Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC) has invited open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Supply of 103000 sets (41500 Sets 04 Anchor System and 61500 Sets 02 Anchor System) fastening system for Mumbai Metro Line-6 Corridor.
- Tender Reference Number: MT-13
- Name of Work: Supply of 103000 sets (41500 Sets 04 Anchor System and 61500 Sets 02 Anchor System) fastening system for Mumbai Metro Line-6 Corridor.
- Approximate cost of Work: INR 36.21 Crores
- EMD: INR 25 Lakhs
- Completion Period: 18 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 26th June, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 14th August, 2023
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 04th July, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 02nd August, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 14th August, 2023
- Tender Opening Date: 16th August, 2023
- This is a MMRDA Non JICA funded work.
- This is a MMRDA funded work. As per the MOU signed between DMRC and MMRDA, this work is being executed by DMRC on deposit work basis wherein there is provision of Closure of Contracts and Taking Over which is reproduced as below, “Accordingly, Tenderer shall ensure due closure of this Contract for execution of works with DMRC.
- Tenderer shall ensure that all risks, rewards and claims associated with this contract are settled before closure of this contract. Tenderer to note above while submitting Tender with DMRC.
- However, if this closure is not possible within one year of Revenue Operation Date (ROD) due to arbitration etc, the further management of this contract will be handled by MMRDA.
The elevated/underground corridor consists of the following lines:
- Mumbai Metro Line 06 Corridor: Swami Samarth Nagar to Vikhroli.
- The Bid is invited for Supply of 1,03,000 sets (41,500 sets 04 anchor system and 61,500 sets 02 anchor system) fastening system for Mumbai Metro Line 6 Corridor.
- The fastening system for Ballastless track shall comply with performance criteria issued by Ministry of Railways vide their letter No.2009/Proj/MAS/9/2 dated 18.02.2015 (Appendix A of TS of this document) and approved by Ministry of Railways.
- The proposed fastening system must have satisfactory performance for minimum 3 years on established Metro Rail System or on Mainline.
- The tenderer shall submit the technical details and test reports to substantiate the compliance of performance criteria dated 18.02.2015 and submit details of approval of the Ministry of Railways along with the compliance of all observations of MOR, if any, while granting such approvals.
- The tenderer shall also comply with Section VI (Schedule of Requirements) of this document.
About Mumbai Metro Line 06 Corridor:
- Metro Line-6, in between Swami Samarth Nagar to Vikhroli (EEH) has been proposed to provide further inputs in the infrastructure of Greater Mumbai.
- Proposed Metro line is 15.31 Km in length & running from Swami Samarth Nagar to Vikhroli (EEH) passing through Jogeshwari, WEH, Powai.
- This line is fully elevated and it connects Western Express & Eastern Express Highways.
- It gives interchange facilities at Aadarsh Nagar of Line-2A,JVLR station of Line-7, Aaray Depot station of Line-3 and Gandhi Nagar of Line-4 at different locations.
- It has 13 stations & most of the alignment is passing on the median of Jogeshwari-Vikhroli link road.
- Similar to other Metro lines it has Integrated ticketing system, Lifts, escalators & staircase facilities in addition to improved footpaths with rams for differently disabled and senior citizens.
- From S.S. Nagar to Mahakali, out of 4.750Km(approx.), 2.58Km combined Road flyover with Metro line will also be constructed on the same single pier at road median, to provide an additional transport facility, in collaboration with MCGM.
- No major environmentally sensitive or archaeologically important areas are directly affected during the construction of this metro line.
- The main benefit is time saving for travelling between Andheri to EEH by 30-45 minutes.
Scope of Work:
Essential requirements of Proposed Fastening system:
- The Proposed Fastening System for ballastless track should comply with performance criteria issued by Ministry of Railways under Annexure C II of Procedure of safety certification & Technical clearance for Metro Systems, December 2015.
- The proposed Fastening System should have a Proven Track record. The fastening system should have satisfactory performance record of minimum three years in service in regular revenue operation on ballastless track on any two different established railway systems (except exclusive freight tracks) for a length of at least 5 km in each metro having speed potential of at least 80 kmph & design axle load 16T irrespective of wheel profile and rail section.
- Any deviation/Modification in Proposed fastening system against Para 4.6 of Performance criteria issued by Ministry of Railways under Annexure C II of Procedure of safety certification & Technical clearance for Metro Systems, December 2015 will be considerable only if, system with deviation/ modification is approved by Ministry of Railways and Modified system will have Proven Track record as mentioned in A(ii).
- In such a case an Assembly Test will be required to be done with the fresh samples and same to be witnessed by DMRC nominated Third Party Inspection agency/DMRC.
- MOR Approval for the Proposed Fastening system is Mandatory. Any system proposed under Para 1.2 of Annexure C2 of Procedure of safety certification & Technical clearance for Metro Systems, December 2015 will not be considerable.
- The tenderer shall submit the approval of Ministry of Railways along with the compliance of all observations of MOR, if any, while granting such approvals and also to submit the technical details and test reports to substantiate the compliance of performance criteria under Annexure C II of Procedure of safety certification & Technical clearance for Metro Systems issued on December 2015 by Ministry of Railways.
- The Technical Proposal to be submitted by tenderer, shall clearly demonstrate the understanding and comprehension of the supply, including Preliminary Scheme/drawings of Fastenings System.
Work Experience:
- The tenderers will be qualified only if they have successfully completed or substantially completed similar work(s), during last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission as given below:
- At least One “similar work” of value INR 28.97 Crores or more, or
- At least Two “similar work” of value INR 18.11 Crores or more, or
- At least Three “similar work” of value INR 14.48 Crores or more
Definition of similar work:
- Supply of 02/04 anchor fastening system for ballastless track conforming to Performance criteria issued by Ministry of Railways under Annexure C II of Procedure of safety certification & Technical clearance for Metro Systems, December 2015.
- If the tenderer is a JV/Consortium having foreign partner(s) and above work(s) have been executed by the foreign partner of JV and the work(s) were done in the country of the foreign partner, then in addition to this the foreign partner must have executed works (which need not to be similar in nature) of total put together of value INR 14.48 Crores or more outside the country of the foreign partner.
- Supplier must have supply credentials for the below mentioned quantities during last 10 years:
- A minimum of 2,50,000 (minimum 75,000 sets 04 anchor systems and minimum 1,75,000 sets 02 anchor systems) Sets of fastening Systems for Ballastless Track units of similar capacity have been sold.
- Supply credentials for successfully completed or substantially completed works shall be taken into consideration for meeting work experience criteria but supply completion certificate for the quantities will be mandatory.
- The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that it meets the following experience requirement(s):
- Supply completion certificate/ work experience certificate issued by purchaser/user department will be mandatory.
- Bidder shall furnish year wise and consignee wise details of supply during the last seven years ending the last day of the month previous to the month of Bid submission.
- The Bidder shall furnish the details of supplies made for the goods being procured in this contract. Details should include a performance certificate which should include purchase order details, name of purchaser, the railway projects/MRTS Project, where used/being used, the design speed and axle load of the section, quantity of Ballastless track fastening system supplied and period of supply.
- The details of address, contract person, fax/e-mail is also to be furnished. Details of supply chain units/manufacturing units/Vendor units who/has already supplied Ballastless track fastening system /Components successfully to user Railway Administration in the Past.
Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: DMRC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): MMRDA
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