Delhi Metro Update: Tender invited for installation of wind ties at various places on stations of Line-7

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC) has invited open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Installation of wind ties on roof sheet of platform, entry/exit structures, interchange gallery and concourse gallery on stations of Line-7.

  • Tender Reference Number: OCW-1384
  • Name of Work: Installation of wind ties on roof sheet of platform, entry/exit structures, interchange gallery and concourse gallery on stations of Line-7.
  • Approximate Cost of Work: INR 139.05 Lakh
  • EMD: INR 1,39,050/-
  • Completion Period: 01 Years
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 06th June, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 08th July, 2023
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 14th June, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 03rd July, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 08th July, 2023
  • Tender Opening Date: 10th July, 2023


  • The objective of the contract is the maintenance of DMRC structures to keep restore or  improve facilities and services to current acceptable standards and sustain utilities and value  of the facility by the contractor (including without limitation, the maintenance and removal of  the Temporary Works) and the rectification of defects appearing in Permanent structures in the manner and to the standards and within the time stipulated by the Contract.
  • In full recognition of this objective, and with full acceptance of the obligations, liabilities and risks which may be involved, the Contractor shall undertake the execution of the Works.

Scope of Works:

  • The contractor will execute the work i.e. “Installation of Wind ties on Roof sheet of Platform, Entry/Exit structures, Interchange gallery and concourse gallery on stations of Line-7”.
  • The work is to be carried out as per relevant Codes, Technical Specifications, CPWD Specifications, Material manufacturer’s specifications or as directed by the Engineer in-charge.
  • The above-mentioned work shall be carried out with contractor’s own material & labour as per the specification & drawing. The detailed drawing shall be prepared and submitted for  approval of the Engineer in-charge before carrying out the works.
  • The Brief scope of work is mentioned in DSR/BOQ and as per site requirement. The work under this contract shall consist of, but not limited to, all materials, labour, equipment’s, tools, plants and necessary machinery as required to completely execute the works are as under mentioned below.
  • The Contractor shall attend regular coordination meetings convened by the employer/engineer for interface and adhere to the decisions taken in the meeting.
  • The contractor shall prepare the detailed drawings as per the site conditions and submit the  same for approval of the Engineer in-charge.
  • The Contractor shall attend day to day complaints received from the petty repair book. The work shall be carried out during day/ night/ shadow power block hours. No extra payment  for work done at heights or during block hours shall be paid, except wherever specified in BOQ.
  • To provide manpower for routine day to day maintenance as per BOQ and as per site  requirement.
  • Provision of all necessary labour, maintenance equipment, instruments and appliances in  connection with all above mentioned work as specified or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge  or the representative of Engineer.
  • In case of major addition/alterations the drawings including details of structural drawings may be supplied by the agency.
  • Any other item of work as may be required, to be carried out as per CPWD Specifications, for completing the job in all respects in accordance with the provisions of contract and or to  ensure the structural stability and safety of the work during and after maintenance.
  • CPWD Specifications will be applicable for methodology of execution of work for all DSR items.
  • Clearing site after completion of work and handing over of all the works, as specified and  directed by the Engineer in charge.
  • Damage caused to properties of DMRC if any, during execution of above work shall be  rectified by the contractor at his cost failing which the cost of rectification shall be recovered at market cost of such items from the next R/A Bill / Final Bill of the work contract.
  • The work shall be carried out with all safety precautions. The contractor shall ensure all his  workers have Personal Protective Equipment (PPE‟s) at his cost (not to be charged to the worker) and ensure safety of site by providing Barricades for restricting movement of  public to work area.
  • The barricade arrangement shall be approved by the Engineer in charge keeping in view the overall circulating pattern of the staff/visitors.
  • The contractor shall plan & execute the work in such a way that the work proceeds smoothly  to the satisfaction of the engineer.
  • The Contractor shall attend regular coordination meetings convened by the employer/ engineer for interface and adhere to the decisions taken in the meeting.
  • Access will be provided to the staff of the contractor appointed by the employer for carrying out  their works and bringing materials and Equipment at site. However, the security of materials  and Equipment brought at the site will be the responsibility of the Contractor.
  • The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure safety of the staff, adjoining  structures, materials & equipment and the work in progress as per the directions of engineering-charge.

Care of the Works:

  • Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer all work shall be carried out in dry conditions.
  • The works, including materials for use in the works, shall be protected from damage due to water. Water on the Site and water entering the Site shall be promptly removed by temporary drainage or pumping systems or by other methods capable of keeping the Works free of water.
  • Silt and debris shall be removed by traps before the water is discharged and shall be disposed of at a location or locations to which the Engineer has given his consent.
  • The discharge points of the temporary systems shall be as per the consent of the Engineer. The Contractor shall make all arrangements with and obtain the necessary approval from the relevant authorities for discharging water to drains watercourses etc.
  • The relevant work shall not be commenced until the approved arrangements for disposal of the water have been implemented.
  • The methods used for keeping the Works free of water shall be such that settlement of, or damage to, new and existing structures do not occur.
  • Measures shall be taken to prevent flotation of new and existing structures.


Work Experience:

  • The tenderers will be qualified only if they have successfully completed or substantially completed similar works of which falling during the last five years ending last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission as given below:
    • At least one “similar work” of value of ₹111.24 lakh or more, or
    • At least two “similar works” each of value of ₹69.53 lakh or more, or
    • At least three “similar works” each of value of ₹55.62 lakh or more
  • Similar works for this contract shall be “Any work consisting of Fabrication and Erection of Steel structures”.
  • If the tenderer is a JV/Consortium having foreign partner(s) and above work(s) have been executed by the foreign partner of JV and the work(s) were done in the country of the foreign partner, then in addition to this the foreign partner must have executed works (which need not be similar in nature) of total put together of value ₹55.62 lakh or more outside the country of the foreign partner.

Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website

Source: DMRC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC

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