as per the requirement.
- Wheel lathe shall be equipped with all hardware and software (attachments, programmes etc) required for machining/turning of all types of rolling stocks along with its installation, testing and commissioning etc.
- One (1) Laser Printer compatible with Industrial PC provided with the CNC Wheel Lathe shall be supplied for report printing.
- One calibration wheel set with relevant calibration certificate, with its axle and discs painted in yellow colour, shall be supplied by the Contractor along with the Wheel Lathe. The calibration wheel set shall be used for calibration as per recommended frequency mentioned by the manufacturer of the Wheel Lathe. A suitable cover to protect the calibration wheel set from all atmospheric adverse effects shall be supplied.
- Necessary coordination shall be made, and action taken for interlocking of the Battery Shunters (2 nos) with the Wheel Lathe operation.
- The Wheel Lathe shed shall be constructed by the Depot Civil Contractor. The Contractor shall plan the foundation designing in the shed constructed by Depot Civil Contractor. The shed dimension shall be 41m L x 11m W approximately.
- Back-up of the machine software (CNC programming) for re-profiling, along with a standby hard disc with complete machine standard software shall be provided along with the Wheel Lathe.
- Other scope of works including training, supply of tools, supply of spares, consumable, manuals, drawings, etc. as stipulated in the tender.
UFWL scope of work shall also include following machines:
- A suitable Air Compressor – 1 no
- Wheel Profile Measurement device (Hand-Held) – 1 set
- Instrument (Digital) to check Surface Finish(Ra) – 1no
- The Contractor shall supply above machines along with UFWL. Prices of above 3 items shall be deemed included in the UFWL price including DLP and CAMC services.
Design Requirements of Wheel Lathe:
- The Equipment shall be of proven design. Major structural elements of the Wheel Lathe, e.g., column, cross rail, tool slide etc. that are subjected to cutting loads, must be cast structural or of welded steel construction, duly stress relieved and shall be designed for at least 30-year design life of heavy-duty workshop use and shall be available without any limitation in day to day wheel re-profiling of the rolling stock without any vibrations during operation.
- Equipment that requires an electricity supply shall be compatible with the supply voltage of 415 V, 50 Hz, ± 10%, surge protection, low voltage protection to be included whenever necessary, 3-phase neutral. Any regulation or protection required shall be in the scope and the responsibility of the Contractor.
- Equipment shall incorporate means of adjustment in order to allow for building movement and concrete beam deflections.
- The Wheel Lathe shall be of robust construction capable of withstanding severe duty during its design life.
- The Wheel Lathe shall be built in rigid dual column construction with both columns connected by rigid cross rail.
- In case the bidders prefer to offer any other better construction method, it will have to be a proven technology which will have to be demonstrated with documents and test reports to the satisfaction of the technical offer.
- The Contractor shall certify that the steel structure and metal component used in the plant/machine will last for 30 years without any corrosion duly supported by quality test certificate during the design of the machine.
- The Wheel Lathe shall be equipped with four driving rollers, each capable of individual vertical movement to effectively take care of irregularities of unmachined wheel set.
- The Wheel Lathe shall be equipped with axle box support jack and hold down device both capable of operating through CNC pendant. Similarly, box type hardened and ground guideways matching with slide ways shall be used for tools slides to ensure durable and vibration free operation.
- The Wheel Lathe shall have the provision of manual override in re-profiling to generate the intermittent profile.
- The fully automatic CNC underfloor Wheel Lathe shall be capable of performing, even without the integration of the shunting Battery Shunter.
- The Wheel Lathe shall have a remote diagnostic feature to enable remote interaction with manufacturer/supplier end for rectification of faults. The Contractor shall provide all the Software and Hardware for remote diagnostic and provide hands-on training to CMRL’s staff to enable the same.
- The Contractor shall be responsible for provision of communication set-up to enable the supplier and the CMRL to interact remotely with the Wheel Lathe computer for rectification of faults. The Internet connection shall be in scope of equipment Contractor.
- The Wheel Lathe shall be designed such a way so that no chips arising from wheel profiling work shall fall out of the machine area and it should accumulate in the Chip Crusher chamber.
