Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.(DMRC) has invited open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria, for the work of Non-Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of BMS system (Station Management System & Access Control System) at all stations including D-21 Depot Building, Tunnel Ventilation Building (TVB) and OCC of Airport Line for three years.
- Tender Reference Number: OEM-1117
- Name of Work: Non-Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of BMS system (Station Management System & Access Control System) at all stations including D-21 Depot Building, Tunnel Ventilation Building (TVB) and OCC of Airport Line for three years.
- Approximate Cost of work: INR 312.89 Lakh
- EMD: INR 1,04,298 Lakh
- Period Of Work: 03 Years
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 01st June, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 22nd June, 2022
- Tender Opening Date: 23rd June, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 16th June, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 22nd June, 2022
The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal, using valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the bidders in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP Portal.
- The Single tender for this contract will be considered only from Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) i.e. M/s Honeywell Automation India Limited for the performance of the whole contract, the tenderer who has been approved by competent authority.
- Tenderers shall not have a conflict of interest. All Tenderers found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. Tenderers shall be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding process, if:
- A tenderer has been engaged by the Employer to provide consulting services for the preparation related to procurement for on implementation of the project; or
- A tenderer is any associates/affiliates (inclusive of parent firms) mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) above; or
- A tenderer lends, or temporarily seconds its personnel to firms or organizations which are engaged in consulting services for the preparation related to procurement for an implementation of the project, if the personnel would be involved in any capacity on the same project.
- The payment of the tender cost is acceptable from any account. However, the tenderer shall submit such transaction details along with their tender submission on e-portal. If the same transaction reference number has been submitted for more than one bid. All such bids shall be considered ineligible and summarily rejected.
- DMRC/ any other Metro Organization (100% owned by Govt.) / Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs / Order of Ministry of Commerce, applicable for all Ministries must not have banned business with the tenderer (including any member in case of JV/consortium) as on the date of tender submission. The tenderer should submit undertaking to this effect in Appendix-5 of Form of Tender.
- Also no contract of the tenderer of the value more than 10% of NIT cost of work, executed either individually or in a JV/Consortium, should have been rescinded / terminated by DMRC/ any other Metro Organization (100% owned by Govt.) after award during last 03 year (from the last day of the previous month of tender submission) due to non-performance of the tenderer or any of JV/Consortium, members. The tenderer should submit undertaking to this effect in Appendix-5 of Form of Tender.
- Tenderer (including any member in case of JV/consortium) for the work awarded by DMRC / any other Metro Organization (100% owned by Govt.) must have been neither penalised with liquidated damages of 10% (or more) of the contract value due to delay nor imposed with penalty of 10% (or more) of the contract value due to any other reason in any Electrical engineering works of value more than 10% of NIT cost of work, during last three years. The tenderer should submit undertaking to this effect in the Appendix-5 (para-5) of Form of Tender.
- Tenderer (any member in case of JV/consortium) must not have suffered bankruptcy/ insolvency during the last 5 years (from the last day of the previous month of tender submission). The tenderer should submit undertaking to this effect in the Appendix-5 (para-6) of Form of Tender.
- The tenderer (each individual member separately in case of JV/Consortium) shall not have a total amount of dispute in their pending litigation more than Fifty percent (50%) of the tenderer’s net worth (each individual member separately in case of JV/Consortium).
- The tenderer (each individual member separately in case of JV/Consortium) shall be examined for all pending litigation from all contracts completed or all ongoing contracts.
- The tenderer (each individual member separately in case of JV/Consortium) shall provide detailed information of all such pending litigations in the prescribed proforma given in Appendix-16 of Form of Tender.
- The details of all pending litigation shall comprise of all pending arbitration cases and also all pending court cases irrespective of whether these litigations have been initiated by the tenderer against their employer/client or by the client/employer against the tenderer.
- The amount of disputes shall also comprise of all the claim amount and also all counter-claim amount in such arbitration/court cases.
Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website
Source: DMRC -Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC
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