Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has invited digitally signed open e-tender through e-procurement portal for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of AFILS system.
- Tender Reference Number: CMRL/S&T/Tele/01/2023
- Name of Work: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of AFILS system.
- EMD: INR 17 Thousand
- Duration of Contract: 56 Days
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 03rd January, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 24th January, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 17th January, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 24th January, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 25th January, 2023
Scope of Work:
- The Contractor shall supply, install, test and commission AFILS System at mentioned Station.
- Audio-Frequency Induction-Loop Systems (AFILS) shall be installed for Public address (PA) System broadcasts in each of the following station areas:
- On each platform adjacent to the PIDS display.
- In the Ticket Hall adjacent to the PIDS display.
- The existing Public address (PA) System is of ATEIS Make with 100 Volt audio output.
The Induction Loop facilities shall include the following:
- Compliance to BS EN 60118-4 Magnetic Field Strength in Audio-Frequency Induction Loops for Hearing Aid Purposes.
- The Induction Loop facilities shall enable all PA broadcasts including Emergency and Non-Emergency, live and pre-recorded, to be heard by those with impaired hearing and who are equipped with suitable hearing aids, switched to ‘T’.
- A wall mounted Signage of Induction loop symbol of size 1 meter x 0.5 meter shall be installed in each location with a functional audio induction loop on the perimeter.
- The Induction Loop amplifiers shall be positioned for ease of maintenance and access.
- The Induction Loops at PIDS displays in the Ticket Hall and on platforms shall provide full coverage, in the listening plane for those standing and seated at one meter from the signage.
- It shall be positioned such that it allows passengers to listen to the PA announcements while reading the PIDS displays simultaneously.
- Necessary cable laying etc. needs to be done as per best practices, based on site requirement, for interfacing the AFILS field equipment under consideration with the already installed and functional PA System.
- Available cable trays are to be used to the maximum extent. In the area where cable trays are not available, suitable metal conduits (GI Pipes) are to be used.
- Any Civil works (Drilling/Chipping/Plastering) pertaining to the proposed works needs to be done and should be made good after installation of field equipment. After cable installation, the empty spaces in the sleeves, if any, made during installation process, are to be sealed with fire-resistant compound.
The design of the Induction Loop installation shall take account the following factors:
- Shall be wall mounted (10*4) or Ceiling mounted subject to any constraints on loop operation and propagation.
- Positioned to facilitate maintenance and avoid metalwork.
- The Contractor shall establish the most appropriate locations for the Induction Loops by reviewing the site layout and construction drawing
- Necessary safety measures need to be taken during installation. The installation activity is to be carried with Permit to work (PTW), mostly during non-revenue hours, without affecting the operations.
Testing & Commissioning:
- Testing & Commissioning of AFILS System should be performed after completion of the work and handed over along with approved acceptance procedure.
- During the two-year Defect Liability period (DLP), the AFILS System needs to be checked periodically every three months and rectified for any defects. Any failures on call must be rectified during the DLP free of cost.
For One AFILS System:
S. No. | Items | Quantity |
1 | Audio Amplifier | 1 |
2 | Induction Loop Cable | 50m |
3 | Cables (5 pair, 0.6 Sqmm) | 100m |
4 | Flexible hose | 20m |
5 | Casing, Capping, PVC Pipes & other suitable accessories | 1 set |
Names of Stations and Number of AFILS System to Install:
S. No. | Station | No. of AFILS System to be Installed |
1 | Airport | 6 |
2 | Meenambakkam | 6 |
3 | Nanganallur Road | 5 |
4 | Alandur | 10 |
5 | St. Thomas Mount | 5 |
6 | Guindy | 5 |
7 | Little Mount | 6 |
Total | 43 |
- Firms having completed similar works during the last 7 years ending the last day of the previous month.
- Similar work means experience in Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Public address (PA) & related systems and its installation activities in Metro Rail station premises, Airports, Building complexes or other similar locations.
- Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount of Rs. 6,00,000 or
- Two similar works costing not less than the amount Rs 8,00,000 or
- One similar work costing not less than the amount Rs 13,00,000
- Applicants should have annual turnover of the last three audited financial years as follows. The Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 financial years, should be at least Rs 5,00,000.
- Bidder has to produce attested audited balance sheet duly certified by chartered accountant etc. along with the tender offer. Bidder shall submit the details in the prescribed proforma in Annexure – 2.
About CMRL:
- The Chennai Metro is a rapid transit system serving the city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL), a joint venture between Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu, operates the Chennai Metro. It is the third longest metro system in India after Delhi Metro and Hyderabad metro.
- The Phase-I of Chennai Metro Rail project covers a length of 45.046 km network and consists of two corridors i.e. Corridor-I (Blue Line) – From Washermenpet to Airport (23.085 Km), Corridor -2(Green Line) – From Chennai Central to St. Thomas Mount (21.961 km).
- About 55% of the corridors in Phase-I are underground and the remaining elevated. Out of 32 nos of stations 13 nos are elevated stations and the remaining 19 nos are underground stations.
- Inter corridor interchange stations are available at Alandur (Elevated) station and Chennai Central (Underground) station respectively. The system commenced service in 2015 after partially opening the first phase of the project.
The complete documents can be downloaded from http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: CMRL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): CMRL
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