- The use of Wheel Lathe may not be restricted to Cars of Metro trains only and may be used for turning/re-profiling wheels of other rail vehicles also like Catenary Maintenance Vehicle, wagons etc. with gross load not more than 64 tons for which detailed parameters can be intimated during design stage if any.
- CAD drawings of wheel profiles of the different wheels shall be obtained from RS Contractor during the design phase.
- The Wheel Lathe shall be capable of re-profiling in situ & also in isolation, simultaneously at both wheels of an uncoupled wheel set, old work hardened and new wheels of all types of rolling stocks without the need of removing any components such as wheel sets, bogie brake gear, axle box covers etc.
- The Wheel Lathe shall be designed to ensure an effective and efficient work sequence. Single operator placed between the columns of the machine shall be able to control all the operation of the machine from the single centralised CNC operator pendant and shall have full and clear view of both the cutting points of both sides of rollers.
- Each work phase shall be reliable, durable and safe in operations.
- The machine shall be capable of Independent handling the input voltage fluctuation and harmonics without any additional equipment like Isolation transformer, Voltage stabiliser, active harmonic filter. Refer clause 2.4.2 for supply voltage details.
- The noise level of the machine during its operation shall not exceed 75 dBA when measured at a distance of one metre from the machine.
- Connected load of the unit shall be less than or equal to 90kva.
Operating requirements:
- The Wheel Lathe’s Computerised Numerical Control (CNC) system shall have the capability to store different wheel profiles.
- The Wheel Lathe shall be capable of machining the inside faces of the wheels in continuation of the profile turning of the wheel tread. In addition, it shall also be capable of re-profiling wheel sets removed from the rolling stock by means of suitable holding down devices.
- It should be possible to control the cut manually so as to achieve some intermediate profile. MMI (Man–Machine Interface) / HMI (Human Machine Interface) should enable you to determine the profile with cuts of different depths.
- The Wheel Lathe shall be able to calculate the required depth of cut after measuring the wheels parameter of a given axle.
- The Wheel Lathe shall have the intermittent profiles of variable flange thicknesses of different profiles with proper operational manuals for different profile cutting.
- Different vehicles of different weights/ axle load (within maximum specified) may have to be re-profiled. The Wheel Lathe should either automatically set different relevant parameters or the Contractor shall furnish detailed procedure for such adjustments and impart training to CMRL’s staff to do such adjustments.
Wheel Lathe Machining Capacity:
- The Wheel Lathe shall have the capacity to re-profile the four (4) wheel sets of a car in less than four (4) hours, excluding the time for setting up, from a fully worn profile to a completely new profile, considering removal of maximum of 8 mm (in 2 rough cuts) material radially (diameter reduction up to 16 mm) from the wheels.
- The total time of a single complete cycle required for a wheel set with normal worn wheels in one cut and heavy worn wheels in 2 (two ) cuts shall be optimised for efficient operation. Details of calculation of cycle time in order to complete the same within the target time shall be described and the same shall be demonstrated by the Contractor at his premises as part of the FAT and at site during the commissioning.
- The wheel set for demonstration of the machining capabilities shall be arranged by the Contractor.
- The Wheel Lathe should be designed for;
- Cutting Speed (infinitely variable) – 10 to 120 m/min
- Feed (infinitely variable) – 0.1 to 5.0 mm/rev
- Depth of cut(single) – Not less than 4mm (radially)
Average Annual Turnover:
- Minimum average annual turnover of INR 6.64 crores calculated as total certified payments received for Contracts in progress and/or completed, within the last Five (5) years divided by Five (5) years.
Work Experience:
- Experience in Under Floor Wheel Lathe contracts in the role of Prime contractor (Single entity or JV member(iv)) must have been satisfactorily and substantially(iii) completed between 1st January 2013 and the bid submission deadline for;
- At least 5 Under Floor Wheel Lathe must have been supplied and commissioned in Metro/Railways.
- Out of above 5 machines, at least 2 Underfloor Wheel Lathes must be working satisfactorily out of country of origin, or in India for 2 years after commissioning in Metro/Railways.
- Bidder shall submit Performance certificates (issued by the end user) for the same alongwith the offer.
The complete documents can be downloaded from
Source: CMRL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): CMRL
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