The Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has digitally signed open e-tender through through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) under Single Stage two Envelope with initial filter (Technical & Financial) system for the works as detailed below under loan disbursement of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
- Tender Reference Number: Phase-II/C-5-CP18B-ATW-12/2022
- Name of work: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Ballastless Track of Standard Gauge including all associated works in Underground, Elevated and Madhavaram Depot of Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase II Between CMBT to Madhavaram Milk Colony of Corridor 5.
- EMD Amount: INR 1.94 Crore
- Approximate Value of work: INR 194 Crores
- Duration of Contract: 1006 days + DLP 730 days
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 11-Jan-2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 04-Apr-2022
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 02-Feb-2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 27-Mar-2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 04-Apr-2022
- Bid Opening Date: 05-Apr-2022
Scope of Work:
- The Permanent and Temporary works shall comprise the Part Design, Procurement, supply, Construction and Testing and commissioning of Track work in Underground and Elevated portions including depot.
- The Contractor shall arrange his own mobile flash butt welding equipment which can be used within restricted areas, such as the elevated viaduct /tunnel sections.
- Design, Supply, transportation, handling, rehandling, stacking and installation of all track components and other materials defined in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and explained in the Explanatory notes for the BOQ in Section IV B – Pricing Schedule, duly complying with the applicable Indian/International standards, Technical specifications and elsewhere stated in the Employers Requirement.
- For supply items under the scope of work, (such as rails, turnouts, fastenings, buffer stops and other components) the Contractor shall submit the credentials of the proposed supplier for the approval of the Engineer before placing orders. Engineer shall have the discretion to decide and his decision will be final in this regard.
- The Track work Contractor at his own cost, land, men, materials and equipment establish and maintain the “Material storage yard” for handling, stacking and storage of all materials procured under this contract. Handling and storage of track components shall comply with the approved Methodology by the Engineer and as recommended by the Supplier.
- The Contractor shall establish and maintain a “Rail storage yard” as per RDSO drawing for stacking of 60 E1, 1080 HH rails at the locations nominated by the Engineer. (land will be provided by the Engineer/Employer). The Track work Contractor shall take over the 60E1, 1080 HH rails supplied by the CP19 Contractor in the trailer at the storage yard established by the Track work Contractor and he shall unbundle the rails in the trailer and neatly stack on the rail storage yard.
- The Track work Contractor shall establish and maintain watch and ward, proper accountal, safety and security arrangement including fencing for the Rail and Material storage yard during the entire project duration.
- Survey control and setting out at all stages of the Works. The Track work Contractor is fully responsible for the accuracy of the survey control and setting out at all stages of works. The Trackwork Contractor shall interface with the designated civil contractor for verification and validation of primary and secondary survey control point installed by the Civil works Contractor for the track works. Any additional control points required for the track work installation shall be installed by the Track work Contractor.
- The Track work Contractor shall prepare and submit Primary and Secondary survey control point verification and validation report for the approval of Engineer.
- Carryout as built taking over survey of deck slab/1 st stage concrete/Hydraulic bound layer with the Civil Contractor, verifying with the design alignment provided by the Engineer for laying of track plinth/track slab. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the notice of Engineer for his review and approval.
- Verification and validation of Alignment drawing, and typical Good for Construction drawings provided by the Engineer for the Construction feasibility and ensure the availability of Structure gauge clearance with the civil structures. Any deviations shall be brought to the notice of Engineer before commencing track work Installation. The Track work Contractor shall be responsible for arriving the exact height of track plinth/track slab to achieve the desired design rail level based on the as-built civil deck level.
- The track work Contractor shall prepare Site-specific Construction drawings/working drawings as per the format approved by the Engineer and installation of track works as per the design and drawings approved by the Engineer.
- The track work contractor shall carryout handling, transportation of track components from the storage yard to the site of installation, loading/unloading in elevated/underground/Depot section at the site of installation with his own men, material and equipment.
- Welding of rails into long welded panels, as per the approved weld plan including leading, pulling, shifting etc., with his own men and materials.
- Carrying out Ultrasonic Flaw detection for the welds with the Third-Party Agency approved by the Engineer.
- Carrying of rail painting, painting of rail welds.
- Linking the rails to the line and level with fastenings, assembly of points and crossings, fixing reinforcement in position, making provisions for cable crossings for various systems and drainage arrangements.
- The Track work Contractor shall install Ballastless track works complete in elevated, underground and depot sections as per the site-specific Construction/Working drawings and Method statements prepared by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer with Contractor’s men and materials.
- Construction shall comply with these Indian/International standards specified in this document and CMRL Track maintenance Manual unless instructed by Employer.
- The track work contractor shall interface with the respective civil and system contractor and get the required information for the design and installation of track works. Attention should be given in depot tracks where the depot minor machines, civil and system contractors interface is required.
- The depot track forms are:
- Embedded rail.
- Discreetly supported on steel pedestal.
- Track plinth for washable apron.
- Pit tracks with discrete rail supports on each side of the pit.
- Reinforced concrete track slab for depot lines.
- Reinforced Concrete Track slab for turnouts.
- Design, Supply and installation of approved Mass spring system between in tunnel and Box section for width and length as required and validation of installed MSS after installation.
- Depending on the required level of vibration attenuation for a classified area, the following types of vibration mitigation systems shall be advised by the Engineer.
- Continuous mat.
- Discrete bearing supports.
- With spring elements.
- With High resilient base plate system.
- With bi-block sleeper system..
- Carrying of destressing of rails.
- Interfacing with designated System and Civil contractors.
- The Track Structure for Metro Railway System shall be in accordance with Annexure C1 of Procedure for Safety Certification and Technical Clearances of Metro System Published in Dec 2015 with updated correction slips.
- The ballastless fastening system shall be in accordance with the Performance Criteria of fastening system as published in Procedure for Safety Certification and Technical Clearance of Metro System in Dec 2015 with updated correction slips..
- Preventive Rail grinding to remove the mill scale with the Contractor’s rail grinding machine.
- Design and installation of signs and markers for the entire track length under this contract including depot and installation of buffer stops at the appropriate locations approved by the Engineer.
- Integrated Testing and Commissioning of track works.
- Assisting Engineer in Commissioning of track works including RDSO oscillation trails and Inspection by Statutory authorities.
- Preparation and submission of as-built drawings for the approval of Engineer.
- Maintenance of installed track in elevated, Underground and depot sections during the defect liability period to the satisfaction of Engineer.
Website from which any additional information can be obtained:,
Source: CMRL-Tender | Image Credit (representational): HMRL
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